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浙江温岭11岁女童多次被性侵 嫌犯系合租男子--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网台州12月22日电(见习记者 徐乐静 实习生 王译萱 通讯员 金云国)12月月19日,浙江温岭市温峤镇梅溪村的一处临时出租房附近,一名11岁女孩遭遇了性侵,22日,记者从当地派出所了解到,犯罪嫌疑人身份已经确认,目前正在全力追捕。
Beijing on December 22, taizhou(Trainee reporter XuLeJing interns WangYi xuan correspondent JinYunGuo)December 19,,Zhejiang wenling city temperature Jiao town river "meixi river" near the village of a temporary rental housing,An 11-year-old girl had sexual harassment,22,,The reporter understands from the local police station,The criminal suspect identity has been confirmed,Is currently full.
Wang yong(The allotted time periods specified by the)Is a ordinary farmers,In order to let the family life better,In January he traveled with his family working from home in shaanxi province to zhejiang.On dec. 11,,The family came to wenling city,To his surprise,Within a week,But such tragedy happened.
WangYongYou a 11 year old daughter,Was he(The allotted time periods specified by the),At ordinary times love said love to laugh,Was a lively and cheerful boy.But due to sickness and combined with other reasons,Cause he always rest at home not to go to school.
Wang yong told reporters,Cc is spent at home all of the savings,He had to go out play more jobs to compensate for their family.While he's mother is in the local shoe shop to do some embroidery decorations.
"A embroidery can make 1 hair 3,One day do hundreds of also can earn more than ten dollars."Wang yong said,Husband and wife two people for busy work,No time to take care of the children.
Because of this,There is a while let at the of the machine.22,,Wang yong when recalled the sufferings of cc,Deep remorse.
According to wang yong introduces,In order to save money,Their family and a few outdoor to migrant workers share in a yard.Just stay with them soon,Next to a more than 30 years old unmarried man while he mother do not pay attention to,Itself but not necessarily true"trick"cc,In not far away from home in the warehouse of the sexual assault on the cc.
Just sensible and know it is not a good thing,And afraid of man,Didn't dare to tell their parents.
Until the 19 noon,Man again after the cc sexual harassment,He can't stand anymore,To go to the flight.
"The mother of the child see children look like,Didn't think straight,Thanks to the good intention person to help around the called the police."Wang yong said,Mouth learned from their children,That she was the man threaten many times from sexual harassment.
After this happened,Wang yong these days can't leave the Sicilian side.He told reporters,Children now can't talk,Asked her questions,Only say:"My mind was a complete blank."
"I now special era,Don't care,Let her suffer so much injustice."Wang yong said,Now he just want to catch the man,Let children early out of the shadows.
then,The reporter understands from temperature Jiao town, wenling city police station,The police have been involved in the case.Police HuangXiaoWai told reporters,Now determine the man to linquan in anhui province,About 30 years old age,Still single single.
HuangXiaoWai revealed,The case involves a minor into human nature,The police are searching,Has preliminarily determine the location of the criminal suspect.(after)
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