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江西校车事故致多所黑幼儿园被关 留守儿童失学--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

江西校车事故致多所黑幼儿园被关 留守儿童失学出事的春蕾幼儿园已被贴上封条。本报记者李菁莹摄 An accident spring buds kindergarten has been labeled as seal.Our reporter LiJingYing perturbation


On December 24,Since winter is the village the cold day.


In jiangxi guixi riverside town flood pond village children's home village group,A car overload shuttle children in kindergarten minibus side turn falling into the pool,Cold pond water relentlessly swallowed 11 young life.

  事故发生后不到24小时,滨江镇人民政府与罹难儿童家属签订交通事故协议,一次性赔偿死者家属人民币48万元整,并以现金形式发放。 Less than 24 hours after the accident,Riverside town people's government and the children were killed a traffic accident agreement families,One-time compensation the family members of the deceased is RMB 480000,And in cash issue.


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Jiangxi kindergarten school bus accident 12 persons was stopped




When an accident is to expose the kindergarten is without qualification/Without examination and approval"Black kindergarten"after,Accountability mechanism was quick to start.On December 26,,Vice mayor of government help/Riverside town mayor and help/Help educational bureau director and deputy director etc 12 government officials were suspended inspection.


Some didn't pass the examination and approval procedures"Black kindergarten"Was shut,Some not the school bus was outage.

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In the local"High cash compensation"/"Government officials accountability"/"Shut black kindergarten"After a series of measures,Gathered in guixi news media gradually dispersed.


however,Shrouded in local parents head haze has not dispersed.


“黑幼儿园”关停,孩子去哪儿? "Black kindergarten"shut,Where children?


Spring buds kindergarten is located in the riverside town JinShaCun lake PengGu group,From the accident occurred children's home village group nearly 4 km away.The China youth daily reporter saw,The village house floor dwellings,Cement wall,The door shut,The doors of the seal will this ever busy kindergarten into the die.A building on the right side of domestic out on the outer walls of the giant painting"Everything for the children".


Kindergarten is the principal ZhouChunE,Born in 1977,JinShaCun people.6 years ago she opened the spring buds kindergarten,In order to further develop the kindergarten market,In October 2011,ZhouChunE pass after a driver's license,Immediately bought a used car and a minibus.Her body modification/Dismantle seat,In order to accommodate more children.Every day,ZhouChunE yourself when the driver,Shuttle ShangXiaXue students,More than a dozen people were huddled in a van inside,Is often the case.


Until December 24 August morning at about 45 minutes,ZhouChunE drive the second-hand minibus,Carrying 15 children/A teacher to return to the kindergarten,Step to flood pond village children's home village group village along a pool together,Due to the improper operation,Vehicle fell into the pool,Caused the serious traffic accident:In addition to the four children were rescued,The other eleven children all death.


Without the examination and approval formalities of spring buds kindergarten is immediately shut down.China youth daily reporter from municipal party committee propaganda department of guixi read a set of data display:There are a total of 159 kindergartens guixi city,the,Without the approval"Black kindergarten"Have 22,Including an accident"Spring buds kindergarten".


And this 22 without approval"Black kindergarten"All distribution in the countryside,Preschool children in more than 2500.


After the accident,Many media directed at kindergarten and school bus management confusion.soon,To help the schools of various levels in all traffic safety.Propaganda department socia Yangtze river long have told China youth daily reporter:To help increase the registered kindergarten management and illegal and doing the investigation dynamics,Through the improvement of the standard of can,Ask the rectification in place as soon as possible,Shall handle the registration,After the rectification of the standard not resolutely.


And more than twenty rural"Black kindergarten"The rectification or banned,Directly involved more than 2500 young children's future,There are quite a number of left-behind children.


On December 27th night,,Help in the people's hospital in-patient department on the second floor,The China youth daily reporter saw four rescued young children and their parents.Four children already out of danger,The first rescued two children in the ward of playfulness,Parents sat together chat,Mood complicated,Are children today feel lucky,And for the children tomorrow feel melancholy.5 years old TongGuoWei forehead still tie up gauze,Nestle in the arms of mother XuYouZhen.XuYouZhen said,Reporter to a batch of and a batch of,The fact,But who really care about child later place?Spring buds kindergarten cancelled,The children go to where?


XuYouZhen and her husband in guixi work in the cities,The high cost of preschool education in the city,Rent a house/To pay tuition,The cost of yuan every month they can't afford it,The only child in the countryside,But their old people just got the child's food and clothing,Do not have the ability to take into consideration the child's preschool education.Nearby spring buds kindergarten to solve them"Trouble back at home",A month is less than the cost of 200 yuan,Is there shuttle or other transportation from every day,Let them to a heart to earn money for the family outside.But the accident,To instantly change their living conditions,In the accident itself outside damage,They also worry about their children later preschool education.


日夜赶工的小学“学前班”是权宜之计? Day and night rushed elementary school"preschool"Was meant to be temporary?


