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EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:国新办今日就《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》颁布实施两年来教育改革发展情况举行发布会。教育部部长袁贵仁提到,解决异地高考要有条件准入。首先家长要符合条件,学生还要符合条件。家长基本条件是在地方有稳定的工作、稳定的住所、稳定的收入,并且交了各种保险,尽管不是户籍人口,但是这个地方的常住人口。 New kingdom do today[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]Promulgation and implementation of the education reform and development in the past two years conditions hold conference.The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated mentioned,Solve different the university entrance exam to conditional access.First of all parents want to accord with conditions,The student must conform to the condition.Parents basic conditions are in place have a steady job/Stable residence/Stable income,And made all kinds of insurance,Although not the household register population,But the local permanent population.更多教育新闻>> More education news>> 教育部公布异地高考准入条件:父母需满足5项 中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要颁布实施两年来发展情况介绍 中国网 郭天虎 Long-term education reform and development plan outline promulgation and implementation of the development of China in the past two years introduced energon guo

  中国网9月6日讯 国新办今日就《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》颁布实施两年来教育改革发展情况举行发布会。教育部部长袁贵仁就“随迁子女在当地升学考试”答记者问时表示,“我们现在的态度是,积极推动落实国办转发文件,确保符合条件学生的合法权益,同时也要防止高考移民。我们正在指导和协调各地尽快出台工作的方案。”

China on September 6, - new countries do today[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]Promulgation and implementation of the education reform and development in the past two years conditions hold conference.The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated it"SuiQian children at a local school entrance examination"Reporters said,"We are now attitude is,Actively promote implement forward map file,Ensure that accords with a condition the lawful rights and interests of the students,At the same time also to prevent the college entrance examination immigration.We are all introduced to guide and coordinate the work as soon as possible solutions."


Yuan guiren indicated said,With the development of industrialization,Appeared migrant workers,At present up to 245 million.Their children is quite a part in to receive compulsory education,The obligation education students is nothing but two way,One is as parents go,Called SuiQian children,More than 2000;The second is the left-behind children to stay at home,More than 1000.


At present,Migrant workers SuiQian about 79.4% of the children in public schools,And 10% of government purchase in support of school of run by the local people,With about 3% is by migrant workers of their private school."Now say a primary solution to the children in the city SuiQian accept compulsory education problem.I said a preliminary solution,Because he is often the flow,This part of the solution,Another part to,So it is impossible to solve it,Now also have this question,To say policy is clear,Responsibility is clear."Yuan guiren indicated says.


Yuan guiren indicated emphasize,The question now is,In 2003 on the introduction of the file to allow SuiQian children in the compulsory school,Now, ten years have passed,When to receive compulsory education of the children started to take an examination of senior high school/Examination to university,This problem is an objective/Cannot get away from the real problem.


Yuan guiren indicated mentioned,In order to solve the problem,The ministry of education jointly with the relevant departments, after in-depth research,Drew up a file,In August 2012, 30,The general office of the state council forwarding the file,File is about migrant workers in SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local after in the entrance exam way.


This file has three:One is to actively solve.That is,To face the problem exists,To face up to solve the problem of the importance and urgency of the,Because it indeed part involves the interests of the group,To put it put on the top of their agenda,documents,All before the end of the year should publish a solution.The state council solve the obligation education file is to"Two is given priority to"principle,Specific how to solve,According to the circumstance around by to solve.To solve this problem is also the university entrance exam.


The second is to conditional access.First of all parents want to accord with conditions,The student must conform to the condition.家长基本条件是在地方有稳定的工作、稳定的住所、稳定的收入,并且交了各种保险,尽管不是户籍人口,但是这个地方的常住人口。学生本人条件是,有可能在这里学了小学、初中、高中,也可能只是高中才来,也可能高中三年都在这里,也有可能高中一年在这里,因此各地会根据实际情况,什么样的学生跟本地生是一样的。还有一个是城市条件,这个城市发展需不需要这个行业、这个群体,这个城市能发展到多大规模,要根据城市发展需要和承载能力,根据这三个条件,各地提出具体的解决办法。 Parents basic conditions are in place have a steady job/Stable residence/Stable income,And made all kinds of insurance,Although not the household register population,But the local permanent population.Student condition is,May be here to learn the primary school/Junior high school/High school,Also may be high school just come to,May also high school three years are all here,May also be high school a year here,So will all according to the actual situation,What kind of students and native is the same.And still another is urban conditions,The city development need the industry/This group,The city can develop to many large scale,According to the urban development needs and bearing capacity,According to the three conditions,All put forward a concrete solution.


The third is adjust measures to local conditions.Due to the different situation all over,The settlement of the SuiQian children at a local school entrance examination way are different,So requires all according to the specific condition defined the formulate specific measures/Put forward the concrete conditions.


