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在救治受伤学生同时,上级部门应尽快对此案启动问责,将失职渎职的官员曝光。 In treating the students at the same time,The superior department should start accountability on this case as soon as possible,Neglect the dereliction of officials.
On December 14,,Chen guang shan county, henan province manjusri township tent village elementary school massacre at:36, the villagers MinYingJun into the school,Cuts of 22 students,The 1,Police initially recognized MinYingJun suffering from mental illness.
The campus murder once again to the public in shock.In care of 22 students' injury at the same time,Many people not doubt,Why do some places the safety of the campus always vulnerable,Mental patient ran into campus even cut 22 people,Not for an instant,In the process of before and wild,Why no one to him to stop in time?Guang shan county police and education department to the campus safety control,Whether there are omissions?
In the media,We found a startling fact,This has hundreds of students of the school,During the class door unexpectedly unattended.After a series of campus murder happened in 2010,Related department asked around the school will be equipped with security,To organize manpower to strengthen the security patrol around the school.In a big city,A few hundred people the kindergarten or primary school,Equipped with two security is a very common thing,Can guang shan county, the rural primary school,The door how unattended,Students need the security when what's missing?
Media reports said,Mental patient ran YuanHou they entered,With a knife,The classroom one by one,Cut off on the first floor to the third floor,During the period,But no teacher's shadow.Also in 14 that day,An American elementary school shooting,After the shootings,School teacher showed courage in the protection of children/Due diligence/professional,Let the numerous net friend is moved,Can this primary school in henan thousands miles away,When dozens of children under the sharp cry for help,Our teacher is gone,This I don't let a person feeling?
Cuts the students' suspect MinYingJun is a mental patient,From the madness of violent behavior,The condition is obviously not light.The previous,The ministry of public security has been dispatch require heavy mental patient testing all over.so,Guang shan county of heavy mental patients regularly,How is going?Local villagers introduced,MinYingJun has 20 years history of epilepsy,Is the condition is not concealed,Can such a mental patient with social risk,Why for a long time didn't get the effective monitoring and treatment?
The campus murder is not by chance,It is the local education/The public security departments of a road safety defence fort,To let the suspect drill the gaps,From the,We can see these departments and officials indifference to the safety of students.So people are looking forward to,In the effort to cure the students at the same time,The superior department as soon as possible to start the case accountability,Neglect the dereliction of officials,In accordance with the law shall be investigated for their responsibility.
From 2010 in fujian nanping/Hepu of guangxi/Jiangsu 泰兴 murder and so on a series of campus,And the case of the guang shan county,Primary school, especially in rural schools,Often become"The campus safety"the"Short board".These schools have management is not standard,Together with the local government pay less attention on the investment guarantee,So they are in"The campus safety"The guarantee of strength,Is far behind the city schools.City schools the common strict access control system/Perfect security equipment,上下学 during the police patrol, etc,In many rural schools basic all could not see.so,for"The campus safety",Also need to be like a nutrition plan,For rural primary school strengthen the investment guarantee,To promote the"The campus safety"The standardization of the management,So can we put an end to tragedy.
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