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女孩怀疑父母不爱自己离家出走 6年后回家团聚--亲稳网络舆情监测室
On January 4,,Dai temple station police in handling disputes together in the process of accident found a lost six years of yantai girl.14 years old girl away from home,Alone in the outside work in 6 years.5,,Police contact her family,The family finally reunited.
Girl left home reason is that parents don't feel like myself,Father admitted education method has a problem.
纠纷牵出案中案 发现走失6年女孩 Disputes brought the case in the case found six years lost girl
On January 4, night at half past ten,Dai temple police station to report said,Carnival KTV someone to fight.Police arrived on the scene to understand,The KTV work personnel dispute dispute because of work,One of them said to each other"The gun"By myself.Police check the site found no guns,After further investigation,Police found within the article a party held by the fire gun and the bullets.Police will be confiscated guns,At the same time the suspected gunman do detain penalties for public security.
Looking for the witness testing KTV staff identity,Police accident found a waitress is 6 years ago from yantai lost missing persons.
The waiter was QuYan such as,Born in 1992,Twenty years old this year,In yantai MouPingOu.Public security on the Internet showed that she lost from home in 2007,Has been almost 6 years.
Police will QuYan like back to the police station,Waiting to be processed,At the same time contact QuYan as yantai's parents,Should verify QuYan if really away from home.5,,QuYan as parents to taian pick her home.
摆地摊当服务员,女孩赌气6年不回家 Put stall when the waiter,Girl anger six years don't go home
5,,QuYan as in dai temple station waiting for parents to take her home.In the police station on duty room,She don't eat not to drink,Crying all morning.Six years away from home,She can't cry?.
6 years ago,QuYan if only 14 years old,Because of a quarrel with my family,She didn't take a penny run alone,Ran away from home.
6 years,She is a person,To feed themselves,At the beginning in yantai,Because the age is too small,No id card,Regular units do not her,She is placed in the roadside stalls,Also did the supermarket clerk……Two years ago,Because a good friend in taian,She also came to taian,Then the KTV do the waiter.
"The little girl is very poor,When I first met her,See her a man squat down in the rain cry,Ask her what happened,She said to her mother……"Colleagues say with QuYan like a police station,Words such as usual and often cry,Say to my parents.QuYan as said,When in trouble also want to home,But she doesn't want to go back,For fear of her parents,Think it is a shame to run away from home go back again.
About the reason of run away from home,QuYan as reveal a complain to your parents.She said her rebel since childhood,Parents tube she is too strict,Don't let her play with friends,Often locked her alone at home.
"My mother said she would rather regeneration a child than me."QuYan as said,Mother's words hurt her heart,She think that her parents don't like himself,This is the most main reason she ran away from home.
"I leave home so long,Didn't find parents looking for me.I have a uncle work in a police station,If they want to find how can I find?"QuYan as said,She in yantai attention without notice,But did not find to find her.After to taian,Yantai her back two times,Are cruel didn't go home,Only looking for a friend.
For to meet the parents,QuYan as there are also looking forward to worry.She said,Away from home so long,Worry that parents don't know myself.
一家人见面抱头痛哭,父亲承认教育方法不对 The family meet the sorrow,Father admitted education method is wrong
5,,One o 'clock in the morning,Dai temple station police contact QuYan as parents in yantai."After I heard the news of the daughter,We are very excited,Didn't expect to find her daughter."QuYan as father 曲成 said.In the morning early in the morning,They take the bus to taian.
More than 3 o 'clock in the afternoon,QuYan as parents to dai temple police station."My child!……"After the meeting,QuYan like mom and weeping together into a ball.
QuYan as her parents a daughter,Only daughter ran away from home for a long time to the family caused great impact,Now only 44, dad is gray hair,Should be a little old man,Song mother had kidney disease,Take medicine every day.
The daughter took six years ago,Father 曲成 was fresh."Leave a note before she went,Is she gone,Don't look for her.We came home from work,See note all panic god,Hurriedly go out looking for her."曲成 said,QuYan like walking without phone,No id card,In addition to note completely left clues,They don't know where to find.
Ask around 曲成 was launched relatives and friends,relatives/Daughter's friend asked again,Did not find her daughter,They thought his daughter had no money out don't go I will be back,Results waiting for ten days and a half months still not come back,And start to yantai, relatives and friends to go to,Searched the yantai districts and counties,Not found."Began to think she is anger,Afterwards thought was stole by someone,And then worry about if she is not in the world."曲成 said,As the days went by,Looking for her daughter's heart sinking bit by bit,Then all despair.
"No parents don't hurt the child,Don't want to children."曲成 said,After his daughter away from home,Song mother every day to a picture of her tears,Every year at the feast is sad."Over the past few years we didn't have a decent Spring Festival."
曲成 was admitted in the education child have mistakes."I had a good drink,Drink and good temper.Daughter rebel,We discipline she is too strict."曲成 said,Lack of care for his daughter,Misunderstanding caused by daughter parents don't love her.
"Who all want to have a home,The old order of things has passed,Let's go home."QuYan like mother YuShuPing took his daughter by the hand,At half past four in the afternoon,The family thanked police,On the way back to yantai their hometown.
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