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In our province of concern"Different college entrance examination"policy,Formal introduction of 21,.[About migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local after in the entrance exam work plan]Since January 1, 2013 start implementation.From the provinces,Have more than two years of high school students in our province/At the same time, with the parents[Employment unemployment registration certificate]And residence permit,In our province can sign up to participate in college entrance examination,Our province will arrange for this part of the candidates for registration.

  政策 policy

  中高考与本地考生同等待遇 ZhongGaoKao local candidates with the same treatment


[scheme]The specified in the SuiQian children eleven-plus specific measures.


SuiQian children attend tests.SuiQian children in our province to enjoy tests with local permanent census register population children the same treatment,The specific application/audit/Admission method and conditions of the cities divided into districts by city according to local actual set.


SuiQian children participate in college entrance examination,In our province into the SuiQian children in parents often residence accept high school period of education,To graduate has two years of continuous school attendance record,At the same time provide parents[Employment unemployment registration certificate]/Residence permit and high school period that student,Can in our province to participate in college entrance examination,The specific application/audit/Admission to the admissions committee determined by the province;Out of our province SuiQian children unable to participate in college entrance examination should be defined in our province to participate in the exam,According to the relevant provisions of the province signed up to participate in college entrance examination;In our province into the SuiQian children enrolled in the university entrance exam in our province after,In our province and the enrollment enjoy the same treatment.[scheme]Asked to strengthen candidates qualification review,To meet the conditions of the SuiQian children providing information in time,We ensure that this policy into effect.To prevent SuiQian in the guise of children hang empty school name/"College entrance examination immigrant"Practices such as,Prohibited behavior happened such as fraud.


Development and reform department will SuiQian migrant workers children education into local economic and social development plan.Education department to do the students student registration and management work,province/city/County the recruitment of students test department is responsible for organizing the implementation/test/enrollment.The public security departments should strengthen the service management of the floating population,Jurisdiction to police station to provide in time the migrant workers and their SuiQian children living and other related information.county(city/area)Human resources social security departments should provide migrant workers employment information.


 特点 characteristics

  我省政策相对宽松不苛刻 Our province policy relatively loose not demanding


The relevant person in charge of provincial department of education said in an interview,Our province"Different college entrance examination policy"In our province education resources can be under the premise of load,The maximum meet migrant workers SuiQian children eleven-plus demand,Actively and steadily push forward the SuiQian children eleven-plus work.So our province policy relatively loose.


In SuiQian children in identification,Compared with other provinces,Our province scheme provisions provide parents only[Employment unemployment registration certificate]And residence permit,Do not need to provide proof of social security.this,Guangdong provincial department of the relevant person in charge said,National documents specified in the parents in the local legal stable career/Legal stable residence(Including leasing)And according to the provisions of the state to participate in social insurance life."But considering the policy implementation object basically is the migrant workers,So the threshold setting shoulds not be too high.Our province scheme for the parents to provide[Employment unemployment registration certificate]And residence permit in the local employment and living necessary proof.To simplify the procedures,Convenient SuiQian children enrolled in the exam,We don't do a parent's social security condition requirements."


It is understood,Published scheme is required to participate in college entrance examination and most of the children of SuiQian school for three years,Our province set to 2 years is to consider the solution is SuiQian children education problems,Threshold shoulds not be too high,In our province education resources under the condition of bearing,The maximum SuiQian for children education provide convenience,Not only has complete high school period of three years of school students can enjoy this policy,To the senior high school second grade SuiQian over students can enjoy.




Different high candidates for next unified registration


In the concrete operation link,The relevant person in charge of guangdong provincial remind parents,[Employment unemployment registration certificate]At or above the county level from the public employment service agencies to receive,Residence permit settlements in the police station,Residential buildings can have property,Also can be the lease.


It is understood,Our province college entrance examination registration work already in 2012 November 29,In order to ensure the SuiQian children,Our province will be unified arrangement SuiQian children fill registration work,The specific time and other matters need attention please timely attention to the notice of provincial examination.


Conform to enter oneself for an examination conditions can be SuiQian children according to their own will not only can choose in our province to participate in college entrance examination,Also can choose to anabiosis source region to participate in college entrance examination.


 考生 candidates

  在哪高考须综合考虑趋利避害 Which college entrance examination should be comprehensive consideration of the disadvantages


"College entrance examination involves registration/medical/test,Rides special time consuming/energy,And for many years to hebei,The home has nothing at all,Go back to college entrance examination will TouQinKaoYou,Really don't convenient.In the residence for attending the national college entrance examination this of course is a good thing,But what exactly where to participate in college entrance examination also want to comprehensive consideration to just go."Capital a field candidates said,The purpose of the college entrance examination is to get into a good college,Therefore to consider acceptance rates at the college entrance examination,"Where is the final participate in college entrance examination,I want to still wait for the analysis on both sides of the college entrance examination admission policy and acceptance rates before you make the decision."


A study of hebei college entrance examination of the personage inside course of study,Hebei province belongs to the college entrance examination,Many candidates,Undergraduate course graduation rate is low,The lack of attractive to it,Germ flow see,in"Cannot make ends meet"situation,To participate in college entrance examination of other students than"SuiQian"The number of candidates to hebei.High school students in hebei unwelcome in henan/Shandong province in the,These students in hebei unwelcome,How many want to stay,Is a unknown.In shandong province as an example,In 2012, the province of a batch of undergraduate course acceptance rate is close to 11%,Almost every nine people have one person on a book,Undergraduate course the acceptance rate reached 45%.In our province and the undergraduate course the acceptance rate is 42.4%.Shandong although more candidates,But 985/More than 211 college also,Shandong university/China ocean university/China university of petroleum(East China)/Harbin industrial university(weihai)And ministries and commissions of the colleges and universities to recruit students to plan on the nature is a tun,Hebei university of technology in our province and only a 211 colleges and universities,Support fatigue.


(The Great Wall net - yanzhao metropolis daily)
