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四名保安为保护学生身中八刀 学校承诺照顾一生--亲稳网络舆情监测室

EF ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB STYLE1 clear">   编者按: Editor's note:11日下午6时许,练武出身的赵某因求爱遭拒,手持两把水果刀闯入北京理工大学珠海学院,企图杀死女生杨某以及杨某的男朋友。校卫队员、宿管、送水工人拼命保护学生安全,4名保安身受8刀,学生无恙。25日下午,北京理工大学珠海学院将召开表彰大会,对上述有功人员进行奖励,奖金高达22万元。学校承诺,如果受伤保安日后落下残疾,学校会养保安一辈子。 11 at about 6 PM,A wushu ZhaoMou rejected because of courtship,Hand two fruit knife into zhuhai college of Beijing university of science and technology,Attempt to kill the girl Yang and Yang's boyfriend.School guards players/Lodge tube/Send water work people try very hard to protect students' safety,Four security had eight knife,Students safe.On the afternoon of December 25,The zhuhai college of Beijing university of science and technology will be held commendation congress,The active personnel for reward,Bonus is as high as 220000 yuan.The school promised,If the injured security future fall disability,The school will keep security for a lifetime.更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>>

  羊城晚报珠海讯 记者吴国颂、实习生赵秋红摄影报道:11日下午6时许,练武出身的赵某因求爱遭拒,手持两把水果刀闯入北京理工大学珠海学院,企图杀死女生杨某以及杨某的男朋友。校卫队员、宿管、送水工人拼命保护学生安全,4名保安身受8刀,学生无恙。25日下午,北京理工大学珠海学院将召开表彰大会,对上述有功人员进行奖励,奖金高达22万元。学校承诺,如果受伤保安日后落下残疾,学校会养保安一辈子。

Yang cheng evening news reporter WuGuoSong zhuhai/Interns ZhaoQiuGong photojournalism:11 at about 6 PM,A wushu ZhaoMou rejected because of courtship,Hand two fruit knife into zhuhai college of Beijing university of science and technology,Attempt to kill the girl Yang and Yang's boyfriend.School guards players/Lodge tube/Send water work people try very hard to protect students' safety,Four security had eight knife,Students safe.On the afternoon of December 25,The zhuhai college of Beijing university of science and technology will be held commendation congress,The active personnel for reward,Bonus is as high as 220000 yuan.The school promised,If the injured security future fall disability,The school will keep security for a lifetime.


求爱遭拒扬言杀人 Courtship rejected threatened to kill


It is understood,Beijing institute of technology zhuhai college girls Yang and ZhaoMou know outside,Each other after a current,ZhaoMou launched fierce pursuit to Yang,But Yang already have a boyfriend,So ZhaoMou refused to love.ZhaoMou after being rejected by the depressed mood.


On December 5th afternoon,ZhaoMou drunk came to Beijing institute of technology zhuhai college find Yang,Yang is with her boyfriend and ZhaoMou interview,And express again with the communication attitude.ZhaoMou promptly threatened death also want to find two sharedzilla,After leaving school.


Thought things to this we have come to an end,But 11 5 p.m,ZhaoMou again to zhuhai college of Beijing institute of technology,Call Yang,Tell Yang to come to school to find her,Yang said the school,ZhaoMou in the phone threatened to kill her boyfriend.6 15 points make,ZhaoMou drunk the two fruit knife to girls dormitory building.


双刀砍伤4名保安 Double cut injury four security


Beijing university of science and technology zhuhai science college guard captain LiuJianJun to the yangcheng evening news reporter is introduced,ZhaoMou Yang came to the dormitory on the second floor of the time,Be lodge tube aunt stopped.Lodge tube aunt banned ZhaoMou into,But ZhaoMou have not listened to persuade,Or attempt to forced into the dormitory for Yang.


