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英国高校纷纷启动中国学生奖学金 吸引研究人才--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


December 9, according to the British[HuaWen weekly]news,In recent years,British universities have skyrocketing tuition fees/The influence of the double pressure funding cuts,Universities have to strongly through the raise scholarship amount and quantity,In an effort to attract the best students.a,King's college London/Bournemouth university, UK university scholarship support increased significantly,Some of these scholarships are designated specifically for Chinese students keep,Or for China and related research offer scholarships,Is now at 2013 graduate students apply for peak season,Reporter hope through the report scholarships are offered situation,To apply for scholarship for British university Chinese students provide guidelines.


According to the general scholars generally care about scholarship hot topics,The reporter interviewed a few British universities and colleges and scholarships provide organization,Understand they provide the original intention of scholarship?What are the requirements of the scholarship?Details such as.


启动奖学金计划 Start scholarship program


综合考核学生能力 Comprehensive assessment of students' ability


In accepting[HuaWen weekly]interview,Bournemouth university graduate school dean/Low temperature biologists zhang sweet professor says,This year the university launched a comprehensive for six years"One hundred people doctor scholarship program".


According to professor zhang said,The plan of the year for 100 a doctor to provide scholarship,The fifty is a full scholarship,Including tuition/Cost of living and project and international academic communication and other funds;Another fifty is a free scholarship.University hope that through the six years of strategic key project,Promote the school research work,Increase the proportion of the school PhD.


Not only the bournemouth university to provide the full scholarship for international students and scholarship,Queen Mary college, university of London from initiated in 2011 to the international student scholarship program.School students pay the full cost of the whole study period,More efforts.


According to queen Mary college admissions officers in east Asia FengRe water teacher said,Students apply for scholarship when Dr,In addition to submit 6.5 points or more ielts scores and degree certificate of the application materials,Pass the interview the important link,Von teacher said,Generally speaking is to encourage have relevant professional background for master students,But if the extremely individual of the very best of undergraduate students,The school is also very welcome."Last year, school of computer and electronic college have this kind of case."


Bournemouth university professor zhang also told[HuaWen weekly]said,Can apply for a scholarship,Depends on the students' comprehensive quality and conditions."For non-native English speakers,Need ielts scores of 6.5 points,Good bachelor degree,Graduate degree help more,Have working experience more beneficial to research,Hard conditions outside,Also see ability, etc.The school has a review process,See students,Degree, etc,Even phone or one-on-one interviews,Comprehensive evaluation."


Outside the,British research institutions also offer scholarships for outstanding research talents.

  英国社会科学院新闻和公关部经理凯特·罗斯尔·弗罗斯特(Kate Rosser Frost)向《华闻周刊》介绍,英国社会科学院、英国皇家工程院和皇家学会在2009年启动的牛顿国际研究基金项目,覆盖广泛的学科领域,包括自然科学、社会科学、工程学与人文科学。这个项目旨在吸引世界上最优秀的博士后研究人员到英国从事研究工作。

British academy of social sciences press and pr manager Kate Ross's · frost(Kate Rosser Frost)to[HuaWen weekly]introduce,British academy of social sciences/The Royal Academy of engineering and the royal society in 2009 launched Newton international research fund project,Covering a wide range of subject areas,Including natural science/Social science/Engineering and the humanities.This project aims to attract the world's best postdoctoral researchers engaged in research work to England.


专设中国留学生奖学金 AD hoc Chinese students scholarship


吸引中国研究性质人才 Attract China property talent

  作为世界知名学府的剑桥大学,每年大约有200名非欧盟学生获得剑桥大学全额奖学金。根据剑桥大学基金会(Cambridge Commonwealth Trust & Cambridge Overseas Trust)总裁迈克·沙利文先生(Michael O'Sullivan)向《华闻周刊》介绍,竞争最激烈的当属如下两种奖学金:Gates奖学金和剑桥国际奖学金。

As the world famous universities at the university of Cambridge,Each year about 200 non-eu students get full scholarship at Cambridge university.According to the university of Cambridge foundation(Cambridge Commonwealth Trust & Cambridge Overseas Trust)Mr. President mike Sullivan(Michael O 'Sullivan)to[HuaWen weekly]introduce,The most competitive should belong to the two kinds of scholarship:Gates scholarship and Cambridge international scholarship.


