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13岁男生被老师连打30余个耳光致聋 学校拒担责--亲稳网络舆情监控室
事发后,学校在支付6000余元医疗费后不愿负责,打人的老师也莫名失踪,小杰家属遂将学校告上法庭。近日,中山市第二人民法院作出一审判决,判令学校承担责任,小杰获赔6万余元。 老师扇学生耳光致聋 校方称耳聋是遗
After the incident,After school to pay 6000 yuan medical treatment is not willing to,Hitting the teacher also express missing,The little hero's family took school to court.recently,Zhongshan city the second people's court verdict,To judge the responsibility,The little hero HuoPei more than 60000 yuan. The teacher students slapped deafening university said deafness is left? ?? ?
30多个耳光致少年重度耳聋 More than 30 ears to young severe hearing loss
The little hero of 13 years old this year(The allotted time periods specified by the)The original department of zhongshan class three, grade five students in a private school.Last October 28 13 when 40 points,The little hero because he didn't keep discipline,Is the school teacher XiongMou ling/LiuMouBin corridor in the classroom stopped scolded and corporal punishment.Police station records show,Little jie said was XiongMou ling played more than 30 box on the ear,And kick the LiuMouBin.
The little hero after parents hurried to school,The complaint to the principal,The principal and XiongMou ling agreed shall be responsible for all of its medical treatment,Thought the ear.The little hero still feel ear pain in two days,The siu lam people's hospital diagnosed right ear tinnitus after trauma,Hearing loss.later,The little hero to many hospitals,Zhongshan humanitarian hospital and diagnosis of the right ear moderate mixed deafness.During treatment,The school pay the little hero fee $6162.90 and other costs 246 yuan.
On June 13, this year,The little hero by guangdong male of forensic clinical evaluation for ten class disable by judicial authentication.At this time,The little hero's family again to the school for that,But in the teacher XiongMou ling has been missing,And report to the police station.On July 2,,Police station organization conducts conciliation between the two parties,The parties failed to reach a unanimous agreement.July 24,The little hero appeal court,Request to judge the defendant for personal injury properly to 64794.96 yuan(Disability compensation 53794.96 yuan/The spirit of the patient is 10000 yuan/Treatment of 300 yuan/Disable assess fee RMB 700),And the litigation fees shall be borne by the defendant school this case.
教师失踪 学校拒绝承担责任 School teachers to assume responsibility
In the trial,Little hero confirm XiongMou ling teacher has paid its early medical treatment cost about 6000 yuan.The judicial authentication opinions,The little hero traumatic tympanic perforation on the right side due to trauma,The right ear hearing loss,A minor injuries.Because XiongMou ling has been missing,The little hero require schools to assume responsibility.
But zhongshan argued that the private school,The little hero does not have any evidence to prove that the damage is the cause of the school.The plaintiff said it in oct. 28, 2011 wounded by the teacher in the school right ear,But after more than a month,Lead to the defendant school unable to find out if the facts of the crime.so,The case has nothing to do with the defendant school accident.
In addition,The school believe the evidence of the plaintiff could not prove the damage caused by this accident,Cannot determine whether the plaintiff's ear injury at the beginning,Or whether the plaintiff has congenital ear injury.It is more important,School think that the case direct infringer is bear/Liu two teachers,Tort is not perform their duties,Therefore shall be borne by the infringer directly responsible,The defendant school does not bear the corresponding responsibility.
法院判决学校未尽管理职责 Court school not management responsibilities
中山市第二人民法院经审理认为,小杰主张被熊某玲老师殴打致十级伤残之事实成立。根据《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第三十九条关于“限制民事行为能力人在学校或者其他教育机构学习、生活期间受到人身损害,学校或者其他教育机构未尽到教育、管理职责的,应当承担责任”的规定,应由被告学校承担相关民事赔偿责任。法院遂判决被告中山市某学校向原告小杰支付伤残赔偿金、精神抚慰金、治疗费和伤残评定费共计64494.96元。(记者郑平 李世寅)
Zhongshan city the second people's court trial,Little hero claims by XiongMou ling teacher beating of ten class disable the facts.According to the[Tort liability law of the People's Republic of China]Article 39 about"Restrict person of civil action competence to study at schools or other institutions of education/By the personal injury during the life,Schools or other institutions of education fails to fulfill the education/Management responsibilities,Shall be liable for"The provisions of the,Shall be borne by the defendant school related civil liability to pay compensation.Court and the defendant to zhongshan a school the little hero pay disability compensation/The spirit of the patient/Treatment and disable assess cost a total of $64494.96.(The reporter ZhengPing LiShiYin)
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