School health HuangXiaoZhong players to lodge tube aunt's turn to the scene.HuangXiaoZhong told reporters,He had thought this was a simple with campus dispute,Didn't think ZhaoMou persisted in hard rush girl's dormitory,HuangXiaoZhong the stop time,ZhaoMou suddenly from behind the sticker will take two security HuangXiaoZhong cut injury.The school immediately start the emergency plan,Surrounding the school health team to the girl's dormitory emergency support.


Immediately rushed to the scene security XiongZhi wave and LuoXianBiao see,HuangXiaoZhong bathe in blood half on the fence,ZhaoMou holding the two sharp knife,At HuangXiaoZhong is hunched over with/cries.Seeing this,XiongZhi sea trying to reach/Dissuade ZhaoMou,And trying to ZhaoMou won his knife.But ZhaoMou very alert,Nobody was allowed near.


The students had more and more,The students' dormitory building lived more than 600 girls,If ZhaoMou out to students,The consequences will be unimaginable.The school guard captain LiuJianJun requirements girls return to room,Locking the door,Don't come out.At this time,The injured HuangXiaoZhong has been sent to hospital.


In order to avoid a ZhaoMou harm students,The school health team XiongZhi wave/ZhangWang wit and ZhaoMou move,Successfully coax ZhaoMou walk to the first floor,And from behind ZhaoMou will embrace,Trying to ZhaoMou hand knife won,Combat process,Two security guards are have incised wound.


ZhaoMou be school guards surrounded by players after,Waving two knife to cut school guards WangDongXu players,Then fled.This time send water work people LvHui just passing by,Then joined to the ZhaoMou in the round,ZhaoMou lunged at LvHui to attack,LvHui just copy from an empty barrel at the ZhaoMou,ZhaoMou knife thrust deep into the barrel,The school health team certain time,Will ZhaoMou down,And ZhaoMou won the other hand a sharp knife,Will ZhaoMou completely uniform.


重伤保安脱离危险 Seriously injured security out of danger


Students' final safe and sound,But four famous players who are in the body of the knife.


24 morning,Reporter in the hospital to see the security HuangXiaoZhong/XiongZhi wave/WangDongXu and ZhangWang.XiongZhi wave hand nerve/vascular/Tendon rupture,When the rescue for six hours of surgery,But the finger function has not been fully recovered;WangDongXu neck by cut throat,The wound from the neck artery only almost 0.5 cm,In the ICU rescue five genius out of danger;ZhangWang 5 root tendon rupture,Right hand activities affect,Even if treatment for 2 years the most right hand function also can recover 95%;HuangXiaoZhong body of 5 knife,Tendon injury and,The future will affect the right hand function.


Injured four security has 3 people are military veterans,But still deeply serious injury."He has not the life,Is to kill people."HuangXiaoZhong told reporters:"But at that time also did not consider so much,Just want to hurt the other students."


After the,Many students take turns to the hospital for the injured security to take care of.


学校承诺负责到底 The school is responsible for the promise


Reporter from Beijing institute of technology zhuhai college of university of,The school will issue a RMB 220000 bonus,To protect the students seizing up security/Send water work and lodge tube aunt.


220000 yuan in the bonus,In addition to send water work reward 10000 yuan,Lodge tube aunt 2000 yuan,The rest of the 208000 yuan all awarded to the school security team and participate in combat school guard team.HuangXiaoZhong/XiongZhi wave/WangDongXu and ZhangWang besides, each with 20000 yuan outside bonus,Each person have $10000 to $20000 for injury subsidies,Promotion and salary level.


Four in the hospital treatment of school guards the cost of the players from the school temporarily disbursements.The school chief says,If the four famous players who appear in physical disability,The school also their lifetime,Responsible for the.


In addition,Beijing institute of technology zhuhai college are four injured players who apply for the school"Never hesitated to"title.


The reporter understands,ZhaoMou already in the 15th of this month is approval of arrest.




