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  2012年3月29日,湖南省邵阳县五峰铺镇“八一”希望小学的孩子们正在吃免费营养早餐。CFP On March 29, 2012,Hunan shaoyang county town out five mountains"bayi"Hope primary school children are eating nutritious breakfast free of charge.CFP

  2012年9月3日,山东省邹平县中小学生迎来新学期,从本学期开始,该县每年投入2000万元,实施学生免费乘车。CFP On September 3, 2012,Shandong zouping county primary and middle school students in the new term,Start from this term,The county spent 20 million yuan a year,The implementation of the students for free.CFP

  2012年11月6日,浙江省台州市椒江区农场外来民工子弟学校开展“童心向党喜迎十八大”主题教育活动。CFP On November 6, 2012,Zhejiang province taizhou JiaoJiangOu farm foreign migrant schools"Childlike innocence to party to celebrate the eighteenth"Theme of education activities.CFP


编者按 Editor's note  回首即将走过的2012年,我国教育界很多重大事件仍历历在目:党的十八大将教育列为民生之首、中央和地方财政加大教育投入、高校校长公开选拔、异地高考破冰、“两基”目标全面实现……

Look back to walk through 2012,Education is still in many important events in China:The eighteenth congress will education as the head of the people's livelihood/The central and local governments increase investment in education/Selecting the university President/Different ice in the college entrance examination/"Two base"Objective comprehensive realization……


Prior to the,By the Chinese education and Chinese education TV station,People's Daily/Guangming daily, such as the central media to participate in the selection"In 2012 the national top ten education news"announced.Of these precautions,pieces,Let us see the cause of education in our country is step by step to the people-oriented/More fair/Filled with bright future.


1、教育部首次公选直属高校校长 1/The ministry of education of public colleges and universities directly under the headmaster for the first time


On March 20,,Published by ministry of education for the public at home and abroad for the first time the selection of the President and chief accountant in colleges and universities directly under the list.Northeast normal university/Southwestern university of finance and economics and the principal of southeast university/Shandong university/Huazhong university of science and technology/The central academy of drama/Northeastern university/Ocean university of China, such as 6 universities chief accountant list publication.This is in-depth implementation of the education program,Deepening the reform of the system of cadre choosing ice.December 4,,The ministry of education issued a again,For public selection of Beijing university of science and technology at home and abroad/Beijing university of Chinese medicine/Three universities of China pharmaceutical university President.


专家点评 Expert comments


Hong chengwen(Professor of Beijing normal university institute of higher education):Public selection mechanism has two major advantages,One is to choose the scope of the expanded,Second is the selection of publicity.Expand the scope or,Selecting the or,Purpose is all hope to achieve"merits"The purpose of.Tao xingzhi once said,What kind of the headmaster,There is what kind of school.Pay special attention to the principal of selection work,There is no doubt that can promote the management of the subordinate colleges and universities in our country to improve and academic progress.The key to open the selection,Is the program as well as I can.(Our reporter DengHui finishing)


2、高校创新能力提升计划正式启动 2/University innovation ability promotion plan


On March 22 to 23,Comprehensively improve the quality of higher education work conference held,[The ministry of education about several opinions to improve the quality of higher education in an all-round way]/[The ministry of education of the ministry of finance about the plan implementation of institutions of higher learning innovation ability to ascend]Issued and implemented,"Institutions of higher education innovation ability promotion plan"(Hereinafter referred to as"2011 plan")Official start,This is the"211"engineering/"9eight5"After the project,To improve the innovation ability of universities of our country/Major policy decisions to improve the quality of higher education in an all-round way.