Yuan guiren indicated emphasize,"The ministry of education are and how to implement the provincial consultation map forwarding this file.We are now attitude is,Actively promote the implementation of forwarding this file map,Ensure that accords with a condition the lawful rights and interests of the students,At the same time also to prevent the college entrance examination immigration.We are all introduced to guide and coordinate the work as soon as possible solutions,This is about the university entrance exam two questions."


中国今年教育投入将达2.2万亿 能实现4%目标 China education investment this year will reach to 2.2 trillion can realize 4% target

  中国网9月6日讯 教育部部长袁贵仁今日在国新办举行的新闻发布会上介绍《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》颁布实施两年来教育改革发展情况时表示,预计今年国家财政性教育经费将达到2.2万亿,比去年增加6000亿左右,4%目标能如期实现。

China on September 6, - yuan guiren indicated the minister of education today in new countries do a news conference is introduced[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]Promulgation and implementation of the education reform and development situation in the past two years, said,This year is expected to state financial education funds will reach 2.2 trillion,Increase over last year, about 600 billion,4% target can meet deadlines.


Yuan guiren indicated said,Each department each unit collaborative propulsion,Build the 11 education reform, development and experimental plot/And the local colleges and universities/63 universities directly under.


教育部长袁贵仁:九年义务教育已全面实现普及 Education minister yuan guiren indicated:Nine years of compulsory education has already been fully realize popularization


Yuan guiren indicated at the meeting that,Pays special attention to the compulsory education/Vocational education/Higher education three big key.We finished the two base crucial task,Comprehensively realizes the nine-year compulsory education and eliminate teenagers illiteracy target.Promote balanced development of compulsory education,Deepening the vocational education school system reform,Promoting the development of vocational education and industrial industry depth fusion.Accelerate the establishment of a modern vocational education system,Strengthen professional education appeal,Overall plan/System deployment,Improve the quality of higher education,Start implementing the higher school innovation ability promotion plan,That is, we referred to as the"2011 plan",To promote higher education modernization/Facing the world/The future.


袁贵仁:促进教育公平 提高贫困地区高考录取率 Yuan guiren indicated: to promote education fair improve poor areas rates the university entrance exam


Yuen minister put forward at the meeting was to pay more attention to the livelihood of the people,Vigorously promote education equity.Practical education narrow gap.Increase the rural areas weak school reform efforts.To encourage college students and teachers in the teaching to the countryside,By increasing the Midwest student enrollment/Directional recruit students in poor areas implementation measures,Improve the Midwest areas and poverty-stricken areas rates the university entrance exam.


袁贵仁:取消奥数作为入学条件 禁止与升学挂钩 Yuan guiren indicated:Cancel aoshu as admission requirement banned and bound hook


According to mathematical olympiad long-standing problem,The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated in response to a question said,The essential way to solve this problem is to realize education balanced development,Especially a few days before the state council has just issued a propulsion compulsory education balanced development opinions,The balanced development of the comprehensive deployment.


延伸阅读: readings:

  民声:异地高考获46%网民支持 京沪95%市民反对 praised:Different college entrance examination was 46% netizens support the beijing-shanghai 95% of people oppose


Internet users in the university entrance exam on foreign policy views are very bright,Most of the Internet users not to support this policy is against.Through the four gateway website net friend message analysis found,For different users of the university entrance exam against/Support sound almost in the balance of power,But into a post, Beijing and Shanghai will find it,Local people against the proportion of different college entrance examination are more than 95%,There is even Shanghai net friend set up against different college entrance examination signature special micro bo.[detailed]


困局:媒体称异地高考难在准入门槛 必须统一高考模式 this:Different media said the university entrance exam is the admittance threshold must be unified college entrance examination mode


To solve different problems the college entrance examination,Must be unified college entrance examination mode.The problem is different with the parents of the university entrance exam mainlanders whether students into the local high school study and life.If all the university entrance exam mode not unified,They cannot be in different places in high school.And now all over the country the university entrance exam mode each are not identical,In addition to jiangsu mode,and"3 + 2"way/"3 + X"Mode and/"3 + wen(reason)harness", etc,Because the university entrance exam mode difference is very big,All the provinces and high school teaching mode and students to use the teaching materials is not the same,This has brought the difficulty to the university entrance exam to different places.[detailed]


地方:上海"异地高考"采用积分制 考虑职业和年限 place:Shanghai"Different college entrance examination"The JiFenZhi consider professional and fixed number of year


The national"Different college entrance examination"Scheme will come before the end of the year,The big cities including Shanghai corresponding scheme concern.The municipal government held a news conference yesterday revealed,Shanghai scheme will use JiFenZhi,Comprehensive consideration of the migrant workers who work in Shanghai professional situation with its SuiQian children attend fixed number of year.[detailed] 