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看国外如何构筑校园安全防线: See foreign how to establish the campus safety defence:


法国: France:教育部部长夏岱尔提出法国政府遏制校园暴力的5个努力方向:加强学校安全监测。防范暴力进入教师课程。安全机动小组护校园。家长配合严格校纪。在问题学校展开行动。法国前总统萨科奇在爱丽舍宫发表演说,再次强调了政府整治校园暴力的决心。他说,"当人们有所惧时内心就不自由,就不能自由地学习、自由地发展、自由地工作",因此,孩子们需要的是一个安静、相互尊重、相互信任的校园。

The ministry of education minister XiaDaiEr puts forward the French government contain campus violence five direction:To strengthen the school safety monitoring.To prevent violence into the teacher's course.Safety motor group guard campus.Parents with strict disciplines.The problem of school act.Former French President nicolas sarkozy has a speech at the Elysee,It was emphasized again that the government regulation to school violence.He said,"When people have fear in the heart is not free,Is not free to learning/Free to develop/Free to work",so,Children need a quiet/Mutual respect/The campus of mutual trust.


韩国: South Korea:校园安全保障措施很多,主要包括交通安全、食品环境安全、人身财产安全的保障措施,预防和补偿安全事故的相关措施以及安全教育。在韩国,幼儿园、小学和特殊学校等校园主要出入口半径300米以内的道路区域是政府划定的"儿童保护区域"。有关学校安全赔偿事务由"学校安全控制会"负责。据统计,2007年韩国"学校安全控制会"接受、处理的安全事件为41114件,共赔偿170亿韩元。

Campus security measures a lot,Mainly includes the traffic safety/Food environmental safety/Personal property security measures,Prevention and compensation safety accidents related measures and safety education.In South Korea,kindergarten/Elementary school and special school campus main entrances radius within 300 metres of the road area is defined"Child protection area".The school security compensation by affairs"School safety control will be"Responsible for.According to the statistics,In 2007, South Korea"School safety control will be"accept/Processing safety events for 41114 pieces,For a total of 17 billion won.


美国: The United States:多数中小学和高校处于半开放状态,基本没围墙,为学校安全带来压力和挑战。2010年3月,奥巴马向国会递交的本届政府教育改革与发展蓝图中,学生安全、学校安全成为优先改革和优先保障的重点领域之一。政府也设立专款,帮助学校进行紧急疏散、预防暴力或恐怖袭击等演练,训练孩子的预测、判断危险和求生能力以及应对歹徒入侵校园等紧急情况的反应能力。按规定,学校每学年都要进行一到两次综合性的安全演习。

Most of the schools and universities are in a state of half open,Basic no fence,For school safety brought pressure and challenges.In march of 2010,Obama submitted to congress the government education reform and development in the blueprint,Students' safety/The school security become priority reform and priority security is one of the key fields.The government set up special fund,Help the school for emergency evacuation/To prevent violence or terrorist attacks and drills,Train the kid's prediction/Judge danger and survival ability and deal with the invasion of the campus emergency response ability.In accordance with the provisions,School every school year to one to two comprehensive security drill.


日本: Japan:学校安全问题同时也受到日本内阁的高度关注。为帮助学校安装监控摄像机和紧急报警装置等设备,以特别交付税的形式拨付补助经费。日本内阁从2005年起发布年度报告《保护孩子不受犯罪伤害》,就学校、社区和家庭的对策措施和防范教育现状进行考察并提出改进建议。教育行政部门向学校委派安全指导员、巡视员,利用全校集会或综合学习实践课向学生传授自我保护知识。[详细]

The school security problems but also by the Japan's high attention.In order to help the school install surveillance cameras and emergency alarm device and other equipment,By special delivery tax form appropriate subsidies.The Japanese cabinet since 2005 annual report released[Protect our children from criminal damage],Will the school/Community and family measures and prevention education present situation investigation and puts forward Suggestions for improvement.Education administrative department to the school appoint safety instructor/inspector,Use the rallies or comprehensive learning practice lesson teach students the knowledge to protect themselves.[detailed]
