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四川南部县学生意外死亡 教育局领导茶房聚赌--亲稳网络舆情监控室

   曝南部县学生意外死亡教育局领导茶房聚赌 回应称无此事 Slotting NaBuXian students accidental death bureau of education leadership lad group gambling responded that without it

  近日,一篇题为《中年丧子父母悲痛欲绝:局长 股长 校长 聚赌毫无人性》的帖子在四川新闻网麻辣社区成为网友关注热点,网帖称南部县某中学一名学生于2012年12月7日晚约9时许在学校食堂打开水时意外倒地死亡,教育局分管安全副局长,教育局安全股长和该校校长三人抛开死者亲属不闻不问在新南花园星星广场聚朋轩茶府豪赌,聚赌时被死者亲属及公安干警当场抓获。该帖文引起不少网友关注。

recently,An article titled[Middle-aged bereaved parents' grief:Director, the headmaster come group gambling no human nature]Post in a spicy sichuan news network community become net friend on hot spot,Nets for says NaBuXian some middle school a hsun was born on December 7, 2012 at about 9 xu in the school dining room open water accidentally fell dead,Deputy director of the education bureau in charge of security,Bureau of safety, and the school headmaster come three people put aside the dead relatives it on the porch stars square garden gather with your friends tea house gamble,Group gambling was the dead relatives and policemen caught red-handed.Defer, caused a lot of net friend.

  而就在12月15日,南部县教育局作出“关于《中年丧子父母悲痛欲绝:局长 股长 校长 聚赌毫无人性》一贴的回复”进行回应。回复中称,该死亡学生有心脏病史,在学校食堂二楼买东西时,突然倒在地上,后抢救无效死亡。由于死者亲属在事发后情绪激动,多次人为设置障碍,出现冲击盘龙中学校园,在校门口设置灵堂,不让师生进出校园,扰乱学校正常教育教学秩序,限制学校领导人身自由达八、九小时,又强拖另一名学校领导背着死者遗像在县城正街游行、肆意羞辱,阻断该路段交通达数小时之久等不理智行为,12月14日,应死者亲属要求,县政法委大调解中心把调解场所定在星星广场的聚朋轩茶房。期间,死者亲属将一副长牌丢在桌上,造就调解人员在“茶房赌博”的假象,并以此为借口编造出教育局领导、学校领导在调解现场聚赌的谣言,由此向教育局、学校施加压力,该事件已由东城派出所介入调查。教育局希望死者亲属和广大网友尊重事实,让事情得到合理解决。

But on December 15,NaBuXian education bureau"about[Middle-aged bereaved parents' grief:Director, the headmaster come group gambling no human nature]A stick of reply"In response to.Said in reply,The students have heart disease death,In the school dining room on the second floor of the shopping,Suddenly fell to the ground,After the rescue invalid death.Because of the dead relatives emotional after the incident,Many times people set obstacles,Impact in panlong middle school campus,Set up at the school gate,Don't let the teachers and students in and out of campus,Disrupt the school normal education teaching order,Limit the school leader personal freedom of eight/Nine hours,And strong drag another school leaders carry the dead portrait in the main street parade/To shame,Blocking the traffic for several hours, such as irrational behavior,On December 14,,At the request of the dead relatives,County head big mediation center sites in Chinese tea house square stars gather with your friends.During the period,The deceased relatives cast a long CARDS on the table,Made in mediation personnel"The waiter gambling"The appearance of,And as an excuse to fabricate the bureau of education leadership/School leaders at the scene of the mediation group gambling rumor,To the bureau of education/Pressure on school,This event has been investigating by dongcheng police station.Bureau of education to the deceased relatives and respect the fact that Internet users,Let things get reasonable solution.


Both sides argue,Also a net friend many questions.The waiter is a match?Or in the mediation?This reporter immediately to interview.


17, in the morning,Reporter contact to a claim that the presence of the dead relatives deng one.Answer a call the day,South county government negotiate processing inform relatives students accidental death,Deng one just came back from chengdu on a business trip,And the dead in the tea house with other relatives until twelve o 'clock did not see education bureau,I later found out that those leaders in a teahouse play long card.Deng in one go,See the dead several family members seized education bureau of the people,At that time, the waiter in a table,Long card box on the land,Aside the kettle are rotten.soon,East station policeman brought a few family members to the police station,After the situation is not known.Reporter wants to deng one to several relatives number,Deng a refuse.


Chinese tea house in gather with your friends,Reporters saw the attendant min min(The allotted time periods specified by the).According to her memory,The incident around half past ten in the morning that day,Has five guests to tea house a pack to talk about things,About at half past eleven,More than ten people move in the pack,The door locks up,The waiter can't go in,immediately,Pack the noisy,The specific content of the dispute she didn't hear you.In that group of people coming after about ten minutes,Police station policeman arrived on the scene gave them away.And before and after the incident,All was not play CARDS,Even the time to pick up the tea also didn't see.


Reporters interviewed NaBuXian bureau of education staff immediately.At present the complaint of section chief li told reporters,After the death of a student,They are arranged according to the higher authority,Specially established accident treatment group consultation with relatives.Because of the dead relatives too emotional,Twist their,One of the relatives photos under the online message by mobile phone."That case which we still have the mood play CARDS, oh",Any director of the bureau of education office told reporters.

  记者采访了在现场协调处理该事件的盘龙派出所负责人,该负责人告诉记者,那种情况下,死者家属在等等处理问题,协调小组全都疲于应付不可能还打牌赌钱。公安局另一名知情人士告诉记者,当时东城派出所接到报警,说新南花园聚朋轩茶府有人发生纠纷,派出所干警迅速赶到该茶房将相关人员带回派出所调查,并非网上发帖所说是去抓赌的。(记者 蒋选 实习记者 任霜)

Reporters interviewed at the scene coordination and deal with the events of the panlong police station,The person in charge told reporters,That situation,The dead family members in the and so on to deal with problems,Coordination team all struggling don't may play gamble.Another person familiar with the public security bureau told reporters,At dongcheng police station to report to the police,Xuan said the new garden gather with your friends tea house anyone of a dispute,Police station policemen rushed to the waiter brought the relevant personnel to police station,Not post online claim to ZhuaDu.(Reporter JiangXuan practice reporter of frost)


The reporter understands,After many efforts,At present,,The deceased relatives have reached a settlement agreement with the university.
