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莫言上台领取2012年诺贝尔文学奖 微笑鞠躬致意--亲稳网络舆情监测室


December 11, Beijing time today morning,The 2012 Nobel Prize award ceremony was held in Stockholm, Sweden.0 point 16 points make,Chinese writer, mo yan official gotten this year's Nobel Prize for literature.

Mo yan to Sweden to receive the Nobel Prize for literature? ?? ?[相关]中国作家莫言在瑞典领取.. |  中国作家莫言获颁201.. [related] Chinese writer, mo yan in Sweden get.. |  Chinese writer, mo yan was awarded the 201..


衣着:黑色燕尾服 dress:A black dress coat


First of all,Stockholm, Sweden, the royal philharmonic orchestra played the national anthem, the royal Swedish[The king's song].then,In the music of Mozart's D major,Chinese writer, mo yan and other winners together,Dressed in a black dress coat into the meeting.


after,About mo yan"Accept what to wear"The once controversial.But in the live video, we can see,All the winners were dressed in a black dress coat.Sitting in mo yan side medicine winner/Japanese scholars in the mountains stretch and no wearing national costumes kimono,And also choose the solemnity of the tail.


Mo yan look into peace,Dress in pure white shirt inside,A pure white tie.


then,The Nobel foundation board chairman marcus · stowe equine speeches,The platform with dark blue carpet,The Nobel Prize is behind the statue,The wall is decorated with many flowers.The solemn atmosphere,All the guests are all dressed in western festival or national dress to attend.


鞠躬致谢 家人见证 Bowed families to witness


Beijing time zero point 16 points make,Members of the faculty of arts by Swedish writer/Gas characteristic's speech.Mo yan's west, in this address said,he"Tear down stylized posters,From the vast unknown public personal stand out clearly."Mo yan about the introduction of the word to his[frog]and[Abundant breast fat buttock]Works such as.Speech process,Mo yan DuQinLan wife and daughter tube smile appeared in many times in the lens,They also witness the mo yan of the finest hour.


Mr West, announced after speech,This year's Nobel Prize for literature by Chinese writers for mo yan.then,Dressed in a black dress coat on mo yan,From the Swedish king Carl xvi gustaf hand received the Nobel Prize certificate/Medal and bonus check.Mo yan and the king after shaking hands thank you smile,And in all directions a bow,The audience broke into warm applause.


Mo yan after the,Located on the second floor of the band began to play Karl Nielsen's Aladdin suite fourth song[Chinese dance].


Beijing time zero point 45 points make,The whole ceremony ended.Mo yan and other winners together,Shake hands with the guests one by one,Accept congratulations on.Then they will travel to Stockholm city hall,To the grand Nobel Prize banquet.


The party will be in Beijing time at 2 PM.the,Mo yan will be in dinner on short message.


According to reports from,The Nobel Prize foundation officials say,The dinner was"The world's largest dinner party".The meeting will use 7000 pieces of China/10000 pieces of silver and 5400 glass.Because the space is too tight,They were forced to guest request"Don't go to toilet,Lest corridor jam".


诺贝尔奖官方网站上公布的颁奖典礼计划时间表 The Nobel Prize official website announced the prize presentation ceremony of the schedule


Began to

  23:30 奏瑞典皇家国歌《国王之歌》

1 the royal Swedish national anthem played[The king's song]

  23:32 莫扎特D大调进行曲

Fill up, Mozart D major march


The winners seat

  23:37 诺贝尔基金会董事会主席马库斯·斯托屈讲话

Them the Nobel foundation board chairman marcus · stowe equine speech

  23:50 波兰舞曲:改编自柴可夫斯基的《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》

23:50 polish dance:Adapted from Tchaikovsky's[Eugene onegin,]

  23:55 由诺贝尔委员会比约恩琼森教授颁发2012年诺贝尔物理学奖,获得者塞尔日阿罗什教授和戴维瓦恩兰博士

Now by the Nobel committee Vance professor Johnson awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for physics,Winner SaiErRi our assorted professors and David tile grace Dr LAN

  00:00 由诺贝尔委员会莎拉林斯教授颁发2012年诺贝尔化学奖,获得者罗伯特莱福特霍维茨和布莱恩克比尔卡教授

Prefer by the Nobel committee Sarah LinSi issued by professor in 2012 Nobel Prize for chemistry,Winner Robert lai ford hovey, and Brian g professor bill card

  00:05 管弦乐演奏:乔治格什温的《第一前奏曲》

00:05 orchestral music playing:George Gershwin's[The first prelude]

  00:07 由诺贝尔委员会成员托马斯皮里曼教授2012年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,获得者约翰格登博士和山中伸弥教授

00:07 by the Nobel committee member Thomas lining mann professor 2012 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine,Dr Gordon medalist John in the mountains, and stretch and professor

  00:12 埃米尔乔纳森独奏:焦阿基诺·罗西尼的《单簧管的引子、主题与变奏》

00:12 emil Jonathan solo:Gioacchino rossini, of[Clarinet of primers/Theme with variation]

  00:16 由瑞典文学院成员作家瓦斯特伯格颁发2012年诺贝尔文学奖给莫言

Members of the college of liberal arts 00:16 by Swedish writer's west, awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature to mo yan

  00:21 演奏卡尔。尼尔森阿拉丁组曲第四曲《中国舞曲》

00:21 playing Carl.Nelson Aladdin suite fourth song[Chinese dance]

  00:25 由诺贝尔委员会成员托斯顿佩尔森颁发2012年纪念阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔瑞典银行经济学奖,获得者埃尔文罗斯教授和罗伊德沙普利教授

00:25 by the Nobel committee's torres issued 2012 USES of Alfred Nobel economics prize bank of Sweden,Winner Irwin rose professors and Lloyd and sharpe the professor

  00:32 奏瑞典国歌《古老而自由的北国》

00:32 strike the Swedish national anthem[Old and free northland]

  00:32 嘉宾立场音乐为《示巴女王进行曲》:选段来自瑞典作曲家雨果阿尔芬的芭蕾舞组曲《浪子》

00:32 guest position for music[Sheba march]:Selections from Sweden composer Hugo alfven ballet suite[prodigal]

  00:40 授奖仪式结束

00:40 award ceremony


Music playing:Stockholm, Sweden, the royal philharmonic orchestra


Solo performance:Emil Jonathan


command:Daniel brand husband
