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云南推行中小学生每天锻炼1小时 学校落实不够--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  视力下降、体重上升、柔韧性降低,学生体质下降已成为不得不面对的事实。日前,《关于进一步加强学校体育工作若干意见》(下简称《意见》)正式出台。其中提出,我国将实施学校体育三年行动计划。对学生体质健康水平持续三年下降的地区和学校,在教育工作评估和评优评先中实行“一票否决”。 Vision loss/Weight up/Flexibility to reduce,The deterioration of student's physical quality has become a have to face the facts.a,[On further strengthening school sports work several opinions](Next referred to as[opinion])Come on stage formally.The proposed,China will implement the school sports three years action plan.To the student's physical health level for the third year in a falling areas and school,In the education work evaluation and assessment PingXian carry out"One ticket veto".


after,Kunming in yunnan province and has to students' physical work made relevant regulations,Needs to ensure that students in addition to small and medium-sized sports extracurricular physical exercise time every day not less than 1 hour.For small and medium-sized students' physical health level decreased obviously areas and schools,Practice qualification evaluation and assessment PingXian one ticket veto.Reporters from the province education department to know,At present,Our province part of the school actively to carry out sports activities at the same time,Many schools and regions still faces"Physical exercise for 1 hour"Carry out the difficult question.


学生体质下降 “一票否决”评优 The deterioration of student's physical quality "One ticket veto"recommendation


According to[opinion],Our country should strengthen overall in primary and secondary schools as the key school sports work,The various localities should regulate the behavior,To reduce the schoolwork burden,A solid guarantee for primary and middle school students daily one hour campus sports time,It is strictly prohibited to use physical education and student campus sports time.To the student's physical health level for the third year in a falling areas and school,In the education work evaluation and assessment PingXian carry out"One ticket veto".

  实际上,早在2008年,我省就出台了《云南省减轻中小学生课业负担 增强青少年体质的规定》。其中要求,要确保中小学生除体育课外每天体育锻炼时间不少于1小时。此外,严禁教师“拖堂”侵占学生课间休息、锻炼和活动时间,各中小学每年9-12月开展中小学生体质测试工作。对减轻学生课业负担工作存在严重问题、中小学生体质健康水平明显下降的地区和学校,实行合格性评估和评优评先一票否决。2011年,《昆明市中小学生体质健康促进条例》也已颁布施行。《规定》提出,中小学校在落实国家的课程设置方案和省的课时安排意见时,要确保中小学生除体育课外每天体育锻炼时间不少于1小时,并将其列入教学计划。学生若连续三年出现体质下滑要对当地教育局长进行问责。

In fact,As early as in 2008,Our province is introduced[Yunnan province small and medium-sized reduce the student schoolwork burden enhance teenagers of the provisions of the constitution].The requirements,To ensure that primary and middle school students every day except sports extracurricular physical exercise time not less than 1 hour.In addition,It is strictly prohibited to teachers"delay"Occupy students break/Exercise and activities of time,Each middle and primary school each year 9-12 months in primary and middle school students' physique test work.To reduce the student schoolwork burden existing serious problems/Primary and middle school students' physical health level decreased obviously areas and schools,Practice qualification evaluation and assessment PingXian one ticket veto.In 2011,,[Kunming primary and middle school students constitutional health promotion regulations]Has also promulgated).[provisions]Put forward,Primary and middle schools in the implementation of national curriculum plan and provincial scheduling opinion,To ensure that primary and middle school students every day except sports extracurricular physical exercise time not less than 1 hour,And it included in the teaching plan.If students for three consecutive years appear physical decline to the local education director for accountability.


中小学生体质存在三大问题 Primary and middle school students' physical there are three big problem


According to the education department of kunming survey,In the s and s so far,Kunming primary and middle school students constitutional health promotion has been achieved significant results,Nutrition level and morphological development level enhances unceasingly.But there are also some problem that nots allow to ignore:Part of the school sports facilities/Health work condition such as low success rate;Primary and middle school students vital capacity and physical index continued to decline,The rate of malvision remains high,Primary school up to 38.88%,Junior high school up to 73.81%;City overweight/The proportion of primary and middle school students' obesity increased significantly,Part of the rural primary and middle school students' height and weight are substandard,Nutrition defect rate reaches 25.67%.


Investigation shows that,Kunming primary and middle school students student physical health mainly existed myopia/odontopathy/Obesity three problems.


有的学校落实力度不够 Some schools implement is not strong enough


Some basic condition good schools,In to carry out sports activities,in"quantity"and"mass"A requirement.With the BaZhong as an example,The school is implemented"Three meals a day"system,Namely exercise in the morning/Two exercise between classes and afternoon sports elective course.The lesson hold the school more than 5000 people to attend,The form of exercise between classes from the traditional GuangBoCao,Extended to each class between funny games,Time for half an hour."The BaZhong also have badminton/basketball/Table tennis/Golf is greatly enjoyed by students like elective course".


Guangdong provincial body WeiYi marshal DongYiFan said,Our province has been focus on implementation"Sports activities for 1 hour", etc.Some schools do well,But some schools implement and carry out the strength is not enough."Some city schools,The school area is not large,But recruit students is more and more.Students can only rotate to the playground to participate in physical activities,This makes the student to participate in the sports activity time and deep degree can be guaranteed.Contrast down,City schools sports activities but as rural".


Grade students in small coke told reporters,The third day daily energy has been spent on the study,Daily exercise between classes basic is to place showy,P.E. class occasionally can relax,But when individual physical education is also the other main subject teacher forcibly occupied.Many parents also in"dilemma"state,On the one hand hope children body can better,On the one hand and under the pressure of examination,Let children learn more and more time,Let the children take part in physical activity time is less and less.


DongYiFan said,Students' body quality worse and worse is an objective fact,To make students' physical make up,Not only by education department can accomplish.In the college entrance examination under the baton,The importance of sports than those exam course.Some schools in safety can't organizes the student to participate in the strong confrontational activities,Not only the football match no trace,Physical education on the vault is faced with"trembled"situation,Such as spring outing and collective activity, become the school taboo."When we go to school,To participate in physical activities,If not be broken,That wouldn't be too big things.In now,Not only the parents to find,Schools in the face of public opinion pressure also big."DongYiFan said,To improve students' physique,To rise to system design level,Comprehensive to solve the social problems.(HanHaiKuo)
