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夫妇投毒报复同行致3名幼儿死亡 获死刑和无期--亲稳网络舆情监控室
本报讯(记者郭玉红 通讯员 李爽)同行相妒,竟投毒报复,导致3名婴幼儿死亡、多人中毒。备受关注的平凉奶场投毒案凶手马秀玲夫妇被一审法院以犯投放危险物质罪,分别判处死刑和无期徒刑后,两人提出上诉。省高院依法公开开庭审理该案后,12月10日对马秀玲夫妇二人作出终审宣判:驳回上诉、维持原判。同时,对马秀玲的死刑裁定依法报请最高人民法院核准。
Report from our correspondent(Reporter GuoYuGong correspondent li3 shuang3)Peer phase jealous,Have poisoned revenge,Lead to three infant death/People poisoning.Of concern in the field of pingliang milk poisoning MaXiuLing couples court of first instance to make on the hazardous substances sin,Were sentenced to death and life after imprisonment,Two people appeal.ShengGaoYuan public hearing the case according to law after,On December 10 to MaXiuLing couple a final sentence:Reject an appeal/ruling.At the same time,MaXiuLing to the death penalty in accordance with the order submitted to the supreme people's court for approval.
April 7, 2011,Pingliang kongtong mountain area of 35 people through consumption of milk poisoning after,More than children appear against all odds,Three infants died,The police solve crimes 72 hours.The original,It's a"counterparts"Revenge milk field business owners implementation to endanger public security criminal cases.after,MaXiuLing pingliang kongtong mountain area residents/WuGuangQuan allegedly committed on the hazardous substances sin was to Sue.
The court of first instance to find out,In march of 2011,MaXiuLing/WuGuangQuan couple and MaWenXuan joint hire "beef cattle fattening professional cooperatives of dairy cow breeding bullpen.At first,MaXiuLing couple sales lead,The user more,Because after MaWenXuan milk come from quality,"pry"Go MaXiuLing of many customers,MaXiuLing vindictiveness paranoia.In the same year on April 4,,MaXiuLing couple decided to MaWenXuan in milk"On the potassium nitrate(nitrite)",In an attempt to buy milk user edible color milk will"runs"To buy their milk.April 5 in the morning,WuGuangQuan out from a cooking cattle chop suey vendors purchased three yuan potassium nitrate.About 2 PM that day,MaXiuLing while away from home MaWenXuan couple caught a handful of potassium nitrate slip into MaWenXuan milk poisoning tent.For the first time small mechanization have not achieved the desired results,MaXiuLing decided to throw once.The next day at about ten,MaXiuLing and grab a handful of potassium nitrate put into the house of MaWenXuan pail of milk,Hand mix to return.Resulting in serious consequences.
Pingliang then that trial,MaXiuLing for revenge competitors regardless of the consequences/Two times on the,Killed three people people poisoning of the serious consequences.In a joint crime,Principal MaXiuLing crime motive squalor,Subjective vicious deep,Crime means/If the circumstances are very bad,If the consequences are especially serious,Shall be punished in accordance with the.WuGuangQuan system accessory,Should be lighter punishment.Then the two people pingliang in accordance with the above judgment.At the same time,MaXiuLing couples need to three infant death families and four children victims compensation in total more than 46000 yuan of economic loss.After the first sentence,MaXiuLing couple in sentencing for overweight appeal,At the same time the requirement MaWenXuan also shall bear civil liability for compensation.June 27 on trial,The court for MaXiuLing specified legal aid lawyers to defend Suggestions that published,MaXiuLing on nitrite harm, inadequate understanding,No poisoning of the subjective intent,And surrender to plot.
Find out ShengGaoYuan trial,MaXiuLing couple to nitrite toxicity should be very understanding,But in retaliation for others to open to booking a milk at two times on the nitrite,Cause three infant death,Forty people poisoning serious harmful consequences.The trial judge convicted/Sentencing accurately;In addition,No MaXiuLing proved have surrendered plot.At the same time that the court,MaWenXuan to MaXiuLing and WuGuangQuan crime cannot predict and prevent,Does not exist fault,Don't assume civil liability for compensation.It's XiuLing appeal/WuGuangQuan appeal reason and his defenders defense opinions are not adopted.
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