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“校车”甩出8岁孩子死亡 学校负责人不肯露面--亲稳网络舆情监测室

“校车”甩出8岁孩子死亡 学校负责人不肯露面其实该校根本就没有正规的校车 In fact the school there is no formal school bus


事发汝州一私立学校,出事后司机不知去向,学校负责人始终未露面 The ruzhou a private school,After the driver vanish into thin air,School officials always didn't show up


在事发学校的宣传栏中,他们却称购买有正规校车 In the school in the publicity column,But they say buy have the regular school bus

  记者 尚杰 文图

Chris hayes reporter the diagram

  本报平顶山讯 12月16日上午,在汝州市杨楼镇,一名年仅8岁的孩童被接送他的“校车”甩出车门后又碾压头部,抢救无效不幸身亡。经证实,这辆“校车”系学校从社会上租用的面包车,未取得校车资格,司机也不具有校车驾驶资格。

The mesa - December 16, in the morning,In RuZhouShi Yang floor town,A man is only eight years old children are transfers his"School bus"Throw in the door and then rolling head,Rescue invalid died.proven,the"School bus"Is the school from the society rented minibus,School has not obtained the qualification,The driver also does not have the school bus driver qualification.


惨剧 tragedy


坐上20分钟,小学生命丧“校车”车轮下 Take twenty minutes,Pupils hit"School bus"wheel


Yesterday morning,36 years old farmer golden Marshall fought back a grief,Introduces the incident.


On December 16 morning eight o 'clock,His son/Daughter and GuoJunYang nephew from family sit together the shuttle,Three people to attend seashell's school.Did not think of,A tragedy is waiting for them."Less than twenty minutes,I received the school telephone,Said from the car GuoJunYang jump down fell in,Live in Yang floor health center,Let's hurry past".


Golden Marshall strong immediately went to the health center,Then was told,Said the child dying in intensive care."The head hit is very serious,An ear is almost no,Also the head to sink in a pit,Face is full of scratches".At that time the panic to a hospital,Wait until the afternoon of the alarm,The driver can't find it,Transfers the child's teacher also can not find.


Golden Marshall said strong,Shuttle children is not in conformity with the provisions the school bus,But one white van."later,I detailed asked his son and daughter,They say,Car is walking,Door opened,GuoJunYang to drop down,And run by a car in".When the car sat for a total of seven,There are another private school teacher.At ordinary times,The two schools are together shuttle children,The vehicle is not fixed,From outside the car.


In the seashell's school,GuoJunYang parents to embrace a son body,Cry to faint.For a son,They also special send their son to go to school in the city,In this year to the second grade.Two people will be lost due to the son of the school bus:"If it is normal school bus,Or transfers the teacher to responsible for some,Won't be out of it,An eight-year-old children how can jump from the car?"


说法 statement


事发前,学校曾想购置校车 Before the,The school wanted to purchase the school bus


Yesterday morning at about ten,Reporters came to the city is located in the ruzhou DongHuanLu and NaHuanLu intersection near the seashell's school.This is a private boarding school in primitive conditions,There is a three-floor buildings and a building, second floor of the building.The campus has not the form of teachers and students,After the schools are closed.


At about 11,RuZhouShi education sports bureau deputy director wang a leading township and other related personnel came to the school,The family members about the situation,And coordinate follow-up compensation.After it happened,Cause the ruzhou municipal party committee/Write operation snake of god "fear" and the emper,At present have asked education sports bureau/Public security bureau/Safety supervision bureau and other departments composition joint investigation team,Investigation processing.


Seashell, why didn't the school in accordance with the requirements,Use normal school bus?According to the education administration of vocational education department staff is introduced,Seashell's school was founded in 2009,The administration of education approved the establishment of a private elementary school.Last year,Dolphins from the original hand over the school,The existing 180 students,Teachers and people,A year down charge but 200000 yuan or so,By economic conditions,There has been no purchase normal school bus."Before a,They also have proposed acquisition school bus,But because there is no organization code certificate,Add heard that need special driver,To do a series of procedures,Stalled down".


According to family education department to unregulated questioned,The agent said,The beginning of this month,The council also special issued a notice,For all kinds of schools are using meet the conditions of the school bus."The city has more than ten private primary and secondary schools,More than 400 private kindergarten,We can only give to their requirements,Each a staring at not too realistic".


进展 progress


初步确定为责任事故,警方正在抓捕责任人 Preliminary to determine responsibility for the accident,The police are capturing responsible persons


Reporters found that,In the seashell, at the entrance of the gate of the school in the publicity column,Also special shows"The new purchase normal school bus".Of the families of the victims said,After the incident,Seashell, the head of the school always didn't show up,Just send a middleman to negotiate compensation,Transfers of the teacher and the van driver is also missing.meanwhile,Government officials and intermediary also give their coordination,Because too much differences did not come to an agreement.


Yesterday night at about eight,Reporters on the phone RuZhouShi public security bureau,Was told,The police have preliminary sure it for safety accident rather than the traffic accident,It will be as soon as possible the accident catch entry of appearance,The accident of the two vehicles and determined in accordance with the processing.
