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yesterday,A spread on the Internet video in,DaGuanXian zhaotong city public security bureau in handling with industrial and commercial bureau cadres cases suspected of rape women teachers,The agency tried brigade a policeman was spend 100000 yuan to buy off the witness.This period of video is chengdu television station"The 30 points"Columns of a show.


On suspicion of rape in the witness to the victim,Buy the evidence presented in the program of the people is DaGuanXian public security bureau police LiuYi,But this claim was denied by DaGuanXian public security bureau.What is the things exactly?


女教师称酒后被好友丈夫强奸 Female teachers say is drunk friends husband rape


"Chengdu television‘The 30 points’Deep mark interview,Zhaotong city police out 100000 buy off the witness,Irrefutable evidence."The rapid spread of the micro bo on the Internet,By the net friend forward to some media official micro bo/Zhaotong city public security bureau official micro bo reflect this matter,Also provides video website.


The content of the video report:In the middle of September,DaGuanXian a middle school teacher zhong mou with friends - a beauty in the county probably splits joint health institutions to purchase a WuQing perfect combination of health care products,Spent 15150 yuan probably splits joint.


After using this probably splits joint health think is invalid.On October 12 in the afternoon,By friends probably splits joint ZhengHua invitation to zhong mou's house to play,Put forward probably splits joint return,But was rejected.The following,ZhengHua/To the county city probably splits joint bar to drink beer.then,Zhong mou's husband HuangXingGui also catch up.HuangXingGui for affiliate cui hua xiang DaGuanXian industrial and commercial bureau,Once worked as a vice minister of industry and commerce bureau,The vice director of the section.drunk,A few people came to the town of 1983 singing song hall.meanwhile,HuangXingGui frequently to irrigation probably splits joint wine.After two hours,ZhengHua leave in advance,HuangXingGui for in probably splits joint mark hotel opened the room.According to said probably splits joint,That night in this room,HuangXingGui raped her.


Until 14,It probably splits joint told her husband all the one.On the support of the ai,Sometimes more than a case.Said probably splits joint,To more than 10 days later,The police didn't put on record,And she began Posting for justice.


11, broadcast of the program in this month:DaGuanXian public security bureau of criminal investigation brigade police LiuYiCeng presented with 100000 yuan buy off the witness the hands of the evidence.The previous,And the event can not put on record,Until long after HuangXingGui XingJu by police.


当事人妻子点燃“后院火” The wife"Backyard fire"


yesterday,Said to the reporter on the phone. Probably splits joint,On the night,HuangXingGui really raped her,In ZhengHua separated with her.While HuangXingGui telephone yesterday has been in a state of shutdown.


It is reported,ZhengHua chengdu TV reporter in an interview,Drink wine that night,HuangXingGui frequently bottling wine,Also fill her.When pouring wine,HuangXingGui said"Want to free tonight",This is also the reason why she left midway.


Explain the reason of the delay alarm probably splits joint:"If my husband know,Will and I divorce,So I didn't report in a timely manner.Until 14 in the morning,Zhong mou to call my husband said it,I just told the husband events."


And zhong mou insisted on the phone yesterday,HuangXingGui no rape. Probably splits joint.She said,Is she called to tell the the one,It promoted the development of events.As for why do it,Zhong mou said:"They hooked together,I have to say."


受害人称提出买证据的声音确为刘义 Victims say the voice of the evidence for that for LiuYi


In the program,ZhengHua in chengdu TV interview,Someone asked her the key evidence for the case.Audio shows a male voice:"Thousands of dollars"/"You bring it".ZhengHua say in the program,The male is DaGuanXian public security bureau criminal investigation brigade policemen LiuYi.but,The evidence so far.


yesterday,ZhengHua told reporters,This evidence is the second day after report probably splits joint,She recorded to HuangXingGui house to play"Yellow and conversations between the wife,Yellow admit the rape night more than a teacher".


"That day HuangXingGui we drink, please,He never called us to drink,I think this man some strange,One thousand what happens good have a evidence,So quietly recording."ZhengHua said,This recording is the cause of the evidence has not publicly"If this thing can fairly,I wouldn't take it out;If it's not fair,I will make it public."ZhengHua said,She doesn't want to now open the evidence.


