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19岁学生冒充警察征婚 同时与10名女子交往骗钱--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Until that moment into jail,At the age of 19 xiaohua just understand,when"The police"Is not fun.He had not worship the police,But oneself be disappointing,I failed is the police,Lunch on the"slanting"The police,As to marriage proposal,At the same time and more than ten woman contacts,Also taken their 30000 multivariate money.


yesterday,Report the case to the public security sub-bureau jinjiang,Wah on suspicion of fraud and theft is XingJu.

  冒充警察骗钱 出狱后重操旧业小华来自四川西充,从小就崇拜警察,希望有一天能成为其中一员,“警察好威风哦,女娃娃都喜欢。”小华曾对办案民警这样说。由于学习成绩不好,考不上警校,小华只能到四川一家烹饪学校就读。

Posing as police officers cheat money again after prison xiaohua XiChong from sichuan province,Since the childhood worship the police,Hope one day to be able to be a part of,"The police good prestige oh,Female doll like."Xiaohua has to handle a case police say so.Due to the bad grades,I failed police,Wah can only to sichuan a cooking school.

  去年11月,他在南充冒充警察,骗了一个网站负责人5000元的游戏币,不过他很快被识破,被判刑半年。刚出狱不久,他又重操旧业,而这次他选择征婚骗钱。征婚条件优越 数名女子看花眼“28岁,男,市公安局某科室副科长、一级警司,月薪1至2万元,有车有房……”今年10月,小华在很多婚恋网站上注册登记了这则婚恋信息。如此亮眼的条件,赢得了不少女子的青睐。小华在与她们交往时,会把用电脑拼接伪造的警官证、,主动发给对方看,以示真实。

Last November,He pretend to be in the police,Lied to a web site person in charge 5000 yuan game currency,But he was soon see through,Was sentenced to six months.Just out of prison soon,He again,This time he chose marriage proposal cheat money.The marriage condition is superior number woman see presbyopia"And years,male,The municipal public security bureau a department deputy chief/The police level,1 to 20000 yuan a month,Car has the room..."In October this year,Xiao hua in many marriage registration on the website of the marriage is information.So bright eye conditions,To win the favour of a lot of women.Xiao hua in and they contact,Will the computer splicing forgery police id card/,The initiative to see each other,To show true.


"Usually chat online first,Then phone chat,If you can meet again."Xiaohua says,Most of the time,He also and 10 woman keep communication.And xiaohua"Romantic offensive"Let many women can't from pull out,He and chengdu girl met little smile soon,The development of the stage waits to have her picture taken,Repeatedly to"Quasi son-in-law"The identity of the little smile to have dinner,See parents.


One day in October this year,Wah on a plane to zhejiang,And the understanding of the Internet small beautiful met.The little beauty to wah love at first sight,Soon and he talk about marriage theory to marry,Xiaohua says to exchange token of promise,In the shopping,Let the little beauty bought him a piece of 10000 yuan of the gold necklace.Can wear the gold necklace of xiaohua,A trip to the bathroom will never come back.


There are a,Xiaohua is"Now his girlfriend"date,Suddenly receive"Former girlfriend"Telephone call,Walk into he fooled her tablet PC,These words were"Now his girlfriend"heard,But with his"Honeyed words",Quickly out of the"Now his girlfriend"suspicions.

  穿假警服约会 “顺”走白领手机10月末,小华认识了26岁的白领小荣。小荣很机灵,在一次电影散场后,小荣让小华开车送她回家,以检验他是否真的有车。小华害怕谎言被拆穿,就带着小荣在停车场内转了一圈,然后谎称自己的钱包和钥匙丢了,还拉着小荣陪他在附近找了半天。最后,他还煞有其事地指着一辆轿车叮嘱保安:“这辆车是我的,我去找车钥匙,你帮我看好。”

Wear uniforms false date "the"Go white-collar mobile phone at the end of October,Wah recognized the 26-year-old white-collar little glory.Small and very clever,In a movie after the break,Small rong let xiao hua drive her home,To test whether he really have a car.Wah afraid of a lie,Took little glory in the parking lot pronation a ring,And then lied about her purse and the key was lost,Also took little glory with him for a nearby.finally,He is a joke to pointed to a car told security:"This car is my,I find the car keys,May I help you."


Worry about fraud is found,Xiao hua in the market for a set of high copy police uniform security uniforms,Wearing it to date,The small rong sumption.Xiao hua in the table and hypocrisy borrow small cell phone,He never found again.

  小荣意识到受骗,到春熙路派出所报警。后经调查得知,小华是个“歪”警察。第二天,当小华在双流家中继续招摇撞骗时,被民警逮个正着。目前,民警已查实5名受害人,她们都是26-32岁的单身女性,被骗走了手机、钱包、电脑等,共计价值3万余元。因顾及颜面,仍有大部分受害女性并未选择报警。 华西都市报记者李天宇

Small rong realize deceived,To the spring city road police station alarm.By the investigation after that,Xiaohua is a"slanting"The police.The second day,When xiao hua in double current home continue when swindle by false pretences,Just caught by police.At present,Police has identified five victims,They are 26 to 32 years old single women,He was cheated out a cell phone/purse/computers,Total value of more than 30000 yuan.Because the face of,There are still most vulnerable women do not select alarm. West China metropolis daily reporter LiTianYu