In addition,Cambridge university and some other scholarship program,Special offer for students from China,Such as:CSC on Cambridge international scholarship;Sun hung kai followings Cambridge scholarship;Agricultural bank of China Cambridge scholarship this three full scholarship,Every year thirty thousand pounds the scholarship,Tuition and living expenses are not students pay their own.


As for why specifically for Chinese students to provide scholarship,Mr Sullivan honestly:"In the 21st century of Cambridge university,If there is no understanding of Chinese students,If there is no and Chinese academic cooperation,It is hard to imagine."


Queen Mary college, university of London have set up specifically for the Chinese students scholarship program,This is a study by the national fund management committee and the queen Mary college London university jointly established joint scholarship program.FengRe water to the teacher[HuaWen weekly]Introduction to the,The project was launched in 2007,In order to queen Mary college, university of London a doctorate Chinese students to provide financial support,The average down four years about seventy thousand to eighty thousand pounds.Von teacher said,After five years after the change,Has more than 200 students,Shows the level of support is more and more big.

  同为在中国学生眼中拥有较高声誉的伦敦大学国王学院,近日因潘迪生法学院设立了80个名额且15个保留给中国香港和内地学生的潘迪生奖学金计划而备受关注。伦敦大学国王学院国际公关经理凯瑟琳·巴恩斯(Katherine Barnes)在接受《华闻周刊》采访时表示,奖学金是由香港慈善家潘迪生捐助的,希望吸引到最优秀的中国香港和内地学生。   此外,国王学院还提供许多其它的奖学金计划,专门针对攻读博士学位的中国学生,是国王学院和国家留学基金管理委员会(China Scholarship Council)合作的奖学金项目。另外,还有研究生学院提供面向所有国际留学生的奖学金项目。

As students in China have high reputation in the eyes of the king's college London,Recently because of PanDi body college has set up 80 places and 15 reserved for China's Hong Kong and the mainland students' PanDiSheng scholarship program and concern.King's college London international public relations manager Catherine Barnes(Katherine Barnes)In accepting[HuaWen weekly]Interviews that,The scholarship is by the Hong Kong PanDiSheng philanthropist donated,Hope to attract the best Chinese Hong Kong and the mainland students. In addition,King's college also offers many other scholarship program,Specific to the Ph.D. Degree of Chinese students,Is king's college and the national study fund management committee(China Scholarship Council)Cooperative scholarship program.In addition,Graduate school and to provide for all international students scholarship program.


英国导师青睐中国学生 British teacher favour Chinese students

  构架中英学术领域合作 Frame in English academic cooperation


British universities have enabled is specially designed for Chinese students scholarship program,Frequency to offer an olive branch.British colleges and universities could be used to attract outstanding Chinese professionals,Chinese students also deep profit.


King's college London biomedical and health academy of sciences nano medical course instructors are good for a doctor[HuaWen weekly]said,"The scholarship can motivate students to study harder,Get a better professional achievement."


FengRe water teacher also said,Like the queen Mary college this research-based university,Set up scholarship program,Want to attract and support the outstanding Chinese students,To improve the research level of the whole school.Von teacher explained,Research work as a school major development plan,Depends on the research of the students' quality and quantity,Chinese students in the Chinese traditional education environment,The basis of science is solid,This to do fundamental research institute of technology for research type is not allow to ignore.In addition,Chinese students more hardship,Spirit strong.

  谈及奖学金项目如何构筑中英两国教育交流的桥梁时,冯老师意味深长地说:“让中国学生了解整个英国的高教系统,对英国整个研究机构有一个体验,回国后能够把英国优秀的教育方面发扬出去,也可作为两个国家文化发展的桥梁,帮助学校和国内的很多高校建立了合作。希望学生毕业之后成为建交大使,多方面地交流和发展。”(本报记者 李佳南)

About scholarship program how to establish the UK education communication bridge,Von teacher meaningfully said:"Let Chinese students understand the British higher education system,In Britain the whole research institutions have a experience,After returning home to the British excellent education aspects carry forward out,Also can be used as the two countries culture development of the bridge,Help the school and the domestic many universities set up cooperation.Hope the students after graduation as ambassador to establishment of diplomatic relations,Many communication and development."(Our reporter LiJiaNa)