When reporters ask ZhengHua proposed spend 100000 yuan to buy off the witness who is the man,ZhengHua to"I don't want to take part in this event"Refuse to disclose.Reporters call the ZhengHua. Several times,Verify whether police LiuYi,Or DaGuanXian other local police,ZhengHua still refused to disclose directly man,But she said gently"One thousand he is joking"/"Chengdu TV program said is true".


And according to say probably splits joint,ZhengHua had told her,Buy the evidence is LiuYi is put forward.Said probably splits joint:"I know the LiuYi,Buy the evidence presented in the audio voice is LiuYi indeed."


大关县公安局不愿置评 DaGuanXian public security bureau is not willing to could not be reached for comment


Yesterday morning,Reporter dialed the telephone DaGuanXian public security bureau and the bureau of criminal investigation brigade.Said to the man who answered the phone,LiuYi is DaGuanXian public security bureau criminal investigation brigade conductors.But when reporters want to verify[Deputy director of the fatness of the trap]In the video,If LiuYiShi spend 100000 yuan to buy off the witness,The other said,If is LiuYi,To see buy evidence is personal behavior,Or handling needs.If handling needs,[Criminal procedure law]The provisions of article 45:The people's court/The people's procuratorates and the public security organ shall have the right to units and individuals concerned/Obtain evidence.But for LiuYi whether buy evidence,What is the relationship between LiuYi with HuangXingGui,Why did he do it,At the same time,Before not to put on record,On suspicion of rape is XingJu HuangXingGui later,Why will happen this kind of change,The other party didn't answer.


then,The reporter dialed the telephone of DaGuanXian public security bureau political work room again,Still want to know the above questions,But the other reply reporter said:"According to the procedures for interview."When reporter dialed DaGuanXian head office demand to know the above question,A staff member said,They also didn't pay attention to this video,Unclear situation,But will report to the political leadership.


The following,Reporters and has dialed the telephone mark of county party committee propaganda department and LiuYi,The former has not given a clear statement,The latter after the phone call"Have the wrong number".


昭通警方称收买者不是民警 Zhaotong city police said the buyer not police


Aimed at this matter,Zhaotong city public security bureau of the relevant person in charge told the reporter on the phone,"At the beginning of both sides to find a broker to mediation,A probably splits joint claim 100000 yuan,And HuangXingGui just agreed to pay 60000 yuan,Because of the differences is talents called the police."Due to report after the incident,Evidence of left.But after the serious investigation DaGuanXian public security bureau,In the video evidence for man"Is the middleman,Their good friends.Not LiuYi,Nor other police".


The person in charge said,HuangXingGui alleged rape. Probably splits joint,Criminal detention by the police,DaGuanXian police DaGuanXian necessity to request a people's procuratorate,But the prosecutors return supplementary investigation,The cause of the return is not clear.It is reported,On November 30,,DaGuanXian people's procuratorate no necessity to make a decision.Reporters call many times DaGuanXian people's procuratorate,Telephone has been no one answered.But according to say probably splits joint,"My husband asked county people's procuratorate,Not of necessity because of insufficient evidence."


大关县工商局拒绝回应 DaGuanXian industrial and commercial bureau refused to respond


Still blame probably splits joint,Is zhong mou/HuangXingGui couple tried to cover up their MLM's behavior.this,Zhong mou said,She is just taking buy probably splits joint WuQing perfect combination,Didn't get any benefits,Also did not participate in MLM.


That probably splits joint,This kind of health care is a kind of illegal products,Used by CCTV exposure.Reporter in a public security organ on the site"Vigilance in disguised form MLM"Found in the warning,Police have set up sales"WuQing perfect combination"As MLM activities.


The health the legality of what?Yesterday afternoon,DaGuanXian food and drug watchdog member said Mr Sun,Buy this probably splits joint health beauty institutions is legal,It is lawful to buy the product,But not yet clear whether MLM behavior.


Reporter dialed the telephone in the office DaGuanXian industrial and commercial bureau,A female staff member said,HuangXingGui is the bureau subordinate branch of China an ordinary cadre,But don't know the progress.As to whether HuangXingGui couple participate in MLM,DaGuanXian industrial and commercial bureau is investigated, and so on,The officials say don't know.The reporter asked her,Who knows DaGuanXian industrial and commercial bureau,She also refused to answer.


Yang xu
