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重庆国考专业放宽 部分岗位定向招工人农民(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

图形 何零星 制 Graphics any odd system
   重庆公务员考试专业放宽 通过考试却反悔处罚将加重 Chongqing civil service examination professional relaxing pass the exam but back punishment will aggravate


In the future,Chongqing citizen test civil servants will no longer limited by professional.City human social security bureau released 2013 annual examinations civil servants work plan.the,Most of the recruitment position will cancel the professional limitation requirements,Get the generation is discipline class or professional category.Through the test was successfully employed but not cop out on the report,Punishment will increase.


机会多了 大部分职位将取消专业限制 Have more chances to most of the position will cancel the professional limitation


For some want to enter oneself for an examination of civil servants for citizens,Suffer from major and job requirement not right,The chance to be file out of the door.


City human social security bureau said,According to the plan,This year's civil service exam will relax requirements,Most of the position will cancel the professional limitation,No longer for a specific professional ZhaoLu,Only setting up the subject categories or professional category.For some professional special strong position,It should be in accordance with the unified[Chongqing examinations civil servants professional reference directory]implementation.


At the same time,To expand the selection range of talents,Have bachelor degree or above,And get a bachelor's degree or above of the candidates,If during the period of school made minor/The second degree certificate,But the minor/The second degree of professional certificate to enter oneself for an examination,As far as possible to reduce the contradiction of professional Settings.


选拔人才 将对优秀工人农民定向招录 The selection of outstanding talent will workers and peasants ZhaoLu orientation


"This year's civil service examination,Will continue to face a base line recruitment."City human social security bureau said,Part of the districts and counties/The municipal department will continue to carry out for good workers/Farmers ZhaoLu orientation.Conditional districts and counties,Should put ZhaoLu plan in the villages and towns/Streets base line.


By area position/Economic conditions limit,Parts difficult to recruit talents.In order to solve this problem,In ZhaoLu arrangement plan,qianjiang/pillars/mountain/Unitary Yang/Peng will take out the districts and counties recruitment plan more than 20% of the indicators,Directional ZhaoLu minority candidates.


被录用无正当理由放弃 处罚将加重 Accepted without justifiable reasons to give up punishment will aggravate


Pass the exam success in recruiting,Candidates suddenly pull back,Don't want to go to work to report for duty.City human social security bureau said,For such dishonest behavior,Will increase the punishment,Cancel the qualification test.The main points several situations:


If the candidates into the physical examination/investigation/Intends to employ public,But temporary give up,And could not find a proper reason,Two years,That is between 2013 and 2014,Will not enter oneself for an examination the civil servants.


probation,If the active application to give up and investigate the unqualified and cancel the employment qualification,Three years,In the year 2013 to 2015 period must not enter oneself for an examination.

  考生若被录用为公务员,在没有正当理由的情况下,逾期不报到,将被取消录用资格。此外,5年内,即2013年至2017年期间,不得报考公务员。记者 杨涛

If you are hired candidates for civil servants,Without justified reasons circumstances,Fails to report,Employment qualification will be cancelled.In addition,Five years,That is between 2013 and 2017,Civil servants must not enter oneself for an examination.Reporter Yang tao


年均万分之五的公务员不称职 Five over ten thousand of the annual civil servants ineptitude


City people club bureau deputy director/The secretary for the civil service, JiangJianGuo said yesterday,Since the 2006 years since the implementation of the civil servant law,To establish a civil service performance/Performance evaluation mechanism,To encourage and restrain civil service.In the civil servants in the annual appraisal,Determine the average for the good of the order,Accounted for 14.6%,Basic competent two over ten thousand,Five over ten thousand of the incompetent.Although this better play to the assessment and incentive constraint function,But there are also civil service examination unbalanced development,Responsibility is not clear/Individual assessment process problems such as become a mere formality.


JiangJianGuo said,In the future,To improve the civil servants by assessment of the implementation.Civil servants do good personal differences,Can be implemented in the guide."Task,Responsibilities implement,Must have assessment.Make every task to carry out specific work and action."