专家点评 Expert comments

  史静寰(清华教育研究院常务副院长):“2011计划”,是继“211”工程、“985”工程之后,又一重要的高校发展计划。“2011计划”的提出,把重点突破的领域更清晰地描述出来,使资源更有效的整合,且在高校知识生产、社会发展、行业需求以及与科研单位力量的协调合作方面有着积极的作用。“2011计划”,对未来高等教育有导向性的意义,那就是高校自身要做强,要走出象牙塔。这一计划会很深远地影响到未来中国高等教育甚至整个社会的发展走向。 (本报记者杜冰整理)

ShiJingHuan(Tsinghua standing vice President of the institute of education):"2011 plan",Is the"211"engineering/"9eight5"After the project,Another important of college development plan."2011 plan"Of the proposed,The focal field more clearly described,To make more effective integration of resources,And knowledge production in universities/The development of society/Power industry needs and scientific research units has a positive role in the coordination of cooperation."2011 plan",The significance of higher education have orientation for the future,That is to universities to strengthen,Want to come out of the ivory tower.The plan will be very far-reaching influence to the future development trend of China's higher education even the society as a whole. (Our reporter DuBing finishing)


3、校车条例、营养餐护佑学生进入“安全通道” 3/The school bus rules/Its protective students to enter"Secure channel"


April 5,Promulgated by the state council[The school bus safety management regulations],Social broad attention of school bus safety problem has been brought into the orbit of legal system.On May 23,,The ministry of education and other 15 departments jointly issued[Detailed rules for the implementation of the rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan]Such as 5 files,Strengthening its management.This is the country started the countryside student nutrition improvement plan and comprehensive management of the school bus accident in education since introduced the major move of people's livelihood.


专家点评 Expert comments


YuanGuiLin(Professor of Beijing normal university):[The school bus safety management regulations]Fill the blank in the field of school legislation in the history,Is a good beginning.The next step,To be perfect in our country[The school bus safety regulations]At the same time,Eventually form a relatively complete legal system for the school bus.Scratched on the security at the same time,As soon as possible to solve the rural students to go to school,City problem of traffic jams caused by private cars to send their children to school,To speed up the perfect school bus operation system,To strengthen the supervision of the existing school bus.Rural compulsory education students nutrition improvement plan is a major people's livelihood project,Must ensure that its become"Feel free to eat",From the implementation,How to build the school canteen,How to adapt to the students' individualized catering in the habit of eating is very important.(Our reporter JinXiaoYan finishing)


4、“最美女教师”张丽莉舍身救学生感动全社会 4/"The most beautiful teacher"ZhangLiLi life save students moved the whole society


On May eight, late,Heilongjiang province jiamusi 19 middle school young female teachers ZhangLiLi at the instant of the car out of control,Open side of the students,But he himself was involved in a car,Identify the hit,Legs high amputation."The most beautiful teacher"ZhangLiLi heroic deeds and noble virtue touched by people,Cause strong repercussions in the whole society,Become the model of the new age.ZhangLiLi chosen by the ministry of education for 2012 year teaching model.


专家点评 Expert comments


LinChongDe(Senior professor of Beijing normal university):The quality of teachers from the structure can be summarized as:virtue/knowledge/Ability three aspects,Among them,Virtue is the ideal of teachers' career,And teacher love is the soul of virtue.T love is a kind of only speak give in return/selfless/A wide range of and no blood relationship of love,Love is a kind of YanCi phase/Without the love.T love is reflected in"Love in the subtle",That teacher love reflected in the daily education/Teaching and life,There really is good in the/The sincerity/Sincere concern the growth of every student progress,And in"When love in the life and death",Jiamusi ZhangLiLi beauty teacher, reflect the most,Is this kind of life to the students,Leave death to his own master.I believe that,We China's outstanding teacher in life and death moment will learn ZhangLiLi teacher's deeds,Casting a great teacher.(Our reporter JinXiaoYan finishing)


5、国务院多举措加强教师队伍建设 5/Many measures to strengthen teachers team construction under the state council


On August 20,,The state council issued[On strengthening the construction of the contingent of teachers].after,Ministry of education promulgated joint more branch on promoting rural compulsory education teachers team construction/Strengthen the construction of the team of young university teachers/Strengthen the construction of kindergarten teachers/Strengthen the construction of special education teachers/Deepening the reform of teacher education/Measures for the administration of vocational school part-time teachers and so on six,More while the teachers team construction bottleneck problem.


