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13省市试水异地高考 河南方案正在研讨--亲稳网络舆情监控室


13个省市试水异地高考,我省政策何时出台? 13 provinces and cities try different water college entrance examination,Our province when policy issued?


教育厅:正积极研讨异地高考方案 provincial:Is actively research different college entrance examination scheme


Reporter WangCan interns LiuYanYan

  本报讯 孩子高考对于一个家庭来说是件大事,而进城务工人员的孩子必须回原籍高考,一直是父母的一块心病。今年8月底,国务院办公厅转发教育部等四部委《意见》,要求年底前,31个省份要因地制宜出台各地的异地高考具体政策。

Report from our correspondent children the university entrance exam to a family was a big event,And the children of migrant workers must be an ancestral home the university entrance exam,Parents always is a piece of heart.The end of August this year,The general office of the state council forwarding the ministry of education and other four ministries and commissions[opinion],Requirements before the end of the year,31 provinces to adjust measures to local conditions on different around the university entrance exam specific policy.


So far,shandong/fujian/Shanghai/tianjin/heilongjiang/jiangsu/Guangdong, 13 provinces and cities clear statement,SuiQian children different the university entrance exam concrete scheme in the latest published before the end of the year.yesterday,The reporter understands,Different in our province college entrance examination scheme is currently in discussion.


October 31,The heilongjiang province announced the different college entrance examination scheme,Be the first clear"Different college entrance examination"Specific threshold provinces.In accordance with the provisions of heilongjiang province,"Should have a high school student in our province and the high school stage in our province in continuous 3 years,Parents in our province have a legal professional and legal stable residence"The children can SuiQian mainlanders in the local registration in situ college entrance examination,The policy since 2013, the college entrance examination began.


After the heilongjiang,Jiangsu also made clear,Will be opened in 2013 SuiQian children in situ college entrance examination,But at present have yet to be announced in situ college entrance examination's specific threshold.But on February 29,,Take the lead in announced breakthrough the university entrance exam of census register restrictions in shandong province,The since 2014 will allow the census register examinee college entrance examination different.


In addition,Other provinces are also actively in the plan,Anhui province education department said,At present different college entrance examination scheme has entered the stage on the expert's demonstration,December will be issued.yesterday,Henan provincial relevant controller introduces,According to the ministry of education requirements,Our province college entrance examination different solutions are active in the discussion.
