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80后闪离父四年不见女 娃告父亲要他每周看自己--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  一对80后一见钟情并闪婚。婚后,两人因生活琐事所累,感情逐渐冷却,女儿妍妍的到来也没能改变这个局面,他们在女儿不到1岁时就闪离了。年轻爸爸4年都没有回去看女儿一眼,原来,他怀疑女儿不是亲生。 A pair of love at first sight and flash marriage after 80.After marriage,Two people because life trivia,Feelings gradually cooling,The arrival of the daughter, yan yan also can't change the situation,They are less than 1 year old daughter when she left.The young father can't go back to see daughter 4 years,The original,He suspected that is not his own daughter.


Often look at other kindergarten children ride dad's horse shoulder to go home,Yan yan is envy.In order to let my father see myself once a week,yesterday,Yan yan, the mother of the little chu as guardian,Entrust a lawyer to tell yan yan's father XiaoJun YuBeiOu court.


However,,This one looks very affection of claim has been legal blind area:The current law only divorced parents have the right to visit them,Did not give their children the right of visit.


一对80后夫妻 A pair of husband and wife after 80


闪婚不久闪离 Flash flash marriage soon


This year 26 years old little chu is ocean area,29 XiaoJun is YuBeiOu,Two people like to surf the Internet,XiaoJun love playing games,Small chu like net friend ShenKan.


Time back in August 2006 in the summer,XiaoJun and small chu romantic encounter on the Internet,Less than a month,Two people don't regard the family discourage the flash marriage.


Although not very grand wedding,But two people all feel found the end-result of love.However,,When passion slowly cooling back to real life,Two people to face life of oil salt sauce vinegar tea,Because life trivial,Their feelings gradually cooling to the freezing point.Two years later,In less than 1 year old daughter,Two people, regardless of both parents urging flash away from.


Two people caocao divorce agreement,XiaoJun clean body out of the door,Yan yan raised by small chu,Value of 250000 yuan of the house to small chu,XiaoJun don't have to pay for support of yan yan.


女儿得相思病盼望爸爸回家 Daughter have to the lovesickness hope dad home


Single mother small chu to let his daughter grow up happily,Not to be married.Time by the four years,Yan yan 5 years old,In a class in the kindergarten.Small chu may not have noticed the change of the daughter,Yan yan sometimes home out of the window with a glassy stare,Asked the little chu yan yan how to return a responsibility,Yan yan seems sensible to say nothing.


After several times found that such a situation,Small chu didn't realize this problem may not be say a few words can solve.after,Small chu found,At the gate of the kindergarten,Yan yan often see young father pick up the children after school,Yan yan will still look at them.


Yan yan's life the teacher seem to have noticed it,Remind little chu children live and pay attention to the psychological health problems.


September this year,Two months after the holiday,Yan yan back to kindergarten,There was in a daze,What's up with small chu think yan yan,Send her to children's hospital affiliated with heavy medical diagnosis and treatment,The doctor ask for details,Determine the yan yan might have psychological shadows.


Under the kindergarten teacher reminded,Small chu solve the mystery.The teacher suggested that small chu let yan yan dad to meet her,Don't want to poke the proposal to the chu of the home.


The original,When yan yan ask small chu where daddy went,Small chu said dad went to far away places on business,Will come back soon,Then branch off topic.


Small chu began to nervous,All can't hide the truth,Sooner or later one day yan yan will know everything.


女儿状告爸爸 Daughter sued dad


每周看望自己 Every week to see myself


Small chu several times to call XiaoJun,Hope he come back to visit yan yan,But XiaoJun rejects.


Not long ago,XiaoJun and received little chu's call,The XiaoJun voice on the phone a few years didn't go back to see her daughter's reason,"You used to hang outside,I'm worried about is not my own daughter."


XiaoJun reply let little chu is very angry,But angry angry,Daughter was surely hope dad home hold her kiss her.


Often look at other kindergarten children ride dad's horse shoulder to go home,Yan yan reveals the envy of all.yesterday,Small chu as yan yan's guardian,Entrusted by chongqing kunming's law firm YangZhenYu lawyer,Will XiaoJun tell YuBeiOu court.For the father loves the yan yan in the filed of the two requirements:Pay compensation fee is 500 yuan per month,Go home and watch yourself once a week.


yesterday,Small chu told chongqing evening news reporter,Yan yan I don't know her and XiaoJun is two family,A few days ago,A long distance call yan yan said to dad,Let him fly home every weekend,Take her out to play.Look at daughter's innocent eyes,Small chu shed.


