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打工夫妇铁链锁儿女续:已有幼儿园愿减费接收昨日,老全接受记者采访时一脸无奈,随即投入到工作中去。 yesterday,Old full when accepting a reporter to interview a face of helpless,Immediately into work.


Volunteers first time to visit/Social work to help/The women's federation assigned to communication...


In the international coordination of education,Kindergarten meals will be relieved from the outside of the all the costs;


Father old all said,Will let the child grandmother from his home to guangzhou to take them

  本版采写:新快报记者 阮剑华 罗仕

This article:New express reporter RuanJianHua LuoShi

  实习生 钟梓毅 董有逸

Interns ZhongZiYi dong have escape


Benban photography:CengHong


Forced by life,HuNaJi cement worker old all couples with a chain lock with young children,To site work(New express yesterday A05 edition),By this newspaper reports caused by great dispute.yesterday,Chains solved,Children get free,But the couple's heart lock has been unable to open the old all are suffering,His wife once more to wash a face to tears.


but,The good news coming in:Volunteers take the lead in action,They found old full,Listen to his difficulties,For the children to give counsel;Stone well family comprehensive service ZhongXinShe worker opened an emergency meeting,To discuss the possibility of supporting the elder sister and younger brother;The women's federation deputy chairman utterance"If need help,Women's responsibility";Baiyun area education bureau to force more,They say has kindergarten willing to receive elder sister and younger brother,Today is the door to visit.


This is the tolerance of guangzhou.


Mother quit the children


Ring kau village,Building site,The first floor lobby.Small family elder sister and younger brother work and rest place,Yesterday a news release,Pike short gun all aimed at the father old full.


Chains and quilt are missing,The ground shows a piece of wet concrete.In an instant,This piece of concrete has been flooded in reporter on him.Old all a marl,Hands still holding the shovel,Interview against the wall.He low head,Around from time to time shaking,Dodge dazzling flash,Forced smile way:"It's all right,Thank you,We no longer bound."


That night,Husband and wife didn't sleep all night,Finally made my decision:His wife break-off,To take their children."Now this first temporarily,A few days can see grandma asked them to come over and help."Old all said,Due to the less capable assistant,His workload almost twice as heavy,Can only work overtime dry,In order to avoid missed the time limit for a project.


Interview room,Old all things rarely,Eyes sometimes look outside,A crowd up more,He repeatedly motioning with his hand,Interrupt interview.Such again and again for about 10 minutes,Old all finally cannot hold back,Says it does not want to be disturb,Don't want to bother everybody to help,Brilliant climbed up the support,Wall rushed.


The site running


children"free",Danger is associated with side.Naughty brother for a while climb high red brick pile,For a while with edge stinging board mingler gypsum powder,Mother have to tight stare at a child to avoid rushed out of the streets of the plague-bound roadway.Don't know is love children,Or to husband too tired,Or lock children have suffered too great pressure,Look at running small elder sister and younger brother,Mother straight away tears.


In fact,Although a couple made a short going to,But they are faced with the difficulty of not solved.The most direct economic pressure,Old all said,Before the sister is often ill,Home still owe twenty thousand yuan relatives,They have to work hard,Save money to discharge.For the children's reading problems,Old all is burned.'s doing odd jobs to turn an habitation indefinite,Shuttle children difficult,And less than a year of 30000 yuan in revenues,It can't afford the cost of guangzhou kindergarten.


Next year will be full five years old daughter,When they will take the children back to hunan home reading,The grandmother raised,A couple continues to fight outside."They were born took in the side,Previously won't go,We spend more than 100 dollars to buy a bed cars,Took to go to work,Now grew up,Really want to leave us,I can't bear losing you."When mother cry again.


Dialogue old all


"I also fear that beyond the law"


New express:How long work here?Old all:I am rural,Don't read a few years,Wipe be bored with child by(Fan the ashes of the procedure)eat.In doing here two or three months,The wife kid all in.Sometimes in XiaMao village to do,Sometimes come here,No fixed.


New express:The child has been with you?


Old all:Daughter more than four years old,More than three years old son,Big in the river high hospital was born,Small in stone well hospital was born.Born followed we live.The beginning of more than 100 yuan to buy the baby carriage,Children sleep in it,The long run can't.