专家点评 Expert comments

  杨春茂(中国教师发展基金会秘书长):2012年是加强教师队伍建设顶层设计政策出台最多的一年,这些顶层设计政策措施,将会使提高教师地位,维护教师权益,改善教师待遇,依法保证教师平均工资水平不低于或者高于国家公务员的平均工资水平,严格教师资质,提升教师素质,造就师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化教师队伍的目标早日实现。 (本报记者杜冰整理)

YangChunMao(Chinese teachers development foundation secretary general):In 2012, is to strengthen teachers team construction conceptual design policy most a year,The top-level design policies and measures,Will make to improve teachers' status,Protect the rights and interests of teachers,To improve teachers' treatment,Guarantee in accordance with teachers' average salary shall not be less than or higher than the national average wage standard of the civil service,Strict teacher qualification,Improve the quality of teachers,Make virtue noble/Business with/Reasonable structure/A vigor of the teachers specialization high quality goal the realization. (Our reporter DuBing finishing)


6、国务院成立教育督导委员会 教育督导有法可依 6/Under the state council established education steering committee education steering base


On August 26,Education steering committee was established under the state council,Overall guidance education supervision work throughout the country.On October 1,,[Education supervision regulations]By the implementation of the.regulations,The state shall practise a system of evaluation.The implementation of the regulations,Marks the education supervision on the legal system in our country,Will promote the development of the education mode and management mode of profound changes.


专家点评 Expert comments


HeXiuChao(Ministry of education supervision office director):The superintendent of the work in the new[Education supervision regulations]Come after,There must be change."Found that the problem must be reported"Become a legal procedure.before,Just this channel,And there is no hard and fast rules.and,The superintendent found that the problem must report to the superior administrative departments at the same time,Avoid the flat level government possible existence of local protectionism.The masses to district superintendent reflect the problem,Can also directly to the local education supervision institutions reflect the problem.In listening to public opinion,Our special supervision/The superintendent of the supervision in the report,All increased people satisfaction assessment,People can also supervise the superintendent,To our work put forward opinions.(Our reporter YaoXiaoDan finishing)


7、异地高考呼之欲出 考生有望就地高考 7/Different be vividly portrayed the examinee college entrance examination to college entrance examination on the spot


On August 30,,Departments under the state council on forwarding the ministry of education[Preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children accept compulsory education in local entrance exam after work]The notice of,Urging provinces/area/The adjust measures to local conditions,Before the end of the year issued relevant SuiQian children entrance examination,To promote the realization of different college entrance examination.thus,High attention of the whole society different college entrance examination reform has a clear timetable.At present,,Across different college entrance examination scheme in succession.


专家点评 Expert comments


ZhengReLing(Higher education development research center of xiamen university professor):The social from all walks of life not only conscious awareness to the importance to solve the problem of different ground college entrance examination,And are trying to solve it,This is a good thing but not easy.Different college entrance examination this rooted in social development is not balanced/Involves all aspects of the reform and the interests of the major issues of redistribution,Not only need quite a long time to solved step by step,But also unable to achieve the absolute fairness.For the university entrance exam this are correlated/Large scale high interest,How to all may make part of the group think not fair.but,Break the geographical boundaries/Break the local protectionism is a kind of inevitable,It is a must.


(Our reporter LiYuLan finishing)


8、“两基”目标全面实现 推进义务教育均衡发展 eight/"Two base"Goal comprehensive promote the balanced development of compulsory education


On September 7,,The national"Two base"Job summary commendation congress was held,All provincial administrative region/All administrative units at the county level through the nine-year compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy among countries,Population coverage rate reached 100%,Illiteracy rate dropped to 1.0eight%.In our country's most populous country in the development of 9 take the lead to achieve the national education goals,This is an important milestone in the history of the development of Chinese education.after,Under the state council issued by advancing the balanced development of compulsory education/Strengthen the construction of teachers' team/Regulate the rural school layout and adjustment of the three,Compulsory education development in the new historical stage.