Don't divorce have agreed XiaoJun semen,Why now come up again?this,Said the little chu,She has no fixed work now,Living in reduced circumstances since,The relationship with parents is also very recently,Can only make XiaoJun yan yan some of the expenses.(The parties are aliases)


怀疑女儿不是亲生 Doubt is not his own daughter


有时进入前妻QQ空间看女儿 Sometimes into the ex-wife QQ space to see daughter


80后爸爸纠结 80 after dad entanglements


Yesterday afternoon,Chongqing evening news reporter contact yan yan's father XiaoJun,Speaking of small chu and romance,XiaoJun doesn't sigh on the other side of the phone,"Forget it,Don't want to say what."


XiaoJun said,When considering problems really simple,Think as long as love at first sight can for life,However,,Real life let oneself have no psychological preparation.Especially yan yan,Let the life all got.Small chu but after having stayed at home,Other times still indulge in the network all day,Will be net friend YeBuGuiSu happen from time to tome,Although playing games when they forget about the things around,But can't stand the betrayal of his wife.


XiaoJun said,Yourself to the betrayal of small chu has been,Whether daughter of their own has become he couldn't get heart.And small chu agreement after divorce,You really can't go back to see a yan yan,Also did not take money to yan yan and small chu,But sometimes will still use another QQ number to see the little chu's QQ space,See yan yan look like.


conversation,Chongqing evening news reporter noticed,XiaoJun actually still in the growth of the yan yan,Just can't open the heart knot.Chongqing evening news reporters,If you doubt yan yan than their own,Can a paternity.Don't want to,XiaoJun refused.


XiaoJun said,Will at the right time to go back to see their mother and daughter,now,He has another family,There is a two year old daughter,so,Don't want to get drawn into this matter.XiaoJun said,If small chu and yan yan is indeed difficult to appear on the life,He can bear part of the compensation fee of yan yan.


重庆律师上书全国人大 Chongqing lawyer petitioned the National People's Congress


让破碎家庭的孩子 To break the child of the family


也能享受完整的爱 Also can enjoy full of love


Yan yan's attorney/Chongqing, kunming, law firms YangZhenYu lawyers said,Yan yan's father not to visit yan yan,To the healthy growth of the yan yan bring pain,But yan yan asked his father to visit it,No corresponding legal basis,May not get court support,But ask his father to pay compensation fee is legal.


YangZhenYu lawyer says,[Marriage law]Provisions of the,After the divorce,The party does not directly bring up the children have the right to visit them,The other party shall have the obligation to assist.As can be seen from the rules,Visit right after the divorce is parents children's rights,Shall enjoy the right of visit is the main body of the parents,Children are the object of the visitation.


YangZhenYu lawyer said,The bitterness of parents should not be borne by the minor children,Both parents because feelings broken no children to visit,There is no doubt that will bring a lot of damage to the healthy growth of children.Visitation right for parents is right,But more should be compulsory.Visitation right should adhere to the minor children as the standard,In the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of parents at the same time,Also should pay attention to the interests of the minor children,In order to achieve the harmony of parent-child relationship between parents and children.


yesterday,YangZhenYu lawyer has sent to the National People's Congress of his legislative Suggestions,Hope that legislation of the visitation right to children's visit,Let broken families also can enjoy full of love.


父亲不能拒绝女儿请求 My father can't refuse such a request for her daughter


Yan yan to dad home to see her once a week,This requirement can be supported by the court?


yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter throw the problem to several lawyers advisory QQ group,Is generally believed that the net friend,Go home to see daughter as a father's XiaoJun should be unconditional,Give my daughter some warmth.


Net friends think,Yan yan young and small mind should be comfort,Are her parents treasured flesh and blood after all,Although not to father raising,XiaoJun also has the responsibility and obligation to burden the growth of the daughter.


Online lawyer's divided into two groups,School and friends have the same idea,Who were from the aspect of law.Carry out the laws of the lawyer,Visitation is parents' rights,Yan yan asked his father to visit a after a week is not law-based,Not supported by the court.


Chongqing evening news reporter from the city a few court at the grass-roots level to understand the situation,At present,,Along with the rising divorce rate,Divorced parents visiting right case also shows ascendant trend,But the children asked their parents to the visit,Namely the visitation right,The new type of is visiting right disputes.

  一些法官在接受重庆晚报记者咨询时也有两种观点:一种认为探望权应以子女为本位,不仅要保护父母的探望权,也应维护子女的受探望权,妍妍的要求应得到法院支持。另一种则认为,探望权是父母的权利,妍妍的要求于法无据,属于亲情慰藉,应从道德范畴进行规制,不应得到支持。(重庆晚报记者 唐中明)

Some judges in chongqing evening news reporter consultation when there are two kinds of views:A think visitation right should be with their children as the standard,Not only to protect the exertion of their parents,Also should maintain children's visit,Yan yan's request shall be supported by the court.Another thought,Visitation is parents' rights,Yan yan to the requirements of the ruling is not law-based,Belong to the family comfort,Should be the moral category,Should not be supported.(Chongqing evening news reporter TangZhongMing)