New express:How to want to bind the child?


Old all:But this people come and go,A child ran to the pale grey up,For a while and climbed to the shelf,Meet the child I also heartache.Such a tie should have no relationship.Is ah?I don't have tied so bad.I put the child in the above board,You see how clean,Nail are not.I also fear that beyond the law.


New express:To the child will leave psychological shadow?


Old all:Can't.If I don't tie,Frame fell down,Out of the big,The landlord also difficult.


New express:What is the future plan?


Old all:My wife does not work,children.Prepared to back here to finish,Daughter let her grandmother belt,Next year in their hometown reading.


Experts move


Can try"Close to help close/Adjacent help adjacent"


Guangdong youth business research and development center CengJinHua director said,Family case should be more extreme cases,Parents were out of this decision is helpless.He suggested that,Old all can use a"Close to help close/Adjacent help adjacent"way,Call site other have children of the workers,All chip in and please phase of your relatives or neighbors special take care of everyone's child.


Director was also introduced,In fact in the dongguan and huizhou some industrial park will be set up for worker children children house,Arrange special care worker children,So to stable mood employees also have very good help.But for Mr. All the liquidity bigger job is not applicable.


Baiyun area education bureau today the door negotiations for admission


At about 5 yesterday afternoon,New express reporters from baiyun area of education bureau,After that incident,The school immediately launch jurisdiction,Seeking enthusiastic help,At present there are kindergarten are willing to receive it declare to poor elder sister and younger brother."In addition to outside board expenses,Other expenses are not."Responsible for the it staff said.


but,They still respect the old all the opinions of the couple.This morning,Bureau of education work personnel will personally visit old all couples,Detailed negotiations children attend kindergarten concrete matters.


Yuexiu district of bosom social work center volunteers to do psychological counseling


Yesterday afternoon 3 when xu,From guangzhou yuexiu district of bosom social work service center volunteers bin yu and HuangWanHua came to old all the site.Objective yu is a psychology teacher,She said,Visit old purpose is to get the whole situation,Reboot more volunteers for aid.


Due to the old all had repeatedly said that is not willing to accept the help,Objective yu first to the psychological intervention,"We want to reduce his alert psychological,Let him know that we really want to help him".After a short talk,Psychological intervention produced results.


"He hopes his children can read,Asked about the situation of us,Roughly what way can help to him."Bin yu introduced,At present a lot of families in guangzhou city comprehensive service center service center,There are volunteers and social work,All can help old full,"If the family can provide comprehensive service center place,We can call scheduling volunteers to help them to take care of the children,Until they can have a better solution."


Responsibility of the guangdong provincial women's federation will try our best to help


Vice chairman of the guangdong provincial women's federation YangJianZhen said yesterday,They will try our best to help the little elder sister and younger brother and their parents.


"All education should be love of education,Any parents see such things will be sad."YangJianZhen said,Iron lock bind child this kind of behavior is wrong,Will the little elder sister and younger brother cause psychological shadow,But not too much blame old all couples,"I believe that they are also trepidation".She also called on parents should have the correct views on children,Respect for and protection of children.


YangJianZhen said,Provincial women's federation will and women's international communication,Through the women's federation organization for little elder sister and younger brother to provide help,"Go near the site looking for love family,Looking for some leisure/Have a love of the old man,In the small elder sister and younger brother parents go to work,See if you can temporarily look after little elder sister and younger brother."She said,The women's federation will expedite professional,Communicate with the whole family,Provide professional psychology and life guidance.


YangJianZhen said,The women's federation has been committed to children and women's legitimate rights and interests protection,"If the little elder sister and younger brother and sister small parents need help,Responsibility of the guangdong provincial women's federation."


Stone well family comprehensive service center called social work system to help


Stone well family comprehensive service center director Mr. Don't tell the new express reporter yesterday,See the first time after reports they have called social work at the meeting,Research how to systematically help to the old full a."The first thing we might provide the psychological help,Then joint volunteers and an expert on the subject,System to help him."Asked if you are willing to provide site,Let volunteers to take care of the sister,He said have the possibility of operation.
