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非京籍家长致信北京市教委抗议异地高考方案 新闻百科:异地高考(点击图片查看大图) News data:Different college entrance examination(Click on the big picture view) 非京籍家长致信北京市教委抗议异地高考方案 非京籍学生家长 Non - Beijing international student's parents


Five days ago,By the parties to be regarded as is"Different college entrance examination"Vane of Beijing's SuiQian children entrance examination method(Hereinafter referred to as"[Way to]")Officially announced.the[Way to]Permitted by Beijing Beijing secondary students enter oneself for an examination/Higher vocational colleges,Such provisions once released,Will work for"In the history of the most unfair public policy".


Some scholars said,In Beijing there are college entrance examination immigration now,But the threshold is very high.


"How to solve these problems?Unified college entrance examination.In principle, the same score,Where is Beijing university the opportunity is the same,The others still to do?"Peking University law school professor ZhangQianFan said.


“过渡措施” "Interim measures"


Released in December 30, 2012[Way to]In the,For SuiQian children ZhongGaoKao in Beijing,Set up two policy landing point of time:


In the first place,[scheme]Provisions of the,Since 2013,,Who hold Beijing valid proof of migrant workers,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked for 3 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 3 years,The SuiQian children with Beijing university, and has set up a file in the continuous fixed number of year of the junior middle school three year study in Beijing,Can attend the exam of Beijing municipal secondary vocational schools.


And the true involves the policy of the college entrance examination,Will start since 2014.According to the[Decided to]The content of the,Beijing will open other college entrance examination in 2014,First of all, start from higher vocational colleges.


The threshold of,Basically the continuation of the previous Shanghai residence permit system of some of the content:Such as all the migrant workers a valid proof of Beijing,A stable and legal residence,Legal stable career has been full booked in 6 years,Successive pay social insurance in Beijing has reached the age of 6 years,The SuiQian children with Beijing university, and has set up a file in the Beijing high school stage education three consecutive years fixed number of year of learning, etc.


but,In the[Decided to]At last,Don't forget to leave a slightly tail light:"Students from higher vocational school after graduation,May participate in the outstanding graduates into undergraduate study recommend and enrollment."


After a day,The Beijing municipal education commission on its official micro bo down further,2013 Beijing SuiQian children entrance examination method in Beijing issued before the transition of measures and introduced the parallel implementation of the new measures will be three years.


Why Beijing's foreign policy of the university entrance exam,Compared with other provinces and cities,There seems to be tough?The Beijing municipal education commission spokesman said,the[Way to]Come on stage,Reference in Beijing at present economic and social resources,"To consider the city function/Industrial structure layout and city resources carrying capacity".


According to its introduction,In 2012,,Beijing - Beijing household register 419000 students compulsory education stage,About 40.9% of the whole city compulsory education students,SuiQian children enter the public school to study the proportion of 74.7%.The municipal financial investment more than 1 billion yuan every year,Used for equal protection SuiQian children to receive compulsory education.


It is reported,At present Beijing resident population of more than 2000,Has far beyond the overall planning of the 2003 official reply of the state council put forward to the 2020 Beijing population control in the control target of 18 million people.


It seems to the Beijing municipal education commission relevant personage,Expanding of the population also has brought the adjustment of the existing school resources problems.He provides a set of data:Since last year SuiQian peak peak and the city census register population of school-age children,By the year 2014,Total in the primary school students will increase from the current about 680000 people to 840000 people left and right sides,After a few years will be a sustained growth trend.


"Beijing on this policy,Or from the perspective of population control,This view has not changed."Have a long-term focus on different scholars representation of the university entrance exam.


Introduce according to him,This also and vice minister of education had DuYuBo's position is in common.On the occasion of the two meetings held last year,In places such as north guang different entrance policy,DuYuBo explicit expression,"Not only to solve these floating population exam education problem of children,But also want to consider the bearing capacity of the city."


this,Some scholars said,Long-term support the rights of other college entrance examination parents at Peking University law school professor ZhangQianFan said,Beijing registered permanent residence in recent years the proportion of the population of the students in the college entrance examination have decreased year by year,Government has emphasized the Beijing huge population,Once let go will affect Beijing examinee's admission,"Beijing should have more data,Different parents requirements published information,I don't know why no.Some published information later,Could have Beijing and non - Beijing - parents controversy".


In transition period,In Beijing of non - Beijing international students' rights protection,The Beijing municipal education commission of the relevant personage says,In the entrance examination method before and after the publication of new methods in three years,In order to facilitate SuiQian children entrance exam in Beijing,Through the"Provide a variety of services",For SuiQian children choose entrance examination in Beijing to provide opportunity.


Our reporter statistics,At present can be open to non - Beijing - the main channel has the following several kinds of students:Secondary vocational schools/The higher vocational school/The Open University(The original Beijing TV university)/Network of higher education/Higher education self-study exam/Beijing enrollment adult the university entrance exam, etc.


In addition,The Beijing municipal education commission also promise,After the students agree with household province to provide students with the university entrance exam of literacy class in Beijing JieKao service.