专家点评 Expert comments


ChengFangPing(Professor at renmin university of China):This is really a miracle!"Two base"To realize the,All provincial administrative region/At the county level administrative units all through"Nine year compulsory education"Compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy among countries.Of course,,"Two base"Standards and improve quality/Promote balanced and more important/More difficult task to complete.Education fair is the foundation of social justice,Only to promote the education fair,Let every child can become a knowledgeable person,Really solve the problem of common concern,To make education truly achieve the satisfaction of the people.There is the people's satisfactory education,China will have the most solid/The overwhelming majority of the/The most reasonable/Most development space of human resources,And on the basis of the formation of groups/Innovation strength/A harmonious society, etc,Will have strong competitiveness and sustainable development power.(Our reporter JinXiaoYan finishing)


9、中职免学费覆盖所有农村学生 9/Secondary free tuition cover all rural students


On October 10,,The state council executive meeting decided to expand the scope of secondary vocational education free tuition/Perfect the system of the state grants,Secondary vocational education will be expanded to all free education for rural areas(Contain county town)The students/Urban agriculture students and family economic difficulties students.On October 22,,The central government set up graduate student national scholarship,Reward 45000 graduate students every year.This marks the national financial aid policy system covering the whole education stage.


专家点评 Expert comments


LiYiPing(The Chinese people's university professor of school of economics):The news that reflect the content of the valuable.Secondary free that we are not the attention of the general education,But trying to adjust the structure of education through the adjustment of investment.Education structure relative to the needs of the development of economy in China has a lot of is not reasonable,Number of higher education,Secondary vocational education/The mechanic education relatively less,Led to the structural unemployment and structural shortage of labor:On the one hand, is can't find a job for college students,On the other hand, many enterprises lack of skilled workers or senior technicians.The history of Germany and other countries economic development,Skilled worker fine in the manufacturing industry of a country has an irreplaceable role.China's economic development is in the key moment of the from big to strong,From big to strong is the important symbol of manufacturing company.No matter how much investment in education,We must pay attention to the efficiency of investment in education,Only in the investment under the premise of reasonable structure will be the ideal efficiency.(Our reporter LiYuLan finishing)


10、党的十八大明确提出努力办好人民满意的教育 10/The eighteenth congress put forward to do good people's satisfactory education


On November eight to 14 days,Eighteenth national congress of the communist party of China.The eighteenth big according to the actual economic and social development in our country,The overall goal of build a well-off society in an all-round way is put forward,Based on the new stage in the new period education career development present situation,Put the education to improve people's livelihood and strengthen social construction,Put forward"Efforts to do good people's satisfactory education",Pointed out the direction for education reform in our country development.


专家点评 Expert comments

  储朝晖(中国教育科学研究院研究员):从这些年教育的发展,我们可以看到人们理念上的转变,那就是从抽象的、政治化的教育转向具体、生活化的教育。教育要坚定把握好大的方向,落实“以人为本”的原则,增强教育的科学性,使教育更加人性化、符合学生成长发展规律。比如:推进教育公平上,我们要有面向未来,建立更加适应现代社会发展的管理体制;在评价方式上,从行政主导向专业主导转变,在评价内容、评价标准上趋向灵活;在管理上,从简单的行政化管理发展到按教育的特质来进行管理,也就是把教育当成教育,以人为出发点,符合人的发展规律。 (本报记者靳晓燕整理)

Reservoir from zhaohui(Researcher at the China institute of education):From all these years the development of education,We can see people on the concept of change,That is from abstract/Political education to concrete/Lack of education.Education should firmly grasp the direction of the big,To carry out"people-oriented"The principle of,Strengthen the education of scientific nature,To make education more humanized/Conforms to the students' development.Such as:To promote education fair,We are going to have for the future,Establish more adapt to the development of modern society management system;In the way of evaluation,From administrative leading to professional leading change,In the evaluation content/Evaluation standards on the flexible trend;On the management,From simple administrative management development to according to the characteristics of education to carry on the management,That is the education as a education,To the starting point,Comply with the law of the development of people. (Our reporter JinXiaoYan finishing)
