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  羊城晚报讯 据人民日报报道:短短3分钟时间,23个孩子倒在了歹徒挥舞的菜刀之下。这一血淋淋的悲剧,就发生在河南省信阳市光山县陈棚村小学校园内。制造这一血案的凶手叫闵拥军,目前已经被检察机关以危险方法危害公共安全罪批准逮捕,受伤孩子也已受到妥善救治,均没有生命危险。案发三天过去,震惊和反思仍在沉重地撞击着当地干部群众。

The yangcheng evening news - the People's Daily reported:Just 3 minutes,And a child fell in the waving of the under kitchen knife.The bloody tragedy,It happened in xinyang city of henan province guangshan county Chen tent school campus.Make it a murder that MinYongJun killer,At present has been the procuratorial organs in a dangerous means to endanger public security sin approval of arrest,Injured children also has been properly treated,All dangerous without life.The past three days,Shocked and reflection is still in the heavily impact the local cadres and the masses.


Xinyang municipal party committee/The government has decided,For other responsible for further find out the responsibility,For more serious,Announce to the society processing results.


光山警方: The guangshan police:

  此案易生诱导效应 The case gives birth to inductive effect

  侦办初期不宜公开 The early investigation should not be open


The gunman how such cruelty?Why will swing kitchen knife to the innocent child?He is suffering from mental illness?Two times after trial,The guangshan county public security bureau deputy director OuYangMingXing pointed out,He though suffering from epilepsy,But didn't attack,And once the,His will be collapsed on land,More unable to injure the child.And he from being control until now,Mind has been very clear,What happened on the special clear memory.


MinYongJun replacement,The first a period after seizures,Father doesn't let it go out.but"To see the world is going to end,The guangshan to raze the,Stay at home is dead",That night,feel"Life is coming to an end"he,The two children and parents beat up after a meal,And ran out of the house.He was in the cold of the night for a whole night,Hands are frozen,deeply"Doomsday coming,God really don't want to let me live".


Just before dawn,The MinYongJun has run out of the ten kilometers.See a family emitted smoke from kitchen chimneys,He will go in warming himself,And home alone years old woman can't let the stranger in the door,Dispute of,MinYongJun picked up the side of the kitchen knife alignment is actually two knife.In the face of the fall in the pool of woman,MinYongJun consciousness to kill himself.But at the moment, but he did not stop,But there is a"Over shoes over boots"impulse:Anyway, about a dead,Also let the whole world to know"I am a hero"."For the first two years through the media know,Kill the child can on television",Kill red eye and he will target the campus.


At this time,Chen tent village elementary school students have begun to get to school in succession.Door open,Not a teacher and adults.MinYongJun rushed in,Waving the kitchen knife around,Bellow children fall in succession,Useless 3 minutes,He has rushed into the building.The decision to place a child threw down the floor,He saw the blood downstairs in children,Think of a 9 years old/A 2 years old children.Let the children,He was also to the uniform.


"Through the confession last details,We judge him completely have self control ability."OuYangMingXing introduced,MinYongJun confession themselves heard the doomsday is a call JinGuoZhu woman said.Visit in,Local people said to name,This name was JinGuoZhu rural women,Venus is LuoChen township village,61 years old this year,Her recent spread rumors around:"The end of the world is coming,The earth is ready to burst,To investigate the guangshan will be razed to the ground,God wants to take over all mankind."


The police are JinGuoZhu home find out more than 70 copies propaganda the end of the world rumors handouts.But the woman had fled,The police are trying to chase."In view of this case belong to minor cases,If propagation expand,Very easy to produce inductive effect,According to relevant department requirements,The early investigation should not be open,So this is some people think we blocked the cause of the news."The guangshan county magistrate ryohei theory.


 光山教体局: The guangshan combination of bureau:

  校园安保疲于应付 Campus security struggling to keep up

  留守儿童处境堪忧 Left-behind children is situation


These days,The guangshan county bureau of students from the charge of safety and the quality of teaching work ZhouFeng deputy director of a closed eyes,There will be a bloody murder scene enough trails and crying children."We are sorry children……"And journalists about his in the hospital see rescue injured students scene,He fell off the tears.


ZhouFeng said,He is in charge of safety,The most afraid of midnight phone ring.Even though the university entrance exam and success,But the rural school security weak but often let people tremble with fear.Only the school security into this one,It has not been completely resolved.The more than 300 compulsory education stage primary school,Equipped with full-time guard less than 1/3,And the school in the county and township resident.The vast majority of school especially remote village primary school no full-time security.Although the superior department keeps asking for trued security,But a didn't prepare,No money,Only by internal teacher dispensing.In rural primary school,Generally a teacher pack a class,Not only in class and do security.This in the vast rural primary and secondary school is a common problem,It will be bound to cause the school security struggling to keep up.


Campus massacre has in the past,But more to ZhouFeng worried,Is the left-behind children of road traffic safety problems.Let him by the stimulus is the scene of the rescue of the child:23 children is full of left-behind children,Only two or three mother company,Without a father to the hospital,A is more than 70 years old grandma and grandma,The old man stimulated almost passed out,And arranged staff hand care.The guangshan county is a labor export,More than 80 people,There are 300000 people working away.Parents go out after work,The child's education only to the old man.generally,The old man a leap to tricycle,"spell"Three or four children together to pull to the school.This traffic,Can not let a person so concerned?