It is reported,Beijing open attitude/Higher vocational colleges,And also after long-term in vocational school recruit students in Beijing"Do not have enough to eat"The state of the relevant.In 2009 a group of data, for example,In Beijing municipal human resources and social security bureau announced Beijing mechanic school enrollment plan,28 the mechanic school of Beijing is expected to plan takes in 8000 students,More than 2008 people by 2008.

  “就这8000人的指标,现在都招不满,学校要想很多‘特殊’的办法抢生源。” 中国就业促进会副会长陈宇表示,“北京市这两年一直在叫苦,说职业教育生源危机。”

"On the index of 8000 people,Now all,The school will think a lot‘special’The way to the students." Vice President of the China council for the promotion of employment researh material - 11,"Beijing two years has been to complain,Said vocational education students crisis."


And secondary vocational education students,Not in Beijing,National education advisory committee/China education of institute of fiscal science 王蓉 Dr Had led a research,Data shows that secondary school education department of grade 2010 students during the period of 2010-2011 lost a total of 880000 people,Wastage rate reached 13.82%.


"Why couldn't Beijing technical school recruit students?Is very simple,It is only for the registered permanent residence of Beijing children,The children of rural migrant workers is not qualified to register."Researh material - 11 said.


so,This Beijing foreign policy in the college entrance examination,First let go of vocational education,Also related to the above situation.Some scholars said,Beijing's attempts to,To some extent can improve to provide reference for secondary vocational education students.


In addition,Vocational education for a smaller place in terms of its financial burden.State secondary vocational schools has the state grants and free tuition policies,Grants is to give each country secondary born 1500 yuan per year,Free tuition grant object, including rural family economic difficulties students.


Last year,,Minister of the ministry of education said yuan guiren indicated in public,China will gradually to secondary vocational education free tuition policies"Coverage to all rural students".obviously,Yuan's position means that all the students in rural areas,Whether it is family poverty,The future can enjoy preferential policies of free education for all.


But according to our reporter,In fact as early as in Beijing when different entrance policy,Already with for floating population into the area of Shanghai related department keep close communication,Both reference in policy making.


"Shanghai residence permit system is basically reflected the different policy of college entrance examination of Shanghai would be the main ideas,The reason didn't come,Is in Beijing, such as,Coordinate with each other,At the same time a policy."People are aware of the related matter said.


未见积极改革的态势 Did not see positive reform trend


Beijing foreign policy of the college entrance examination,In Beijing for three years for their children to attend the university entrance exam of different SuiQian in terms of their parents,Is a"blow".


"We hope to set the strength of breaking privilege,Now found that don't shake,See no reflection of it,Especially Beijing will not see the future of the children in the future,The fate of the assigned is in higher vocational colleges,From the perspective of the attitude of the government to solve this problem,We are very disappointed."Have to attend other parents FanLing said the rights of the university entrance exam.


And parents said,Although policies of north guang three cities made some thought preparation,We think they are in reality on the basis of a higher threshold,But no thought of the three areas their attitude is different.


"I personally think that can see the guangdong government the sincerity to solve the problem,It is said the time delay for three years,Open in 2016.It is in this three years time to do some positive preparation."Parents had said.


The parents also noticed,Guangdong last year after two meetings have been released to the public information,In fact is to let the public have a acceptable process.In her eyes,The government of guangdong province in the manner to solve the problem or have the sincerity very much.In 3 years time to do some preparation is responsible,It has laid down their lives in the high school children,But for other migrant workers hope.


"Since I come into contact with parents,Senior parents just disappointed to policy,Was not disappointed with the government of guangdong province,Other parents of younger or very satisfied."The parents said.


Open to Beijing only secondary/Higher vocational colleges to SuiQian children,Parents had expressed clear opposition:


"Beijing's policy is obviously under the supervise of ministry of education,Brother provinces across the country are in a positive and open the steps,Be compelled helpless out of,But the statement is one of the most is not sincere in all the provinces and cities."Have to attend other parents FanLing said the rights of the university entrance exam.


Earlier in Beijing announced the second day of the different policy of college entrance examination,Rights parents in the network issued a name[By the Beijing municipal education commission of the oed publicly].


In the oed,Parents are made clear:"Education fair is the secondary test/Higher vocational alms,This is an insult to the masses of migrant workers,Is the four ministries and commissions under the state council and the opinions of blasphemy."


After two days before had just known the news after the fright,Parents have rights,"Recently all the grief and indignation of the heart of the expression was also pretty intense,Silence of the original group/Waiting for the/At the present were awake,Group of the talk is also an unprecedented ultra".


but,Recent parents gradually calm down,Determine the future will still go rational legal channels,Use all legal means to safeguard their own rights.It is reported,These parents recently on Beijing's foreign policy of the university entrance exam formally put forward administrative reconsideration to the ministry of education.


"We will continue to,Because different university entrance exam is just the first step in the education fair,We also hope to be able to unified recruitment in the future,Unified admitted,Finally realize the education fair,This is our ultimate goal."Have to attend other parents FanLing said the rights of the university entrance exam.


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