考核主要评价“德能勤绩廉” Assessment main evaluation"DeNengQinJi water"


City civil service bureau deputy director JinGuoXiong is introduced,This year the annual appraisal civil main evaluation's civil servants/can/frequently/performance/Water performance,But at the same time, usually inspects and combine the annual appraisal,Will excel activities such as the work on-site evaluation appraisal results at ordinary times as the important content of the annual appraisal,To ensure the objective assessment results.


"The annual appraisal civil servants to avoid arbitrariness of assessment,Prevent go through the motions."JinGuoXiong said,This year the annual appraisal civil servants for assessment, according to job responsibilities and summing up the work task,Fill in the registration form of the annual appraisal,And within the scope of certain and reporting on activities.Each unit manager to hear the people reporting on activities and assessment on the basis of public opinion,According to the usual assessment and personal summary,Write comments,The inspection gradation put forward Suggestions,And to be assessment suggest improvement requirements,Let the person gains assessment test.If is assessment of the assessment results have objections,Carefully check,Properly handle.


In addition,In order to avoid assessment"One size fits all",Different categories/At different levels/Different position of the civil service job responsibilities/Task and actual situation,Design different assessment criteria,Gradually establish a hierarchical classification of quantitative evaluation indicator system.


To the window unit directly facing the civil service,To introduce the service object evaluation mechanism,Widely listen to the opinions of the service object,Improve the objectivity of the evaluation and order.


连续三年优秀优先提拔使用 Three years in a row first give good use


JinGuoXiong said,This year will be civil service evaluation and position combined with lift,For three years in a row was identified as the best of the order,In the promoted when using is preferred;To most of the current is determined as the basic competent,One year may not post promotion;To was identified as incompetent,Reduce a post office level;For two consecutive years was determined as incompetent,Firmly be dismissed.


At the same time,To most of the current was identified as the best of the order,Shall be awarded;For three years in a row was identified as the best of the order,Should I remember;Was determined as qualified above the order,Enjoy the annual appraisal bonus;Accumulated two years was determined as qualified the above order,The appointed level corresponding wage standard promotion within a salary class;Accumulated five years was determined as qualified above level,In the corresponding level for promotion within the scope of a level.


残酷! "国考"重庆两职位刷脱1.8万多人 cruel! "Countries test"Chongqing two position brush off more than 18000 people 记者 童江华 实习生 张俊浩 张宇 Reporter TongJiangHua interns ZhangJunHao zhangyu

Yesterday is 2013 annual national public servant employed public subject test scores query written on the first day of,Students is very concerned about whether they enter interview list.Reporters from the national civil service bureau published"The first into the interview and professional subject test list"Found in,called"The history of the most competitive position"The national bureau of statistics on the team to business department"section"The lowest position interview score was 120.5 points,Only three people into the interview.


最激烈职位 The most competitive position


两职位报考都超9000人 Two position to enter oneself for an examination are over 9000 people


It is understood,The national bureau of statistics on team business department"section"Job is only for one person,But the number of applicants to reach 9411 people,Become the"The history of the most competitive position".The national bureau of statistics the nanchuan team and business departments"Section 2"position,Only for one person,There are 9175 people enter oneself for an examination,in"The most competitive position"Ranked the second.


The two position become popular mainly enter oneself for an examination conditions loose,There is no limit to the professional/Work experience.The national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing the relevant person in charge of the personnel department was in an interview with the media,The situation,Also let them not.Is this the two teams not set limit, such as professional,Because the nanchuan team has been set up,On the professional team for to life,Recruit people's condition is not ideal.


面试比例1∶3 Interview ratio 1:3


两职位刷脱1.8万多人 Two position brush off more than 18000 people


Reporter discovery,Very skillful is into the national bureau of statistics on team business department"section"Job interview fractional line 3 people,score,Are 120.5 points(In accordance with the designated qualified line is 85 points).The national bureau of statistics the nanchuan team to business department"Section 2"Position only 3 people into the interview,Scores are 118.10 points.It is understood,In an interview candidates is according to test result from high to low order to determine,Interview a ratio of 1:3.


