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76.5%受访者直言身边有很多过度干涉子女的父母 漫画:朱慧卿 comic:ZhuHuiQing

  26岁的小王是家中的独子,从小到大,父母在兴趣、工作、生活方式上对他管束颇多。 “父母总是藐视我作出的任何成绩和决定。认为只有听他们的,才能走上正确的道路。”不久前,他把在外地的女友接到了身边,父母的严厉管束和种种否定,让他感到在女友面前大失颜面,最终他和父母爆发了一场激烈争吵,至今关系也没缓和过来。

26-year-old wang is the only son of home,size,Parents are interested in/work/On the way of life to his bundle quite a lot. "Parents always despised me make any achievement and decision.Think only listen to them,Can on the right path."Not long ago,He put in the field of girlfriend got side,Parents' strict bundle and a variety of negative,Let him feel lost face in front of his girlfriend,Finally he and parents a fierce quarrel broke out,So far no relationship to ease.


In the growth of the children in the process,Parents pay the difficult to count of hard work.But there are also a lot of people feel,Some parents to habit of all children,Excessive interference in the child's life,Let the children not free.recently,The China youth daily social survey center through the Chinese yahoo China and public opinion,Of 3328 people of a survey,76.5% said side excessive interference children parents a lot,90.2% of the people feel parents this approach will give children a lot of pressure.respondents,After 70 29.7%,After 80 41.1%,After 90 6.5%.


父母最容易在哪些方面干涉子女 Parents in what ways the most easy to interfere with their children


In the investigation,76.5% said side excessive interference children more than their parents,32.4% of the people think"Very much".


"Parents' some interference is not reasonable,But if their disobedience,Fall a‘unfilial’charges."This year just graduated from the university of LiKe,Once in the employment and the divergence parents."That time almost every quarrel,Parents all day long spoken parts in an opera kept me twenty years,I will collapse."LiKe said,In order to quell the"war",She finally gave up the yearning already a long time of work,Obey their parents intend to take an examination of civil servants.


Parents in what ways the most easy to interfere with their children?In the investigation,Row at the top of the"Love marriage"(78.2%),The second is"Looking for a job and career development direction"(60.2%).Followed by other:The choice of schools(59.3%)/Choose professional(54.1%)/Basic necessities of daily life(42.5%)/Train the next generation(37.7%)etc.


Ms zhao is a 14 years old the child's mother.Just like many parents,She will take care of child lives,"Daily to give her laundry cooking,Accompany her homework/Class on,See her in a bad mood immediately find her speaking.My daughter is always complain about interfering with her personal freedom."Zhao woman confused:Care about their growth and learning is the responsibility of parents,How to become interference?

  “在‘父母是否过度干涉子女’的问题上,子女和父母的感受是不一样的。” 复旦大学心理学系副教授吴国宏说,“父母在孩子不需要的方面给予了过多的爱护或设定了过多的规则,或者在错误的时间错误地设定与其发展不相符合的规则,就会成为子女的压力,孩子就会感觉父母‘过度干涉’了自己的生活。”

"in‘Whether or not the parents excessive interference in children’On the question of,Children and parents feel is not the same." Fudan university associate professor, department of psychology WuGuoHong said,"Parents in the children don't need to give too much in love or setting too many rules,Or at the wrong time wrong to set and its development can not accord with the rule,Will become a children's pressure,The child will feel their parents‘Excessive interference’Her own life."


是什么导致父母过度干涉子女 What causes parents excessive interference children


Parents excessive interference children of what be the reason?In the investigation,59.3% of the people think that is due"used"And the influence of traditional concepts;57.7% of the people think that parents didn't realize that the child's personality dignity and independence;55.4% of the people pointed out that some parents lack a sense of accomplishment itself,His hope in children.


WuGuoHong think,Parents excessive interference in the children living there are four reasons:The first,The parents grow social background and family background have limitations,Lead to them from their experience and expectations on children education,Children don't know the real needs and interests;The second,Parents from the economic and material support to their children,It's easy to assume that he has the right to control all the children;The third,The only child in the family,Parents' full attention and hope to focus on a child;The fourth,In the period of social transformation,The pressure increase intensifies the parents' anxiety and insecurity,Lead to the parents and children are mandatory protection.


"Parents are too believe my wisdom and ability,And ignore the child's potential."Education scholars pointed out that y. h. Lin,Such an attitude of parents easily recognized according to oneself the rhythm and style,Forced to children irrigation"knowledge"/Rules on,Don't respect it long natural laws,Cause the child won't independent thinking and action."When such children need in the face of the complicated social life,Parents can't even‘Rest assured’,Then continue‘arranged’Their life."


“父母应该引导孩子完成社会化的过程,而不是代替孩子去经营他们的人生” "Parents should guide their children completed the process of socialization,And not to replace children to manage their life"


"Parents send their children as treasured flesh and blood,Pay so much,But eventually bring their bored."Ms zhao said,Looking at her with my distance more and more far,She felt lost and injustice.


In the investigation,71.9% of the people think that parents excessive interference in children,Will cause the child to produce negative mentality;64.6% of the people think that may let the child to form inferiority/cowardice/No will of her own personality;64.2% of the people think that can lead to children under stress,Affect the physical and mental health;53.8% of the people think that may cause children to not suitable for own life path.


How to set up benign parentage?In the investigation,76.6% of the people suggest parents respect the child's individual character and interest,Only do the necessary guidance and advice;63.4% of the people suggest parents give up their control to,Pay attention to explore scientific education method and way to get along with;59.4% of the people think that children will understand parents' mood,More communication with their parents.


"Education is the premise of the child life potential play."Y. h. Lin think,First of all,Parents should be aware of their own knowledge and ability of the limited,Do an observer,Holding the learning state of mind to understand children,With their children grow up together;then,Parents will stop"arranged"practice,Do a collaborator,The right to explore returned to the children,When they need to encourage and understand.


"Parents should guide their children completed the process of socialization,And not to replace children to manage their life."WuGuoHong think,Parents should in the personality on the basis of equality communication with your children,Pay attention to cultivate children's sense of responsibility and social skills."This will let the child more willing to communicate with their parents,Close relations between the two sides,At the same time also can improve the child as a society people's consciousness."


He reminded,Children should also try to understand their parents."Parents are not born educator,Children and parents need to give each other to grow time."(book)


(Source: China youth daily)
