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69岁教师42年资助35个孤儿 每月退休金仅3700元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Yili teachers FengYinYan do charity 42 years,Support the fatherless and single child 35 people,Including han/d/tin/have/full/ha/Back to a total of seven national.
FengYinYan teacher this year 69 years old,with"Renal failure"41 years,There are three children of their own and a lot of grandchildren,You still in addition to take care of the two orphans and some poor families.The retirement pay 3700 yuan a month,But have a pick up leaves,Burn coal stove life.
She refused to be funded,feedbacks,By the propaganda,But her story or moved the local people and the government,Retired teacher FengYinYan not the communist party member,But as YiLiZhou civilization office officials"The real bolsheviks".
“真正的布尔什维克” "The real bolsheviks"
Jan. 7, 2013,CCTV network reporter through various efforts finally to interview FengYinYan teacher,She has gray haired,But hale and hearty.She said,Although people are old but the same character,"Help victim of an injustice"constant.She is not a communist party member,Was regarded as"The real bolsheviks".
Reporters asked her to make a list once funding,Above fifty more even,She said"Short memory,Many have forgotten,Three two words is a name,Every name is behind a helpless family,Every family is a sad story."
Asked her to do charity experience,FengYinYan teacher shook his head said:"Ability is limited,No do big things."
In order to let the unfortunate children to go to school,In spite of all her family members of the opposition,The 13 orphans and children living at home to eat to live,The biggest call FengQiuPing,46 years old this year,The smallest call LiuHang 17 years old this year.
"FengQiuPing,In 84 brought home,I am not legal guardian,But the actual guardian,For her to go to the university,Until a fond memory."FengYinYan memories,Eyes moist.In 1984,,She heard that XinYuanXian have a girl called FengQiuPing,After her parents divorced their starting a family,The girl far away with the mother of henan,Because parents are no matter,Eventually forced to drop out.
To know FengQiuPing also want to school,FengYinYan borrowed 200 yuan to send in the past,Let her from the zhengzhou train to urumqi.Pick back after ili,For the FengYinYan eat to live and go to school,Until the xinjiang medical university graduation,Now work in shenzhen.
LiuGongGong and LiuHang the sister and parents are dead,The uncle's charge,But uncle aunt married and treated with the sister,Not together to eat.Uncle over two children of low cost,Sometimes will give some food and oil,Brother LiuHang in the village elementary school,Sister in the county middle school,Performance very good,The scholarship every year used to pay tuition and fees,Because there is no money for accommodation,ShangXiaXue every day to walk about 5 kilometers.LiuGongGong grade after graduation,Have no money again in high school,School at home and.In 2008,,FengYinYan heard what had happened to ChaBuZhaEr county know the truth.
When a strange old man asked LiuGongGong would you like to go to school and promised to support her,LiuGongGong some doubts,XianShang of middle school are not,Which money to go to school? Yining city?
Finally FengYinYan teacher put the LiuGongGong brought to the feature of the best middle school,She made for tuition and miscellaneous fees,A total of 10000 multivariate.Because liu do well in red,Every time the school got top twenty,FengYinYan regularly give her some reward,Buy clothes or buy a pair of shoes,As their own children.
"Send the child to go to school is not easy,To find out the school for the government,Ran his leg,Wor mouth,I finally got LiuGongGong into university."According to FengYinYan introduced,In 2011,,LiuGongGong with 562 points of good grades went to xinjiang medical university(The following even read).
Support the LiuGongGong after high school,FengYinYan began to support LiuHang,But when she found LiuHang,School for a long time to find it,Uncle don't let him reading,But at home to do farm work any more money.Then FengYinYan again put to LiuHang yining city,Let the high school in the city,Current performance is very good,The FengYinYan LiuHang back home to live,He says FengYinYan for"grandma".
FengYinYan don't take care of her grandson,But will the orphan understand home to eat to live,By including her husband and children's strong opposition,But she always said,These children are too poor,Don't read or,Give them a chance,It will be possible to change life.
In addition to taking care of orphans,FengYinYan also take care of the family and 17 difficult to support.
Since 1965 he has been responsible for,Because father disabled,FengYinYan shoulder the responsibility to take care of the brother and sister,And brother and sister grew up,She began to pay attention to the fatherless and single child.For these children to go to school,She go around to find the government departments,Use various relations,And his three children are laid-off workers,She did not mention any requirements to the government.
13 children eat to live in her family,The longest lived seven and a half years,And FengYinYan seldom let their sons and daughters son to come home to live.
Work several decades,Monthly retirement pay 3700 yuan,So far not much savings,She sometimes to go to the market pick up leaves to cook.She put her love to the society and never return,Live in buildings,But want to use gas set up coal stove.Wash clothes dirty water clarified and used to flush the toilet.
When the reporter interview her husband put forward,FengYinYan said don't ask him,Her husband have been opposed to take care of orphans,Ask him to fight.The community workers listened to her about the amazing:"42 years insist to do charity,Resist so big pressure,Not name nor for personal gain,I don't know what to do to teacher von."
政府无力收养所有孤儿 The government to adopt all orphans
The teacher insists FengYinYan 42 years take care of more than 30 children,There are many orphans.For social orphan problems,The functions of the government sector how look upon?The reporter interviewed the xinjiang YiLiZhou children's welfare home and yining city civil affairs bureau.
Yining city civil affairs bureau cadres ZhuangJuan told reporters,The city's 219 orphans,All in keeping free-roaming folk,Haven't heard that folk orphans things.Folk to look after orphans is easy to be mistaken for orphans,This statement may not comply with laws and regulations.
It is understood,The new children's welfare home construction at the end of 2012,Expected to adopt fifty children.But a lot of difficulties,Worker prepare,Personnel salary,The quality of the personnel are difficult to solve at that time.
According to YiLiZhou welfare home for children orphans director LiuXiaoYing is introduced,Now the state is a children's welfare homes,And the orphan estimated to be 1000 to 2000 between them,So impossible all adopt,Now only adopted 151 children,Mostly handicapped abandoned orphans,Normal children only twenty or so,The orphanage for they finish school,Until find a job.
Starting from 2009,The orphans living increases year by year,Now each child months living expenses reached 900 yuan,The people compared to keeping free-roaming orphans to hundreds of dollars.Even if such,Children's welfare homes are still confronted with many difficulties,Mainly staffing is not enough.
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