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summary:The problem of left-behind children,In relation to the future of China, China's urbanization, though developing rapidly,But most people still live in the countryside,Most of children in rural areas is still on the label,Difficult to hope"Sketches time"Staying in a generation,A dream is a generation of.


Twenty years ago,Our reporter filming XieHaiLong that piece of[I want to go to school]photos,Touched the hearts of countless people.Small and medium-sized girl pictures that is full of knowledge for big eyes,Reflect the time was"children"Heavy symbol,Later became"Project hope"Symbol of.


After twenty years of today,The big eyes has become urban female white-collar workers,Drop out of school and almost become history.But when we walk through the country of the classroom,Still can see numerous pairs of such"Big eyes".As time passes by,People can read them with twenty years ago completely different sadness - to love desire,For the fear of loneliness,Because of the lack of parental care and to produce"Was staying"The loss and anxiety.The sad eyes,Full of confusion and loss.


With the left-behind children related news,There are too many let a person can't bear the pain:In 2011 the school bus accident happened dozens of serious,Most of them occurred in in a dense crowd of county and township government,And more victims for left-behind children;Taihu lake in anhui province a 12-year-old boy died in ancestral temple edge,Leave dying testament says miss out working parents,Before he hanged himself in deep kiss goodbye with grandpa.These fragmentized tragedy,China's 58 million left-behind children is one of the side.


Fenghuang county in hunan province ShanJiang town village primary school, the grain,A primary school students listen to the teacher carefully in class.The majority of children in the classroom,Because their parents work in the field,Now grandparents"Every generation with a".The classroom or even a girl with not entrance sister come to school.The primary grain of 96 students about 80% belong to such children.According to official statistics,Compulsory education phase out of the students,Staying students more than half.A local teacher said:"They must learn to oneself grow up."

  留守一代,不应成为被甩脱的一代。 Left-behind generation,Should not be left to take off the generation.


Parents work for children to go out,Can the child but because they go out and become a problem


China's problem,The most affect the total in the country's most tender/The most barren places - rural;The most tender and rural areas/Most concerned about the place,No doubt the focus on left-behind children this group.Because the child is our most vulnerable nerve,Because the countryside all the questions,Eventually refraction to children:Drop out of school because of poverty;Because of the inequality,Them is marked by a may affect their whole life's label:Left-behind children.


People can tolerate poverty,But can't stand to lose the hope of poverty,Let the poverty in rural intergenerational transmission between - those honorable elder,Wanted to work in the city through their struggle,As far as possible to give their offspring to create a good learning growth environment,Let them you don't have to repeat this generation of people's fate.But when they in the city after a hard year go home but heart to find:They get work,Far cannot make up for their leave to stay at home to the injury of the children.Their heartache is:In order to solve the problem of their children and work out,Can the child but because they go out and become a problem.


This is not a problem of rural households,But China's rural reform in the era of institutional epitome.The problem of left-behind children,Public opinion and imagination than to see more serious,Because the left-behind children's heart trauma we can't see it.Can only see the sort of damage,It can make people deceived.Last year the Mid-Autumn festival,Media have searched for a guangxi a call WenJiang village,The fewer than 3000 people village,Virtually all work out,And I went out to work but substantially more than 100 people were arrested for robbery and.Can you hear that everyone is introduced:This is the house in o,This is AShan home,They are in jail,A death sentence with a reprieve,Another was sentenced to 15 years.


They this generation of young people,Can be said to be China's first generation of left-behind children,Because of the lack of care and staying/Lack of education.Terrible this is a vicious cycle,They were staying with a problem out,left"No twenty years old"country,They leave children and repeat the story of them.The cycle is not only the poor,More heavy to the breathless some children the fate of destruction.


Objectively said,left-behind,Or that is neutral.Most of the time,"Was staying"Actual is"Be left off".Not parents put them,But this time what a blast train are ruthlessly put rural,Rural in order to catch up the pace of development,And helplessly in the rejection of their children.Rural children"Was staying"Personal destiny,In fact it is rural be left off the fate of the era.

  20多年的民工潮,集体忽略了留守儿童 Twenty years of migrant workers,Collective ignore the left-behind children


Twenty years ago,When the migrant workers in China has arisen,In the face of large scale migration pour into the city wage earners,Whether experts,Or writer/reporter/The poet,All used lyric style to sing the rapid development of the social revolution,All the farmers into urban areas as rural get rid of natural fate/City to solve the problem of Labour a chance.So there will be a TV series[WaiLaiMei]Romantic narrative,A work of literature struggle lyric.But very few people will think of left-behind children problem,Even never thought of migrant workers themselves,Problem could be so serious.


This kind of negligence is no accident,But in"With the city in the center"The system structure and the inevitable result of the development of thinking.In this architecture,City is the center,Rural to urban edge and vassal,Farmers are migrant workers to the construction of the city,They are urban construction tools,They are to cities to find opportunities to make money - in this"City""under,City person nature will only selfishly think of farmers to the cities to bring problems,Without the country as an equal,It ignores the flee to the country by vacuum.so,"Left-behind children"Without any protection of cases,Problems after,Suddenly discovered by people.


