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可汗学院 Khan college
可汗学院(Khan Academy),是一个非盈利教育组织,通过在线图书馆收藏了3500 多部可汗老师的教学视频,向世界各地的人们提供免费的高品质教育。该项目由萨尔曼·可汗给亲戚的孩子讲授的在线视频课程开始,迅速向周围蔓延,并从家庭走进了学校,甚至正在“翻转课堂”,被认为正打开“未来教育”的曙光。[1]创始人可汗老师全名叫萨尔曼·可汗,孟加,自小课业优异,就读于麻省理工学院,大学双修数学和电机电脑工程,工作后读了哈佛的MBA课程,可汗老师什么都教,从数学,物理,化学,一直到理财人生,但他自己从来不出现在镜头前面。
Khan college(Khan Academy),Education is a non-profit organization,Through online library has more than 3500 of khan teacher's teaching video,To people all over the world free of high quality education.This project by salman khan · to relatives children teach online video courses start,To spread rapidly around,And from family went into the school,Even is"Flip class",Considered are open"The future education"dawn.[1] founder khan teacher full name salman khan ·,Meng and,Studies being outstanding,Enrolled in the Massachusetts institute of technology,University double studied mathematics and motor computer engineering,Work read a harvard MBA course,Khan teacher what all teach,From the mathematical,physical,chemical,Life has been to money,But he never appeared in front of camera.
教学特点 Teaching characteristics
1/Khan college use of the network transmission is convenient and video repeated use of the characteristics of low cost,Each period of course film length about ten minutes,From the most basic content began,From easy to difficult to advanced way to join each other.
2/Teaching people, I do not appear in the film,With an electronic blackboard system.The site has also developed a practice system,Record the learner to each question the integrity of the practice record,The teaching reference this record,Can easily know what learners ideas don't understand.
3/The traditional school course,In order to coordinate the progress of the whole class,Teachers only require students to cross a certain threshold(Such as pass)Will continue to teach;But if use similar to khan college system,May attempt to let students understand each future will use the basic conceptions later,Continue to teaching,Progress similar students can reweave is in class one.
4/In the United States, some schools have adopted home don't do my homework,See khan college film instead of class,School is do exercises,Again by the teacher or the students have learned to teach the other students do not understand the place such teaching model.
5/Khan teacher teaching way,Even in a touch panel above,Click on the different color pastels,Part painting,Side recording,Computer soft experience to help him will he had painted things all recorded,The final will be a recorded film upload them on the Internet,Everything with respect to success.
6/His teaching video,No excellent picture,Can't see the speaker,Just want to lead the audience think a little bit.
不足 shortage
but,Also some people pointed out"Khan mode"The shortage of the.Miami university education professor walter ska to think,Khan teaching methods exist"Over simplified"defects,"He always use specific examples to explain concepts,If people meet when other examples,May be confused……This on the surface is a small problem,But for the future study may be buried hidden trouble."But no matter how,Khan with on my own,With the Internet this platform,will"tutor"Free gift to the hunger for knowledge of the people,Indeed to the modern education more inspiration.
创始人介绍 Founder is introduced
Salman khan · become"Network teacher",By sheer chance.He was born in the United States the city of New Orleans,Father is Bangladesh origin,Mother from India.Khan at a very young age,Parents divorced.He is 13 years old,Father died due to illness,Mother from now on become his only family.Khan a smart studious,His graduation from middle school was used as a student representative address on the stage.later,He entered the Massachusetts institute of technology,With a bachelor's degree in mathematics/Electronic engineering and computer science bachelor's degree and a master's degree.Since then,He in the harvard business school and a master of business administration degree.After graduation,"refer"Khan to enter the United States a fund company,Doing nothing and education work.
now,Khan made every day 3 period of video.He is proficient in mathematics,Only by memory will produce most of the math tutoring video.but,as"Khan college"In the field of expanding,He realized the importance of the charge.If he wants to teach classes which door not familiar with,Will we"Boning up on"a.a,Khan in making a video before,Spent two weeks to prepare."I call with all the professors and acquaintances,Said to them,‘Let's come out for a cup of wine,Chat chat’.Collect the two weeks after the material,On this question I finally have a clear understanding,It began to make a video."In his view,The network teaching another advantage is to be able to get instant feedback,Let him can according to users feedback,Constantly improve video."If the audience could not understand,Or found the mistake,I will to make it again."
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