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  据报道,复旦大学几名大学生成立了“复旦大学麻将社”,并获得了校学生会审核通过,成为正式注册的学生社团。该消息引发网友广泛关注,也引起了许多网友的好奇心,“麻将社”是个怎样的社团?社团里的成员会进行赌博吗?针对这些问题,5日上午,新华网《第一回应》栏目记者电话采访了复旦大学负责社团工作的校团委副书记耿昭华。 According to the report,Fudan university a few college students set up"Fudan university mahjong",And obtained through audit of college student council,Become officially registered student community.The news caused users wide public concern,Also caused a lot of net friend of curiosity,"Mahjong club"Is a what kind of club?Members of the club will gamble?To solve these problems,5 in the morning,Xinhua net[The first response]Column reporter telephone interview the charge of the club, vice secretary of the school of fudan university GengZhaoHua.


GengZhaoHua introduced,In the first place,Mahjong association is not established by the school,But the establishment of the student community organization in December last year,With basketball club and other community from the application process/To reply the examination and approval/To management supervision are the same."Community as long as you comply with the articles of association,With core personnel,Set your own organization structure and financial discipline,Can be established."GengZhaoHua said,"Due to proceed to the final exam,‘Mahjong club’Haven't activities,Recruit members work also have no formal,To begin next semester."

  对于有网友质疑的“学生是否会在社团里公开进行赌博?这是不是不务正业?”耿昭华表示, 首先,“麻将社”所参与的竞技麻将不能有金钱往来,不以赢利为目的,而是通过特定的规则,如引入标准分制等来降低手气的影响,强调竞技性和技术性,甚至涉及统计学和概率学。

With net friend"Students will open for gambling in the community?Does this work honestly?"GengZhaoHua said, In the first place,"Mahjong club"Participate in the competition of mahjong should not have any money,Not for the purpose of profit,But by specific rules,Such as introducing standard "to reduce the influence of luck,Emphasizing the athletics and technical,Even in statistics and probability.


"In the future,Club will carry out the national standard mahjong/Japan made straight mahjong and moderation mahjong these three competitive mahjong."GengZhaoHua said,Launched in creating mahjong club of students,Many are interested about it,In addition they will formulate specific rules of the game,Also hope that through this way to prove to everybody mahjong is not only can let a person addicted to gambling.


Netizens doubt,"For the community,The school how to manage?If appear gambling,How to deal with school?"this,GengZhaoHua said,The school including"Mahjong club"All day legitimate activities of the community do not do too much,But if some students to report community members in a money transactions of gambling,School will be made according to the relevant articles of association of the corporate management.

  “如果在开展活动时,社团或核心学员若违反了学校的规定,我们会给予处罚的。”耿昭华强调,如果“麻将社”有赌博行为,就不仅是违反了社团章程和校规校纪了,而是已触犯国家法律 。姜春媛

"If during the activities,Community or core violation of the provisions of the school students,We will be punished."GengZhaoHua stressed,if"Mahjong club"There is gambling,It is not only a violation of the corporate rules and school rules,But already break the national laws .JiangChunYuan
