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公交车“撒尿哥”是自闭症少年 能弹十级钢琴曲--亲稳网络舆情监控室


recently,Xiamen photo spread in the network:A man,Standing in the bus,To pee outside the window.


Photos cause public discussion,but,In the center of the vortex hero,But don't know oneself in the opinion of the outlet wave.because,He is a autistic son.


yesterday(27,),Reporters saw the 14 little dragon.He is a genius autistic son:self-taught,Can play the piano ten level,Will be written with a computer,Can just two seconds.The teacher said,This is a rare/Have many high function of autistic son.


But the young autistic,Live in their own world,Don't know how to communicate with others,Don't know how to blend in the society.


He has been in the effort,But he is still very lonely.


新闻回顾:男子公交车打开车窗对外撒尿 引网友热议(图) News review:Man bus open window pee foreign net friend hot debate(figure)

  自闭孩子车窗尿尿,父母哭了 Autistic child window urinate,Parents cried


Standing in the bus,To pee outside the window,This photo instant critical red in the network,Drew criticism countless.


This photo,Let parents of autistic boy 14 years old little dragon,crying.They cried to teach school the teacher said,What to do,If the child can't blend in the society,He should do?


Little dragon, on the other side,Quietly playing the piano.He did not know,Parents why so sad.He also don't know,Why after a period of time,Mother accompany him every day by bus.


That day is Monday.My father has just finish operation,Cut off the head of a tumor,The mood of anxiety little dragon,While thinking about his father,While driving to school.Thinking about things,Don't pee before going out.


From home to school,Need 1 and a half hours of bus,On the way,Urgency of he,The feeling be nasty in open the window.


He is a autistic son,At that moment,He did not know he was wrong."He live in his own world,Only ran into something,Tell him,This is not right,He will be perceived,Next time don't make."Teach school teachers have also seen this photo on the web,They say,The child is not the case,This is special case.


音乐天才,能弹十级的钢琴曲 Music genius,Can play the tenth level of piano


"The child is a music genius."The first day of the little dragon to teach school,Let TaoLaoShi of teaching music,"There is a piano in the school,He sat down and play the piano a tem."


As a matter of fact,His music talent show as early as three or four years old.At that time,He never learned the piano,Listen to the cousin practice,Little dragon went up to him to tell her,Playing the wrong here.


Little dragon of music,Surprise parents,She gave him a piano teacher, please.


[The news broadcast]The first song,Listen to again,Little dragon can play out.At the age of eight,Learn to staff the little dragon,Listen to the piano several times[To Alice],Write by yourself.Father took always give a music teacher,Except a few subtle grace note has discrepancy,Other is correct.The teacher was shocked:"How can have such a child!Music major,It is not easy to do it."


Because it is autistic son,Communication has a great obstacles,Many please go to the home of the piano teacher are to be soon.


More time,Little dragon is self-study.tem/Ten steps of the piano,He can play it.Self-taught to learn computer,He set himself.


"I wish I,The child can meet bole in performance."TaoLaoShi said.


记忆力超强,是本活人万年历 Super memory,Is this the living and the calendar


His prodigious memory.In understanding the,He can remember each other's birthday.Often in the morning,Little dragon said to his father,dad,Whose birthday is today.


Little dragon for the understanding of spatial orientation,Also surprise."His mind will have a map,We take him to Beijing/Shanghai/Qingdao/hangzhou,Before departure,Let him see a few eye city map,After came to the,He won't be lost.How to by bus,He is known to all."Father said.


There is calendar.Freely say a date,A second,He can speak of the week.If a long time,He will be a little slowly,Need more than one second.Reporters take out a cellular phone,Feel sight is a living calendar.


记者手记 多点宽容多点爱为小龙打开另一扇窗 Reporter notes more tolerant love more open another window for little dragon


Little dragon is a genius!The teacher in charge teacher zhang said,It is very rare.but,The genius of the same 14 years old,Is a autistic son.His greatest pain,Just could not get along with others,Immersed in their own world,Don't know how to blend in society.


When the bus photo of pee,When going on in the Internet,People almost a fall on the ground attack on the no"moral"/"There is no good"The man.but,People do not seem to have thought about it,This photo behind the story.


Father took the little dragon,Run a lot of cities,Do a lot of training,For the education of autistic son,Is still a worldwide problem.In spite of this,Little dragon progress every day,He kept on trying,Learn to get along with the society.

  上帝关闭了一扇门,为他开启了另一扇窗。那么,我们这些幸福的健康人,能否给这孩子多一点包容,帮助他把那扇关闭的窗慢慢打开?给这孩子一个成为天才的机会!(东南网-海峡导报记者 詹文/文 吴晓平/图)

God closed a door,As he opened another window.so,We the happiness of healthy people,Can you give the child a little more tolerance,To help him open the window of the closed slowly?Give the child a chance to become a genius!(Southeast nets - channel herald reporter ZhanWen/wen WuXiaoPing/map)
