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七八岁就进入青春期 全球孩子都面临性早熟--亲稳网络舆情监测室

"Now more and more children was premature!"Almost the whole society have such feeling.indeed,The children's adolescence almost every year in advance.A high school teacher plaint,Before the girl six grade after that period,Now some children grade four began to menarche.According to a recent survey of Beijing,The girl breast development began to an average age of 9.5 years,Precocious puberty detection rate is about 1%,The boy's development also shows the trend in advance.According to the statistics,Chinese students have been the puberty in the past 12 years to 10 years old in advance.
全球孩子都面临性早熟 Global children are faced with precocious puberty
In fact,Chinese children's early puberty is not individual phenomenon,Global children are encounter early.A British statistics found,From 1860 to 2010,The girl latency time for 6 years in advance,The boy at least two years in advance.The United States also have the same trouble,recently,American children experts study,It's ten years old the child's symptoms and behavior mode is equivalent to the past 15 years old young.The black girl 25%,15% of hispanics in 7 years old came into adolescence.Look at our neighbours Japan,According to the Japanese national medical center released data,From 1995 to 2003, eight years,The girl early age 1 year old ahead.Japanese students with its"Over age"Dress up famous.When shopping,You will find,Side of the high school students/Junior high school students to pupils,They on the wardrobe/The face of the makeup look will never defeat to adults.
if"Psychological precocious"Also means that children"More sensible"words,"Precocious puberty"To the child's mental and physical development are no good.Peking University third hospital department of pediatrics chief physician WangXueMei told reporters,Precocious puberty a danger in the early termination of a child is long,The results lead to adult height is short.Precocious puberty also increases the risk of cancer,The United States national institutes of health study found,Precocious puberty girl,Develops after the risk of breast and womb cancer will increase greatly.
The United States Cincinnati children's hospital adolescent medicine doctor belo said,"Adult body,The child's mind"Can cause a series of psychological and social problems.Precocious puberty children may because in appearance with the different friends,Produce inferior/Fear and panic,And even lead to eating disorder/depression,And cigarettes and alcohol abuse.The boy latency premature,The rapid increase of the male hormone,Can cause fights and surge in aggressive behavior.In addition,Precocious puberty cause child sex in advance,Because experience shallow/Self-control difference,Are more likely to result in unsafe behavior/abortion/Even led to the"Minor parents".
肥胖是第一大诱因 Obesity is the first big incentive
What makes children early?WangXueMei said,Precocious puberty may and race/nutrition/environment/Genetic and so on all relevant.First of all,The environment pollution can lead to human estrogen levels,So as to promote early.In addition,And sex related information is too flood,Also induced the relativity early.but,Experts recognized/And there are many studies support is,Overweight and obesity induced the discovered early.
The Chinese nutrition society director/China agricultural university professor of food FanZhiGong also told reporters,The pollution of the environment and food, after all, is more difficult to perceive/Is difficult to control,The best way to control early,Is control childhood obesity.In the same environment,The children's mature sooner or later, still have very different.The study found that,overweight/Fat girl,Mature time earlier than their peers.On children's diet analysis also found,Dietary energy/fat/Animal protein many children,Mature time earlier.
"but,Our children are now in what to eat?Is there a lot of animal food,A lot of fat and sugar,A lot of white soft food?Some parents from child long teeth start,Give him every day to eat cheese/Prawns and beef,Because this is the most‘senior’food.Some children eat every day two root roast intestinal,Have a meal can eat ten wings,And these,Because parents feel‘Children like’."FanZhiGong said.
Children have no health knowledge,They instinctively like high oil and grease/High-energy food,Is essence/Sugar and flavoring agent seduced.Fried chicken/chips/cake/cookies/sausage/Ice cream/Sweet drinks/Puffed food……The children love foods are fattening food,Also to prevent premature.FanZhiGong said:"Many people complain that side 45 days will market the chicken,While a large number of oil sugar starch and animal protein their child into early animals."Chicken without hormone,As long as hello high heat feed can achieve early effect.But we are also in the same way to feed our children.According to the survey,In the fifth grade students of,Four children have a fat,It is no wonder that precocious children so much.FanZhiGong said,The most important,Is the consumption of meat to reduce some,Little children to eat contains large amounts of oil and sugar food.
遏制儿童肥胖,各国在努力 Curb childhood obesity,Countries trying to
In order to curb childhood obesity and precocious fierce development,All countries are taking action.British banned before 9 o 'clock play high fat/Low nutritional snacks advertising;Singapore also plans since 2013 banned in children may contact media play high fat/High sugar/High salt food advertising.The United States Connecticut parliament as early as in 2005 primary and middle school students have banned to sell carbonated drinks and junk food such as French fries;And the United States this year through[Children's health/Bill from hunger]provisions,July 1st, 2012,The nutrition of the food for lunch to supply half whole grain,By 2014,All the cereal food must be for whole grain.Lunch in various sweet drinks all to fresh fruit,Pizza skin to graham,Fried potato chips and sweet potato bar to replace.Believe that see the,Whether parents or relevant organizations,Should be clear,How should we do.
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