A municipal party committee propaganda department guixi China youth daily reporter to the materials supplied by the display:The kindergarten to spring buds nearly preschool children in shunt,59 child is placed into sands primary preschool,30 children placed in primary school LiuLing preschool,Six for children to have the approval of the heart private kindergarten.


On December 29 days afternoon,The China youth daily reporter jolt all,The car came to the riverside town LiuLing village elementary school.Inside the school peremptory became a construction field,A lamp that headlight lit up the whole campus,The original building a two layer teacher office building is rebuilt,More than ten villagers in the work.XuXing"padrone"Tell the China youth daily reporter,This small project is education help the project,Ask him day and night construction,This change will be built in preschool elementary school,Be sure to do on New Year's day holiday after the opening.


LiuLing village elementary school from flood pond village children's home village group has eight kilometers of road,Even after New Year's day crush finish,Can solve the problem of children into nearby?In the children's home village,One is that the child was fed to the villagers told reporters:Must not,The child's parents are in the outside part-time job,Home only old man,No car shuttle,So far away,The child how to?Had to stay at home.


The China youth daily reporter understands,After the accident,Help the rural kindergarten school bus stop all operations,These basic by 7 minibuses remove refitted school bus,According to this year issued[The school bus safety management regulations]And implementation of[Special school bus safety technical conditions]standard,Are not compliance.For help"As far as possible to reduce the kindergarten ShangXiaXue transport,Eliminate hidden danger of accidents".


In guixi city from rental to flood pond village road,A young woman with two children in the cold waiting for,They stopped the China youth daily reporter by taxi,Requirements on a section of the road.The woman told reporters,Because of the accident,Kindergarten school bus suspended the,Every day she can only want to various measures to send children in kindergarten,Or take a taxi,Or on the,Or in the cold waiting for half an hour on a bus,Let her exhausted.She asked reporters,When children can to take the school bus?


The China youth daily reporter in the survey found,Due to the rural traffic is not convenient,Together with the partial road far and poor road conditions,Many rural kindergarten for the school bus stop,Every day the children into sharp,Pond bay town before kindergarten children every day in the more than 170 people,Now less than forty people.


And through the practice of elementary school children preschool shunt,Help education bureau deputy chief officer fuzz when accepting a reporter to interview admits,At present can through the primary radiation preschool,Use of primary resources to solve part of the children's preschool education problems,But not a permanent solution.The city has 120 primary school open kindergarten,But the common teaching period is one year.This means that,The large number of left-behind children still need in the old man's raising through 2 to 3 years of preschool education period.


校车规范在农村是“伪命题”? The school bus specification is in the countryside"False proposition"?


At present,Help more than twenty thousand young children,The existing public kindergarten children cannot satisfy the demand into the garden.For most rural children families,No conditions and ability into the city of public kindergarten.Many private rural kindergarten arises at the historic moment,They charge cheap,Came near to the entrance,Greatly alleviate the rural children especially left-behind children of pre-school education problems.


And these private rural kindergarten,For the purpose to profit,Low fee have to leave no stone unturned cost reduction.With spring buds kindergarten as an example,For the more than 100 children,Every child is a year of nursery fee is 1500 yuan,A year all income is only 170000 yuan,Had not the strength of all kinds of nursery school construction.Spring buds kindergarten is building a two layer domestic,Small yard empty,No slide/Swing and basic combination of toys,Let alone each a towel and a cup of disinfection/Health care equipment,And every class has harp/The tape recorder, and other basic teaching equipment.


In the sparsely populated rural,To attract more students,We must buy a car,And hundreds of thousands of yuan standard school bus,They have no ability to buy,Have to buy cheap used car,The inside of the seat refitting remove,To one-time transfers more infants.


On the one hand is a large number of rural children into the garden needs,On the other hand it is rural kindergarten and school are generally not standard,And the other for inadequate investment and the formation of a variety of hidden trouble,Highlight the rural preschool education predicament.


"12 · 24"After the accident,The help of jiangxi province ying issued an announcement[Preschool education on strengthening the management of opinion],Inside special mention"In strict accordance with the provisions of the state with the school bus,Does not accord with a standard to the school bus all change,Funds by the municipal/County financial commitment two-thirds.It is strictly prohibited to overload/To combat illegal modification","Actively guide and encourage social forces in preschool education,Regulating some/Rectification a batch of,For newly/reconstruction/Expansion of private kindergarten enjoy public kindergarten the same policy,Give preferential land,Provide construction fund of 3 years of interest subsidies","Guide the private early childhood hospital merit,To provincial demonstration kindergartens financial reward 500000 yuan/Achieve city-level demonstration kindergartens financial reward 300000 yuan/To achieve standardization kindergarten financial reward 100000 yuan".


Help also puts forward:"Will strengthen the investment of public finance,Key to build good backbone kindergarten,Start implementing every township a public kindergarten,ShiDianCun elementary school affiliated nursery school construction,According to the principle of near entrance,Setting up reasonable network.At the same time,Strengthen the kindergarten and rectifications of punishment,To ensure the safety of children learn."


opinion/The promulgation of the policy can be carried out,If you can completely solve or alleviate rural preschool education predicament,The China youth daily reporter will continue to focus on.
