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学生用武汉话改编“江南style” 500演员义演--亲稳网络舆情监控室

学生用武汉话改编“江南style” 500演员义演


A man who had graduated from college students,A group of organizations are to go to school of college students,Also links the such as a bank clerk/Community aunt/Security of more than 500 people,In seven days,Filming a[Wuhan Style]short.yesterday,The reporter understands,The film because involves wuhan more attractions/The words have all use wuhan words,Three days was net friend of hot holds,Click rate approaching 200000.


导演是个年轻伢 The director is a young Ya

学生志愿者演绎NASA版江南Sty Student volunteers deductive NASA edition jiangnan Sty? ?? ?[相关]吴克群自创划船舞 改编.. |  视频-女子500米王濛.. [related] kenji a boat dance adapted.. |  Video - women's 500 m king Meng..


The film director called LiuHeXu,Jianghan university unity and coherence in writing academy 2006 a grade of students.


LiuHeXu during the period of school,Is a celebrity:Four years took 16 department video,Total more than 40 million hits on the Internet.In 2010,,After graduation from the university have no choice to find a job,But his open a studio,Continue shooting.


November 6,,Because the job needs,They LiuHeXu pass by to see a classmate,Accident that the"Jiangnan Style".The students told him,China has many places all over"Style",if"Beijing Style"/"Zhangjiajie Style"etc,But wuhan but not a to belong to own"Style"."I must take a out."


LiuHeXu and Alma mater jianghan university college of arts and some friends have said hello to play,Everyone a listen to his ideas,Are very support.Some people even say can ask for leave or resign to help him to shoot.


get[Jiangnan Style]After the lyrics,LiuHeXu immediately and friends began to fill in wuhan version of the lyrics.In order to improve the quality,He also took the lyrics to consult the university teacher niang YanLiJuan teacher,In her carefully under the modification,The overall level of ascension has great lyrics.


招商失败 自己出资拍摄 Investment failure at their own expense shooting


According to the LiuHeXu initial forecast,Set the lyrics and the shooting schedule,They make the planning scheme,Then go to investment.But when he took the think enough component planning case to find the businessman,Have some of the unit business relationship,No one unit would like to sponsor.


Find business,LiuHeXu decided to:Pay their own way,must[Wuhan Style]Take out.


LiuHeXu began to pick up two years ago for micro bo,Began to contact singer,Contact local celebrities,Contact with all kinds of performance groups.


From December 6, start,Team members need according to the scene,Arrange different members of the group to the scenic spot to shoot.Each group is basic to fifty or so,For the sake of safety,Their own car rental shuttle actor,There are friends private car transport obligations.


9,Is a grand opera,This day more dancers,In a short time a day through yellow crane tower/Chinese revolution memorial hall/Righteousness square/Qintai theatre/Qingchuan pavilion/Yangtze river bridge/Wuchang JiangTan, etc.We set off at 8 in the morning plan,And dancer until 10 o 'clock.The first scene qintai theatre is not action by security interference,They had to play the way the guerrilla warfare completion.


In the museum of Chinese revolution,They avoid security,Rapid startup.Just finished making a few seconds,Security arrived,Shout an order to stop filming.In righteousness square,Tripod didn't dare to use,Shooting with stabilizer movement,The effect still is rather late.


10,ChangFu community residents' committees of the troupe members of more than twenty with their finished qingchuan pavilion and grinding the mountain view shooting.


filming,Met with fresh elements,Also added in time.If some time ago more popular"The carrier Style",They also please several uncle security act out.


7 days of shooting,The use of equipment are LiuHeXu himself purchased,Including radial/slide/Camera, etc.Because the actors are all in obligations,7 days of your rates/Lunch added up to nearly 20000 yuan,The money is LiuHeXu yourselves.


Yourself just starting out,Why my own to shoot this don't make money short?LiuHeXu wry smile said:"I just like to make this,Hope that users through the film,See wuhan part features and wuhan people's positive spirit."


用武汉话改编搞笑歌词 Use HanHua adapted funny lyrics


Reporter yesterday to check on the Internet[Wuhan Style],The use of music and dance moves basic or keep[Jiangnan Style]Flavor to the,But word adapted for wuhan words.


"I am wuhan Style,Wuhan Style,Yangtze river bridge han river qintai are my favorite drops,From the han street to optical valley and I was the only is the most handsome,Financing for the boss peddle at the top of my voice,bloodletting/sacrifice/As long as a piece of.The yellow crane tower,Cart car in the long dragon has been blocked the door to the company,HuBu lane a plate of bean skin two bowl of egg wine on the head."Reporter in the LiuHeXu provide video saw,these"Han taste lyrics"With the action of riding,Combined with the characteristics of wuhan multiple sites,Really funny.

  刘和旭说,13日晚上得到一个不好的消息,某单位正联系歌手录音准备拍摄他创作的 《武汉style》,歌词做了局部小改。

LiuHeXu said,13 night get a bad news,Some units are being linked with singer recording preparation for his creation [Wuhan Style],The local major lyrics.


Know that it is 13 late into the night,So quickly began to sleep,14 early in the morning mass start editing[Wuhan Style],The finished draft,15 eight polish off upload.

  该片上优酷网后短短3天,点击率就接近20万。大量网友发帖盛赞:“真是好玩,看到片子就仿佛看到了武汉的全貌。”(记者翁晓波 实习生 左思琪)

The film on youku after just three days,Click rate is close to 200000.A large number of users post praised:"It's a funny,See I seem to see the panorama of wuhan."(WengXiaoBo intern reporter recites thinks jade)