"The two position,Each position to brush off more than 9000 candidates,The competition is very cruel!"Chongqing China map education agency officials said,These two positions of the written fractional line are all in the same starting line,The interview will be the biggest competition,Because each position will brush off two people.He says,The two position although enter oneself for an examination number,In chongqing area in the position of the interview scores the highest,But not this"Countries test"The highest position in the interview scores,Such as the state intellectual property office of the patent literature department"staff"The lowest position interview score was 122.90 points.


3月底前面试 3 the end of the interview


社会热点考查必不可少 Social hot spot check necessary


The ZhaoLu civil servants,The next interview will be/medical/investigation/employed.National civil service bureau relevant controller introduces,According to the recruitment plan,Focus interview work will be completed before the end of the month in March this year.Before the interview,ZhaoLu authority will be in civil servants KaoLu project site(http://bm.scs.gov.cn/2013)Published an interview announcement,Principle that interview/way/Interview candidates to interview should not be less than the proportion of treatment method/investigation(medical)Candidate to produce/Interview list and admission ticket number/Interview the minimum scores/Interview time/site/Bus line and contact information, etc.


China map education agency officials said,From the recruitment notice to see,2013 civil servants employed test interview is still based on structured interview and no leadership group discussion as the main form.Structured interview is the national civil service interview use most times interview form,The main test self awareness and position matching/Plan organization/Communication and coordination and comprehensive analysis of the four kinds of questions.Regardless of the level of civil service examination,To investigate the social hot spots are indispensable,At the appointed time to stand in the point of view of civil servants,From the government level for some social phenomenon given objective evaluation,The feasibility of the solution is given.


年薪15万元白领何以要考公务员 The annual salary of 150000 yuan white-collar why should take an examination of civil servants


According to the report,Taiyuan male children far graduated from domestic famous university computer professional,Just a few short years salary work reached 150000 yuan.But he still took part in the civil service exam this year,He says,"Graduate look down on that help checking officeholder classmates,But so many years in social fight,Let me understand the long-term stability and security of life,Is what I need".


150000 annual salary though not many,But even in the north, such as wide a line city,Also be called on the medium income,How much more will the second three line city?Can say,With 150000 yuan annual salary white-collar,No doubt is the leader in the workplace.Such people will take an examination of civil servants for security,Obviously than the average college graduates more typical significance.


from"Look down upon checking officeholder classmates",To oneself also join exam bowl team,SunYuan experienced what kind of journey?According to he introduced,Although a high income,but"Feeling can't see into the future,Life is hard to say have a stable security",and"All night to work overtime/Almost every day lunch box is a life of portraiture","Once the crisis,Soon will be unemployed".Can see,In the current work,Not only did not carry out legal holiday system,Important is,Can't give employees to provide"Stable and long term guaranteed life".


Also because of such,Even if the annual salary of more than 150000,But in some white-collar it seems,The gold content is still not a month to thousands of yuan of ordinary civil servants.


Of course,This is not civil servants fault.For each class,Should enjoy and civil servants as schedules/The same off right/The same social security.Every job,Should be stable a golden bowl,Not a day to night a pressure.If we can do this,Won't someone give up 150000 annual salary to do with a low salary/No creative work of civil servants.


A society,If everyone put the civil service as a life goal,Is not normal.But this is not normal,But now the whole nation is a carnival,Everyone wants to sharpen head crowded into the civil service.For reality to let people know,Only civil servants the rice bowl,It just put a ordinary people want everything,End up just feel sureness.


Now has become a civil servant"Talent highland",Too many high-end talent to a stable job and give up once the ideal and pursuit,Give up to create innovation and production,Turn the distribution field together,This undoubtedly is the social sorrow.


Cause the blame for the current situation,Not so much because of the civil servant salary is high,Let's say other industry low treatment is not low wages,But such as holiday welfare and social security treatment not guarantee or missing.


The annual salary of 150000 white-collar to as civil servants to seek security,SunYuan experience tell us,How to give the workers with a sense of security/An issue of the future,How urgent.LiuChangHai(Hebei staff)

  作者:河北职员 (来源:华龙网综合)

The author:Hebei staff (source:China our comprehensive)
