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大学生运动猝死频发 不健康作息习惯难辞其咎--亲稳网络舆情监控室
大学生运动猝死频发谁之过 Students who have frequent movement of sudden death
专家:身体素质下降和不健康的作息习惯难辞其咎 experts:Physical quality decline and unhealthy habit of corrupting vibrant traditions
Hankou a financial firm Mr Zhang to our call,10 day happened in Shanghai institute of Chinese fir of one of the big boys on the basketball class,There is no impact on the ground under the condition of sudden death events and nearly a month to several about college students to participate in sports activities happened sudden death reports,Ask why in physical activity is not big,Full of vigor and vitality of college students can have such a tragedy?Sport what is the cause of the sudden death?How to avoid such tragedy happening again?
With these questions,The reporter interviewed hubei institute of traditional Chinese medicine cardiovascular internal medicine of doctor of vice director of GaoChangYun.GaoChangYun combined with himself in the medical practice in the specific case,To explain in detail the process of movement occurred in the sudden death of medical reasons.
GaoChangYun introduced,The process of movement occurred in sudden death is usually divided into sudden cardiac death and brain sudden cardiac death two circumstances,In the center of its sudden cardiac death is the main cause of death.Sudden cardiac death and myocardial infarction and rhythm of the main serious disorder related,And cerebral aneurysm rupture caused by cerebral hemorrhage is usually caused by brain responsible for sudden cardiac death.usually,Sudden death is more likely to occur in patients with high blood pressure/Diabetes and stroke, and disease of older people.In addition,Professional athletes and long time to maintain the high strength work of the emergency rescue and disaster relief personnel happening probability of sudden death than ordinary people.
In GaoChangYun seems,College students in the movement of the main cause of sudden cardiac death or its predisposition.Many people will be in after the sudden death of tragedy question before and no history of heart disease/Diseases such as high blood pressure,Why abrupt departure.this,GaoChangYun explained,These questions are often based on the students medical report and the sudden death of relatives and friends of the subjective judgment,But in fact, some college students are the heart and blood vessels is very hidden,It is difficult to through the conventional medical check out.More advanced imaging technology can be a timely check out these potential problems,But due to the high cost,At present has not yet in university medical promotion.
After the ensuing tragedy,Not a few net friend says college students' declining physical quality and health habit, the do not escape.It is understood,Zhengzhou university men's 3000 m record,Is 1960 a department of political science students to create,Results for 9 minutes 23 seconds,This record has dusty half a century.In addition,State general administration of sport and the ministry of education in September 2011, issued jointly by the national physical test results show that,College students' physical quality has been declining,Compared with 1985,Lung volume dropped by nearly 10%,College girls in the 800 - meter run/The boy in the 1000 - meter run result decreased by 10.3% and 10.9% respectively,The standing long jump results were down 2.72 cm and 1.29 cm.For by social for college students physical quality to drop year by year this phenomenon,GaoChangYun said,In the process of being engaged in medical work,Personal feeling in recent years young man constitution declined obviously change.In her accepts patients,Young people with high blood pressure and diabetes than in previous years the proportion of rise a lot,And these are the important potential factors cause sudden death.
For movement occurred in the sudden death of how to rescue,GaoChangYun said,Occur when sudden rescue gold aging very short,The earlier the possibility of rescue patients survived the great.In a foreign country,Due to the first aid knowledge a wide popularization,Often can ask the sudden death"The first witness"To make an unarmed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and rescue measures,National official is required to master basic knowledge of the rescue.In China,For the public's first aid knowledge education is still in a relatively lack of stage,Many people in the face of such emergencies are often overwhelmed.
Experts agree that,After the occurrence of sudden cardiac death compared to the rescue,For the prevention of sudden cardiac death more meaningful,But often the most easy to ignore the public.GaoChangYun said,College students and young people cannot count on the body strong and ignore the prevention of sudden cardiac death,And because/Mood easily excited/Stressful work/Too tired to cardiovascular can cause damage,Often stay up late/Work and rest not rule is easy to trigger coronary artery spasm.If the immediately after staying up late to strenuous exercise,The probability of sudden death happened will increase greatly.
GaoChangYun remind,It's cold in winter,The human body in the low temperature condition peripheral vascular will shrink,Causing increased blood pressure,Cardiac load increase.Usual activities less people then if suddenly increase activity,The cardiovascular system vulnerable to disorder,Cause sudden cardiac death.GaoChangYun Suggestions,People should pay attention to the prevention for sudden death,But also don't have to have a worry,Regular health check-up to eliminate the hidden trouble of the organs such as heart,Supplemented by reasonable sports and optimistic state of mind,Sudden death will be natural step.For some universities to cancel the practice of long distance,GaoChangYun think cannot because several incidents of this incident,More should be in the form of rich physical training and evaluation system aspects,Training students' scientific sports consciousness.
(见习记者 李世杰 通讯员 艾肖)
(Trainee reporter LiShiJie YiXiao correspondent)
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