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   来源:安徽新闻网   The source of:Anhui news


On December 18, began to in the evening,Fuyang city more than Beijing - Kowloon experimental middle school students to the reporter from photos,Because of the fight,The school class two, grade eight more students to the teacher for kneeling on the playground.21 in the afternoon,The school principal told reporters confirmed the authenticity of the photograph,But say,Students kneel not corporal punishment,But a voluntary behavior.At present,,Local education authorities have been investigating.

  爆料:学生因打架被集体罚跪在操场 A source:Students was collective punishment for the fight on the playground


"Too make people angry,The students made a mistake,Will be sent on the school playground?"On December 18, began to in the evening,Constantly have fuyang city jingjiu experimental middle school students coming to the reporter,On December 18, freezing,But at noon on the day of the school the students of class 2, grade eight is on the school playground.


According to the students,This is punished by the teacher on the students of a total of 7 people on the playground,In addition a student because if the circumstances are minor,Asked to make stand as punishment,These students' age are 16-year-olds.Penalty kneel because these students bully for a junior students.


Another person familiar with the girl said,Photo in addition to eight students and a security guard,There is a man and a woman two teachers,"Woman is the head teacher of class 2, grade eight,Name is wang;Man is a head teacher of class 1, grade eight,Name is li."Some of the students said,DaDongTian of kneeling in the playground,Cold and throw a person.


"This time they start with more than 13 points,Always kneel to 14 points,For a class of time."Many students told reporters,Penalty kneeling in the school is not the first time.After the incident,The university have found that some students on the Internet Posting blog about it,And said hello to each class,"Who will say the things out,Who was fired."


 校方:学生自愿跪地认错求老师原谅 The school:Students volunteered to kneel to admit being mistaken for the teacher to forgive


Things really like these students reflect?Why so many students in such a cold day,Kneeling on the playground of the school?


December 21, in the afternoon,Reporter dialed the school eighth grade 2 flight director wang on the phone.


After a few times after communication,Teacher wang told reporters,"Seven kids hit a child,After being found by his teacher,Call them to know the situation,And they were afraid.Some students first kneel on the playground,Then follow other students kneel down, too."Another standing though students involved,But did not hit people,In the light.

  王老师强调,跪在操场上并非是老师的命令,是学生自愿主动跪在地上的。 王老师称,老师去现场只是去劝他们不要跪、快点站起来的,学生跪地的时间也仅仅只有几十秒时间,期间老师进行了训话。

Wang stressed,Kneeling on the playground is not the teacher's orders,Voluntary students' initiative is kneeling on the ground. Wang said,The teacher to the site just to advise them not to kneel/Hurry up,Students kneel to also only a few seconds of time,Teacher during the lectures.


then,Reporters and contacted the school headmaster 任杰.任杰 to reporters confirmed the authenticity of the picture."Take pictures of the students don't know the situation,Now there is no parents to school to claim,Kneeling in the land of students also have the normal classes."


任杰 said,The day he is not at school.His later learned that the situation is,After students are active faults,Willing to kneel down the,Want to get the teacher's understanding,Kneel down to only a few minutes.


District bureau of education:Will be thorough investigation


The reporter understands from fuyang city ying east bureau of education,Beijing - Kowloon experimental middle school is a private middle school within the jurisdiction of this,Founded in 1999.


The bureau of the party members/JianChaShi director HuangYan revealed,District bureau of education of a staff in 19 morning, pay attention to this matter.then,You have make a phone call to the university,Requires schools survey clear this matter.


but,Let HuangYan surprise,The school then submit a case,"A few dozens of words,Didn't put things clear;But the school through coordination deleted the blog post on the net."


HuangYan said they looked very angry,"21 in the morning,And I charge, deputy director of the NiuZhu China in person to the school know the situation,The school to kneel down is not the corporal punishment student too."


"In the investigation,You go ahead and students check situation?"HuangYan expressed,There is no in time to the student survey.


HuangYan said,The school as a private school,So many places do not like public school rules,Employment of the teacher is a lot of temporary substitute,Virtue will also exist some problems.


In view of the reporter's question,He said immediately arrange personnel to the school to the students know the situation,To do a full investigation.If that is the corporal punishment,Education will not cover one's mistakes,Will be in school and in the teacher make serious processing.
