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学生两天没上课 老师家访意外救起昏迷家长--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

学生两天没上课 老师家访意外救起昏迷家长

  原标题:学生两天没上课 老师家访发现昏迷不醒的家长……

The original title:Students two days didn't in class the teacher family visit found unconscious of the parents...


“如果这回不是王老师来家访,命可能就没了” "If this time is not wang to the family visit,Life may be gone"


A student in the class didn't come to class,The teacher in charge teacher family visit before,The results found that faint in the student's parents...yesterday,The parents get timely rescue of discharge from the hospital:"My life,Son is the teacher in charge to the back!"


Students two days no class


Last month's 21,,Nanan distract longmen hao WangShiYun the head teacher of class three, grade one of primary school teacher found that students who xiaoxie didn't come to class,Parents also did not call.


Class clearance,Teacher wang to the father of the child XieLong countries a call,Want to know the situation.Didn't get through the phone.The king looked at the teacher,Checked the child family address,The results above only the seat of registered permanent residence registration.


The second day,Xiaoxie's seat is still empty,This let wang is very worry.He asked the class,"What students know that embeds in where?"


At this moment,Wah students raise hand,"My house with xiaoxie living in the same building."At noon that day,Teacher wang to call xiaohua's mother JiangLi,Let her help you look at the small XieGu what happened.


JiangLi live 3 floor,XieGu live 7 floor.After wang on the phone,JiangLi was upstairs XieGu to check the situation.Knock on the door to see,XieLong kingdom is home to accompany son for lunch.


老师家访看究竟 Teacher family visit to see


Heard JiangLi is wang called to see him,XieLong kingdom explanation says,You this two days body uncomfortable,The body has become feeble,There is no send ran to school.Hear this situation,JiangLi gave wang reply:"The child's father was ill,Have no big problem,Come to school tomorrow."


To carry out the news,Teacher wang slightly wide down the heart,But always don't trust,After all, children didn't come to class for two days.He decided to do a family visit,Let father don't baby don't go to school.


At four o 'clock in the afternoon more minutes,Teacher wang and JiangLi to XieGu to see actually.Just go downstairs,They saw embeds a man squat down on the ground crying:"My father was gone!"


The original,Xiaoxie afternoon play downstairs,Return to a house but do not open the door,Don't know where is your dad.


Teacher wang and JiangLi with xiaoxie upstairs,Half knocked at the door,The house and no one answer."Was in an accident?"Teacher wang heart a tight,Immediately call out to the locksmith,Forcibly pry the door open.


意外救人一命 An save a life


The moment the door is opened,Everyone is startled see XieLong countries lay unconscious on the ground,Down he wore a small cotton trousers,The toilet water the sitting room.You hurriedly called 120 ambulance,5 send XieLong countries into the city people's hospital.


The check,XieLong kingdom because diabetes lead to coma."After lunch that day with your son,I'm a man sitting on the sofa watching TV,Behind what you don't remember..."XieLong kingdom recalls said,The doctor said,He was the glycemic index of eight times higher than normal,Again later to send medical may never wake up.


That XieLong countries with son outside rent life alone,Teacher wang call contact XieLong the kingdom of work again,Please come to help his colleagues,And soon found xiaoxie's other relatives.now,Xiaoxie has returned to the classroom at ease in class,XieLong kingdom's condition is much better.


After ten days of treatment,XieLong kingdom rehabilitation hospital yesterday.To wang's care,He is thank you and have a little embarrassed:"If this is not king teachers care about students come to the family visit,I may be not hard."
