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奇官罗崇敏 Odd officer LuoChongMin


科学松鼠会 Scientific squirrel will


厦门大学爬树课 Xiamen university class to climb trees


可汗学院 Khan college

  罗崇敏,男,1952年12月生。 罗崇敏“30岁念初中”、38岁当上副科长、年近50成为正厅级的“一方诸侯”。2012年宣布,云南全省取消统一中考。 主政红河时,罗崇敏以发起多项大刀阔斧的改革而闻名——处级干部重新竞聘上岗、机关党委公推直选、因“减负不力”免职十多位校长、大幅度倾斜民办教育、取消中考、率先在全国提出基本普及13年教育甚至将主倡的“三生教育”推向全国。 罗崇敏被媒体誉为“中国改革派官员”、“奇官”、“奇人”

LuoChongMin,male,Born in December 1952. LuoChongMin"30 years old in junior high school"/And years old when the deputy chief/Nearly fifty years become the main hall class"A party vassal".Announced in 2012,Yunnan province cancel unified tests. When the red river,LuoChongMin to launch a number of aggressive reform, is famous for its place class staff to competition mount guard/Authority party committee elected directly elected/because"Poor alleviate the burden on"Removed more than ten of the principal/Large tilt private education/Cancel the tests/Took the lead in the national puts forward some basic popularization 13 years education even during the Lord"My education"To the national. As LuoChongMin by the media"China's reformist officials"/"Odd officer"/"legend"

  人物事迹 Character deeds


Once in the rural areas to the countryside educated youth/Generation of class/Done barefoot doctor,To the factory to do chemical/fitter/activist,In the middle school to do the cook/Shop assistant/Copy clerk.


In different positions during the resumption,Pay attention to"trinity"Image of.namely:Bachelor's image,Study hard;Counselor image,Review potential seeks the way;For image,Tuk work practical.In the study and work constantly improve the comprehensive quality,To cultivate creative thinking,Create a new situation in the work;In the exploration and practice for the correct ideas,Highlight the key,The overall development of the work;By employing the appoint people on their merit,Because only responsibility to,Not stick to one pattern for talents,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each respect;In promoting the development of the actual weight/To do the practical work/The achievements.Deeply loved the people,Get supervisors,Has won the relevant departments of the state and province/to/County award.The main works[Introduction to modern tourism]/[Market economy brief tutorial]/[National economic management foundation]/[Introduction to capital]/[County management research]And once at or above the provincial level in the press.When editing[PuWenZhi ShuHuaJi]The people's art press.Calligraphy has won the provincial government for clouds.

  调整学制 Adjustment system

  将学制从考试中解放出来 20岁就业 From the test system will liberate twenty years of age employment


LuoChongMin said,We are now in education waste too much time,grade/Three are in the note.Young people now fast development,Body mature early.Should create conditions for them from psychological become mature,Into social.


"In fact,Junior middle school high school don't need such a long time to learn."LuoChongMin said,Grade and three,In the first two years of repeated reinforcement learning outcomes,In order to cope with the difficult test,Waste a lot of time.LuoChongMin stood for elementary school to high school education from 12 years reduced to ten years,Most students in 19 - twenty years old end only undergraduate education,Into social employment/venture.

  取消高考 Cancel the college entrance examination

  学生变机器一考定终身不公 Students become machine as a lifelong injustice


LuoChongMin pointedly said college entrance examination should reform,Three repeatedly review,A year the students' thinking up the deformation."So students in the university is break,No that kind of passion and vitality the."He thinks,The development of the university entrance exam today,To cancel the national college entrance examination,Become a test for process evaluation.


"A piece of paper to students of the 16 years learning evaluation,Fair??Test evaluation method,The students into test machine,The teacher into manufacturing test machine engineer."LuoChongMin said,The test power in school.His sharp words in the student by resonance,The warm applause.


"Since the reform and opening of our country‘top’There are 137,So far no position to become the industry leader or international master."LuoChongMin said,The first one is very good,rules,But stay stupid,dumb.


He said one example,Since the reform and opening up aoshu game 24 children take the championship,Make calculation Chinese take the first place,Make create Chinese in global column which it?"We in this evaluation means and methods,Cultivate master is odd."He said,As a lifelong need reform,To make students have consciously learning/thinking/The growth of independent consciousness.

  功利问题 Utility problem


LuoChongMin said the biggest crisis of human society,Not economic/political/Ecological crisis,But education crisis.And the first three kind of crisis is the result of education crisis.He pain group of education of the utilitarian,Shell is as high as 150000 yuan of foreign language study abroad training wait for a phenomenon,The college students competition cheer.


LuoChongMin think,Human cause against many of the human behavior,Many technical invention is not used in the promotion of human development,But to destroy human.He advocated education value higher than all value,Education value is the core value of human based,It is also the national foundation of core value.


His definition of education is to develop the human life,Survival and life,To realize the value of man,Lead the progress of human civilization of social activities in the process.The ultimate value is,Make the person make people,Become a social person,Ability to become a responsible man."Education if you can't make a person happy,There is no need to exist."LuoChongMin emphasize,Happiness is the pursuit of spirit and love,And not only is the possession of the material.

  狂批语言腐败和时间腐败 Crazy language corruption and time of corruption


When it comes to the current corruption,LuoChongMin said money corruption is only a representation,We haven't seen rules corruption."Good kindergarten/Primary and middle school all want to send a gift of money,Some leading cadres wedding gift to children to school,The normal activities as revenue tool."He said,To work in accordance with the latent rules,Eliminate latent rules very difficult.


He mentioned a let students find everything fresh and new vocabulary"Language corruption",Specific performance is:"Say and do not,Table faithful watch your hair stand on end.The society face of Yin and Yang,Say one thing and do another."LuoChongMin said,These phenomena have very big concern with express politics,Many political leaders like to express,Like speaking and blow,But does not pay attention to action.


In addition"Time corruption",A lot of time to play with in eating and drinking,Open a meeting a lot of leadership are repeated over and over again above said,Don't reflect his idea and opinion,Endless consumption the time of others.Waste other people's time,A murder for money.
