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18岁女子遭强奸毁容 17岁被告一审获刑10年(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

18岁女子遭强奸毁容 17岁被告一审获刑10年(图)阿娟的伤疤已慢慢愈合,如今外出都戴着口罩。 南都记者叶志文摄 Juan o the scar is healing slowly,Now go out to all wear masks. SMW reporter YeZhiWen perturbation

  南都讯 记者吕婧 南都曾多次报道18岁的女工阿娟被同厂男工友强奸、殴打致毁容一案。法院审理时,公诉机关认为,该男子精神发育迟滞(轻度),应当从轻处罚;而被害人律师则称,被告人能够实施强奸,不存在精神问题。日前中山市第一人民法院对此案作出一审判决,认定被告人陈某具有完全刑事责任能力,犯故意杀人罪、强奸罪,被判处有期徒刑10年。

SMW reporter LvJing SMW has repeatedly reported 18 o women of Juan is the male workers with rape/The beating of a disfigured.When the court,Public prosecution organ that,The man mental retardation(mild),Shall be given a lighter punishment;While the victim lawyer says,The defendant to the implementation of the rape,There is no mental problem.Zhongshan first before a people's court on the case to make a verdict,That the defendant has full capacity for criminal responsibility according to work his way up,Committed intentional homicide/rape,Was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years.


案发:阿娟的遭遇受到多方关注 The crime:Juan o encounter has attracted more attention

  在板芙打工的18岁少女阿娟,在工厂宿舍被一名男工友强暴。2011年8月2日起,本报曾连续报道此事。由于头部遭重击颧骨被打碎,阿娟曾进入市人民医院IC U抢救。面对高达10万余元的治疗费,阿娟一家人一筹莫展。南都中山读本官微“@南都中山”随后发出多条“救救阿娟”的微博,收到多名粉丝强烈关注,当时台湾艺人伊能静从微博上了解到这个情况后,即刻捐出1万元善款。

Work in board fu the 18 years old girl, Juan,Dormitory raped by a male workers in the factory.On August 2, 2011,This newspaper has reported the matter continuously.Due to blow on the head zygomatic be broken in pieces,Juan o promote city people's hospital of IC U save.Face up to more than 100000 yuan of treatment,Juan o family.SMW zhongshan admission officer"@ SMW zhongshan"Then a multiple"O help Juan"The micro bo,Received more fans intense attention,At that time Taiwan artiste Annie from the micro bo after understanding to this situation,Immediately donated 10000 yuan.


Juan o later memories,On July 15, 2011,She hurt his right hand fingers to work,Then to the local clinic.The next morning,She take the invoice to find factory leadership to submit an expense account,When she reply to wait in the lounge leadership,Factory just night under a male workers to see her,He used to chat a strike up a conversation with her,O Juan resent,Then one ran back to the dormitory.


The court to find out,July 16, 2011 at 8 in the morning,The defendant work his way up following Juan o back to the dormitory,To take to go to bed Juan o and the implementation of adultery.then,Work his way up should be heard someone pass by,Worry about being found,Will drag Juan o to bed,Hand picking, Juan neck,And hold the stool hit its head,Cause its facial left zygomatic fractures, etc,Jaw accumulated 10 tooth loss.After caught by others,Work his way up to hide in the house,Be notified to the public security organs of the capture.The identification of,O Juan is badly hurt.


被告:怕被发现想将阿娟杀死 The defendant:Afraid of being found to kill, Juan


In the court,Work his way up argued that,O to Juan has been,O have a chance with Juan strike up a conversation,O Juan didn't ignore him.On the day of the incident,He followed Juan o back to the dormitory,With his hands on,With the foot,O see Juan can't resist,Hence to rape her.Then someone knocked at the door,Work his way up being found,Will hold the stool hit o Juan Juan o the head to kill.


In this case the trial process,Zhongshan procuratorial organs are provided,After guangdong port lake forensic psychiatric the identification of judicial authentication,Work his way up people with mental retardation(mild),The time of the crime has limited criminal responsibility ability,In accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal law,Can be given a lighter punishment.this,Lawyers of the victim, Juan, argues,Work his way up to know how to rape/How to in vitro ejaculation,There is no mild mental retardation,Required to work his way up to the appraisal.then,Zhongshan city first entrusted by the people's court of zhongshan university forensic appraisal center to forensic mental work his way up to the judicial authentication.


Zhongshan university's center for forensic identification of appraisal results,Agree with that work his way up with mild mental retardation,But that work his way up with full capacity of criminal responsibility.this,Zhongshan first think of the people's court,The defendant work his way up though with mild mental retardation,But in combination with the case facts,Work his way up to rape behavior is illegal and has the ability to distinguish,That is the time of the crime with full capacity for criminal responsibility,So take forensic appraisal to the center of the appraisal opinions of sun yat-sen university.


一审:未成年可依法轻判 The first instance:Minors can be set in accordance with the law


Zhongshan first think of the people's court,The defendant work his way up behavior of depriving the victim the subjective intent of life,The purpose of the crime is the murderer that is carried out under the control of,And before to violence rape women,Should be in accordance with the law to rape/Intentional killing cime combined punishment for several crimes.Due to work his way up the defendant murderer attempted,Coupled with the crime of 18 one full year of life,Can be given a lighter punishment according to law.


The court sentenced to work his way up the defendant committed intentional killing cime in accordance with the law/Rape the total sentence of imprisonment 11 years,Decided to ten years imprisonment.


The author:YeZhiWen
