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  本报讯(记者 苏金柱)12月20日,北京市教委召开减轻学生过重课业负担项目推进会,由北京教科院基础教育科学研究所受托担纲的“减轻学生过重课业负担,促进学生健康成长”项目组正式发布调研报告,来自学生和家长的数据共同表明,七成以上的北京小学生本学期参加了校外学习班,1∕6以上的学生每周参加校外班的时间在6小时以上。

  本报讯(记者 苏金柱)12月20日,北京市教委召开减轻学生过重课业负担项目推进会,由北京教科院基础教育科学研究所受托担纲的"减轻学生过重课业负担,促进学生健康成长"项目组正式发布调研报告,来自学生和家长的数据共同表明,七成以上的北京小学生本学期参加了校外学习班,1∕6以上的学生每周参加校外班的时间在6小时以上.


  减轻学生过重课业负担项目推进会上,北京市教委总结一年来全市义务教育阶段减负工作的推进成效,并对今后一个时期全市义务教育阶段减负工作进行了部署.北京市教委自2011年在全市启动义务教育阶段减负工作以来,确定了坚持"育人为本,科学减负,促进每位学生健康成长"的指导思想.一年来,采取五项措施有效推进了义务教育阶段的减负工作.一是,制定减负行动计划,明确减负工作的出发点是围绕"育人",努力转变不利于儿童身心健康成长的教育观念/方法和行为,积极促进学生快乐学习/主动发展和健康成长;二是加强了减负工作制度的建设.先后建立起学生课业负担监测制度,建立了减负工作推进制度,通过定期的监测/定期召开年度推进会/年度总结会以及行政动员等方式,调动区县/The school减负工作的主动性/自觉性;3 it is to actively build the burden propaganda work/Communication platform,Continuously condense the burden of the consensus.The organization carries out the"Burden you talk about"Essay activities,Get district education commission and the positive response of the school,Were collected nearly 1500 students/experience/The idea of the paper,Further in the primary school/Teachers in proclaiming the burden of thought,Formed the counties/The school/Teachers' active burden of consensus;Four is to strengthen teachers team construction,Promote the teachers and the power of the quality-oriented education level.Through the ShiYanJiao teacher training guidance/Heis ShiYanJiao scheme/Subject teaching strategy research/Summer ShiYanJiao teacher training, etc,Carried out various forms of teacher training activities;Five is the key to catch/Set up typical,Play a model leading role.Burden the project team in monitoring the reflect the student work in the form of a single/Operation simple repetition of the phenomenon,Unloading operations were carried out to study,Optimization of number of homework/And content,Make the students' homework more conform to the cultivation of students' learning ability/Stimulate students' interest in learning/Monitoring the students' academic achievements of homework evaluation function;At the same time also carried out comprehensive burden,Establish efficient scientific experiment class,Summarized a large number of to reduce the heavy schoolwork burden of school and typical experience,In the city the students played a good demonstration role in the work.


At the meeting,Relevant person in charge of the municipal education committee,In the future to further to develop the students practice,Improve the mechanism of,Further clear the specimen/疏堵 combination/Internal and external linkage/Whole advancement/The key breakthrough of the work.Burden will be combined with the implementation of quality education,With the course/Combining the teaching reform,With the transformation of development mode,Combined with to improve teachers' professional quality,From the municipal level will further strengthen the integration in the future,To optimize the course.In addition,Municipal education commission will further improve the relevant systems of the burden of work,Strengthen the monitoring of scientific management,Set up compulsory education students learning burden monitoring,And improve students' comprehensive quality evaluation system,Play the guiding role of students' comprehensive quality evaluation.


News memory

  七成以上小学生参加校外班 超八成教师认为校外班增加学生课业负担

More than seventy percent of primary school students participates in class - eighty percent teachers think outside class increases the student schoolwork burden

  又讯(记者 苏金柱) 在当日的减负项目推进会上,“减轻学生过重课业负担,促进学生健康成长”项目组正式向全市发布了项目组实施学生开展学生课业负担调查的有关数据。此项调查涉及的调查对象共分小学三年级学生和五年级学生、小学生家长、小学教师和学校干部,共回收学生有效问卷1721份,家长有效问卷1688份,教师有效问卷1565份,干部有效问卷186份。

Again -(记者 苏金柱) The burden of the project to promote the meeting on that day,"减轻学生过重课业负担,促进学生健康成长"Project team officially released to the implementation of the project the student schoolwork burden for students in survey data.The survey of survey is divided into primary school grade three and grade five students/Elementary school students parents/Primary school teachers and administrators,1721 questionnaires were effective,Parents effective questionnaire 1688,Teachers' effective questionnaire 1565,Cadres effective questionnaire 186.


Data from the students:Participates in the students of class accounts for 74.8% of the total number of investigation,Which focused on the"1 ~ 2"On the choice of,Accounted for 47.8%,choose"3 ~ 4"Accounts for about 20.8% of the.


Data from the parents:In addition to the school of learning task,70.5% of the students took part in the school class,With in 1 ~ 2 outside class,Accounted for 50.4%.

  对家长的调查还考察了学生上校外班的时间。数据显示:35.6%的学生校外学习班的时间为2~6小时, 17.4%的学生每周参加学习班的时间在6小时以上,相当于每天给这些学生增加了1小时以上的上课负担;如果算上校外班布置的作业,每天给这些学生增加的学习时间,就远不止“1小时以上”。

Home long survey also examines the student on the outside of class time.Data showed that:35.6% of the students outside of class time is 2 ~ 6 hours, 17.4% of the students to participate in the class time in more than 6 hours a week,A day to these students increased 1 hour or more of the burden of the class;If you count on the homework outside class,Every day to give the students increase time for study,It is far more than"More than 1 hour".


The survey also shows that,More than eighty percent of teachers think outside class increased the students' schoolwork burden,More than half of the teachers say"Parents arrange extracurricular study too much"Is the main source of the student schoolwork burden overweight,With teachers of towns and cities.