But from the farmers to work that day,Left-behind children will have a problem.Can include migrant workers themselves, everyone be immersed in"Earn money"/"Already earned a ticket,And in the brain"The utility of the imagination,All stay in"Migrant workers can send home every year how many money"Economy in arithmetic,Will focus in cities,Rural collective ignore its own problems.Today, suddenly look back,People suddenly found a KongXinHua rural,A heavy left-behind phenomenon.


This is to"City as the center"The result of the development of the inevitable.From rural farmers is serious lag behind/Agricultural serious backward to survive was forced to choose,Work out is the only way of migrant workers, the phenomenon is actually our rural reform in stagnant reflect.Farmers can only be abandoned the country to the city to seek development opportunities,Rural be left off,Left-behind become a inevitable consequences.Because of inevitable,More let a person feel very heavy.


family,This is an integral whole,Good life need a complete family.Can rapid urbanization,Under the dual structure in urban and rural areas visible inequality,Rob the countryside resources,Will the country city all available resources are relentlessly involved in city:QingZhuang labor to urban areas,The young man read university NongMen jump out,Rural become city labor base -- natural had rural KongXinHua.A serious result,Rural was a complete family,Be the kind of resources city suck torn,Couples separation,Separation of father and son,Family alienation.Left-behind children problem,It is this rural fragmentized brutal performance.

  继续“以城市中心”,留守问题必无解 Continue to"In the city center",Left-behind problem will be no solution


Migrant workers group out,Caused a huge left-behind children group,And become a serious social problem.Can feel,Some farmers have been aware of the problem.In recent years more and more serious shortage,To a certain extent is the embodiment of consciousness.Why even high salary/Gao fuli didn't attract the migrant workers are??Reporters visited henan/Anhui found,Left-behind children problem is that many migrant workers don't want to go out of the main reason.Children familiy for a long time,Work out of migrant workers has caused serious concern.


Developed regions mentioned shortage,Expert analysis reason,Would put the"About low wages"/"Bad working environment"In the most important position,Even as the only reason for shortage.so,Open the prescription only"Better pay and better conditions to attract migrant workers"etc.


Such analysis is standing in the position of the migrant workers on,Logic but in city as the center.This kind of analysis implied the two logic:The first,Farmers are born for the city to provide labor force,As the edge of the city rural,Will continue to be the city transport labor;The second,Migrant workers are purely economic man,They only by the high salary drive.


Migrant workers to left-behind children of grave concern,To those who used to"With the city in the center"To regard the shortage problems put forward a wake up:Don't always stand in the position of the city to look at migrant workers,Don't always to city as the center,The migrant workers as a"For the city to provide labor"outsider,But in their life world,As to personal experience to their love and pain.Don't be so eager to go"solve"shortage,They need to gasp,To think about the problem of left-behind children.Left-behind children problem is far more important than the shortage,A lot of things is the city could not give their.


Stay in"City center"In the development of thinking,The problem of left-behind children must be no solution - because this dilemma is unable to avoid:Migrant workers,Will leave children;And for the children,Can't work in city.left-behind,Hence become urbanization must pay a price,Reform will be some pain.Only transcend"City center",In the rural and the urban development of equal position,Equal respect the rights of farmers,Left-behind children can be institutional relief.


No matter what problem,Seems to be mentioned system,Means that"Far life",even"Cannot solve".Can the problem of left-behind children,Really can't around"City centralism"System problems.Of course,System is not a shirking of the basket,We can't push the problem to an abstract system then turned to the,The ice system from top to bottom to top design gradual melting,Of left-behind children specific care more to synchronously.Input fields governments need to migrant children's education problem put on the agenda,Output the government needs to end one's own efforts to left-behind children more care.Of course,If the income of migrant workers with full guarantee,Parents also do not need to go out and work,The remaining issues will also be eased.


The problem of left-behind children,In relation to the future of China, China's urbanization, though developing rapidly,But most people still live in the countryside,Most of children in rural areas is still on the label,Difficult to hope"Sketches time"Staying in a generation,A dream is a generation of.Young strong is strong in China,Wisdom is the young Chinese wisdom,Without a dream of 58 million"Was staying"children,How to hold up a powerful China?Experts speech is not sensational:If you ignore the left-behind children,We will have emotional mutilation/Social and family responsibilities are indifferent or full of antisocial tendencies generation.


meanwhile,The problem of left-behind children,Also test is a social conscience.because,Although they huge number,But their strength weak,They were unable to change their own destiny,Can only hope to change others.Although many people aware of the seriousness of left-behind children,But the lack of personal experience,The remaining life not far from them.More such,The test of the social conscience,A healthy society can't put that poor most depressed and alone rapid development.
