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15万美国人请愿要求控枪 “拥枪派”唱反调(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   12月16日,美国康涅狄格为纽敦桑迪胡克小学枪击案遇害者展开大规模的悼念活动,一对男女悼念者在纽敦当地的追思现场相拥而泣。中新社发 李洋 摄 On December 16,,Connecticut in the United States for new, sandy hook elementary school shooting victims on the scale of the memorial,A man and a woman mourners at the scene of the new local memorial, hug to each other and cry.Singapore 社发 李洋 perturbation 12月15日,康涅狄格纽敦当地政府降半旗,为枪击案死难者致哀。中新社发 李洋 摄 December 15,Connecticut united southwestern China, the local government,For shooting victims.Singapore 社发 李洋 perturbation
  中新社华盛顿12月17日电(记者 吴庆才)美国康涅狄格州小学枪击惨案发生后,“白宫”正在成为“控枪派”与“拥枪派”叫阵的主战场。截止17日,已有超过15万美国人在白宫网站签请愿书呼吁奥巴马“控枪”,一批“拥枪派”也发起“反请愿”唱反调。
Arriving in Washington on December 17(The reporter WuQingCai)Connecticut elementary schools in the United States after the massacre that took place,"The White House"Is becoming a"Gun control pie"and"Hold a gun to send"Giant of the Internet.By 17,More than 150000 people in the United States signed a petition calling for Obama in the White House website"Gun control",A group of"Hold a gun to send"Also launched"The petition"naysayers.

  一批“控枪派”在枪击案发生的14日向白宫“我们人民”(We the People)官网发起一份要求枪支管控的请愿书。截止17日下午,该请愿书已获逾15.6万人签名。据美国媒体报道,这已成为该网站签字人数增长最快、最受欢迎的请愿书。其人气已超上个月得克萨斯州居民申请脱离联邦政府的请愿书,后者签名人数约为12万人。

A group of"Gun control pie"In the shooting of the 14 th to the White House"Our people"(We prepared the competition)Website launched a petition for gun control.By 17 in the afternoon,This petition has been more than 156000 signatures.According to the American media reported,This has become a sign the fastest increase in the number on the site/The most popular of the petition.Its popularity has super last month Texas residents to apply for from the federal government's petition,The latter signature about 120000 people.


The petition wrote:"The purpose of this petition,Was barack Obama government related to restrict gun laws.Although the national dialogue is very important,But the law is the only can reduce the shooting deaths of means."


Another petition for gun control lists the specific control measures,Including the limit the number of a person can have guns/Limit the type of guns/Prohibit automatic assault rifles/A more strict background checks, etc,However, with more than 18000 people signed the petition.


After the above petition appearance,"Hold a gun to send"Also launched many a petition,Resolute for gun rights.but,So far,"Hold a gun to send"All requirements protecting the right of the gunman"petition"The number of all behind.Among them,Signature of a petition about 18000 people.


The above petition wrote:We require barack Obama in the support of the tragedy by gunmen.Gun control laws may not prevent lanza killed the 27 innocent victims.……Because school prohibit to carry guns,Two staff in shooting with body to protect children……A crazy new gun legislation is not the solution.


Since 1776 militiamen in Lexington, climaxing American war of independence began the first gun,Guns have become an indispensable part of American culture,Which mingled with freedom/Human rights/history/Legal and political complex imbroglio,This makes difficult to solve the problem of gun flood.


In addition,"Hold a gun to send"The national rifle association behind have a strong organization,Its members to 4 million,8 President in history are the members of the organization,Its strong political influence formidable,This is presidents can't/Don't want to or can't promote one of the reasons why the strict gun control laws.


Obama has said it will take after the shooting"Meaningful action"Or use of presidential power,Stop the tragedies repeat,But he did not mention the problem of gun control.In fact,Several major before shooting memorial,He also had a similar statement,But after the event are below.


At 17, routine press conference,White House spokesman karni by reporters ask again and again"Gun control"When playing up"Tai chi",He refused to give to the White House may take any gun control of any of the details,Only said to gun violence is a complex problem,Need of comprehensive solutions.
