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乡村女教师为学生办免费午餐 家人不解拾荒赚钱--亲稳舆论引导监测室

乡村女教师为学生办免费午餐 家人不解拾荒赚钱   1月8日,张家界市桑植县汨湖农垦场子弟学校,陈银玉老师执教30年却无正式教师身份,她向记者展示自己的毕业证。图/实习记者杨旭 On January 8,,Zhangjiajie SangZhiXian Mimi NongKenChang lake school children,ChenYinYu teacher teach 30 years but no formal teacher identity,She told reporters show their diploma.Diagram/practice reporter Yang xu

来源:潇湘晨报 source:Xiaoxiang morning


At nearly 30 years,Only 400 yuan monthly allowance,Glean and collect scraps support even so embarrassed,ChenYinYu also want to do TieQian monthly free lunch.Family against,Teachers' duty,Identity confusion,Public attention……Let this height only 1.5 meters of rural women have suffered too much pressure.As a lack of support"HeiHu",She and her free lunch can stay long?Who will not be lifted her body under the heavy?

  本报记者向佳明 实习生徐倩 张家界报道

Our correspondent to the good bright interns XuQian zhangjiajie reports


When ChenYinYu insisted that TieQian do"Free lunch"when,She was once become a lonely.


She is SangZhiXian Mimi lake NongKenChang sons school only the teacher,Coaching and years,Only 400 yuan a month living subsidies,Forced to glean and collect scraps support.


Bitter advised my wife does not listen to,Husband WangZhaoMing in marriage after twenty years offered to divorce,And once took his son take French leave,Go to work in guangdong.


now,ChenYinYu of"Nutritional lunch"To have more than four months,Public opinion in praise.recently,She was awarded in 2012 zhangjiajie ten people in the news.


But I still ChenYinYu lock:Above for not"Free lunch"Dial the additional money,The attention of public opinion and let her in a dilemma,Want to stop also couldn't stop.


Let her feel sad is another thing,She nearly 30 years in charge,But don't be admitted that is a teacher.has,She has no formal teacher identity/No formal wage/No teachers' welfare.

  28年坚守与困窘,“欠家人太多” And years hold and embarrassed,"Owe family too much"


Testified, huai,They had not so embarrassed.


He was the farm manager accounting,Then the laid-off.In 1992,,He take a fancy to a hotel in zhangjiajie scenic spot,There are 23 beds.It was zhangjiajie tourism development peak,"A shakedown to fifty dollars."


Testified, huai,Loan got,Even the housing deposit is paid,But ChenYinYu said what all don't give up the teacher this position.He had to just.


Now it seems,"Business is very prosperous,If the hotel open up,I now at least a multimillionaire."WangZhaoMing occasionally take it said his wife two sentences.


Don't open the,A husband and wife not other"opportunities".ChenYinYu said,She is in the 1980 s of high school graduates,And once the student body President,If at that time go to shenzhen work, etc,Will be very popular,Her classmates have a lot of fortune in guangdong;In 2002, she got insurance certificate,Go out looking for a job is difficult;2005 years and to hunan first normal college diploma,To some private school when the teacher may also.


But these"opportunities"She didn't go,She has been living in the lake NongKenChang school children.


School distance SangZhi county more than 35 kilometers,Push the Windows is dashan.School impassability hydropower,The toilet will be around several bending.Strict sense,This is not a school,But a teaching school,Because it only preschool/Grade one and grade two,The number of students were 13 people/Five people/Five people.


ChenYinYu remember,Her 1985 years just to school,This was not.


She said,Then the school from kindergarten until 4 grade,Have students nearly people,At that time to the state farm for the school when the teacher is very scenery:Not only solve the urban registered permanent residence,Also can get fixed salary.


But then,Fewer and fewer students,The teacher also fleeing,Only the ChenYinYu.


Surrounding the school has the merger,Many students went to the lake center primary school living to read,But ChenYinYu said,Mimi NongKenChang lake school children can't cancel,"Now some students go to school to go more than an hour,And our school distance center primary school has four kilometers,Such a small child how to go?"


She insists on down,Flash is then years.Adhere to the price is embarrassed.


now,She is a 4 mouth still live in the room NongKenChang blue bricks,ChenYinYu name only a house,She found NongKenChang other worker borrowed two rooms,To live a little son(The first drive in zhangjiajie),A as the kitchen.The son had to talk about marriage theory to marry age,But there is no house,They didn't find the object.


ChenYinYu think owes family too much.

  拾荒养家,每月贴1540元办免费午餐 Glean and collect scraps support,Stick a month 1540 yuan do free lunch


In April 2012,Because the younger son gastric perforation operation,Home spent all his savings.During summer vacation,ChenYinYu want to find a part-time subsidies household.


ChenYinYu want to go to the restaurant's doing odd jobs to turn an.She said,"The school I will go back to school",The result did not a restaurant hire her.


Helpless under,ChenYinYu had to likes to collect things.She felt,JianPoLan time free,And nobody tube.Her figure is often in the street and the garbage heap.


Family strongly against.The 75 - year - old mother is out"Take the lead",She felt"Face does not have a place to put".


ChenYinYu feel nothing,Speaking of summer JianPoLan harvest,She make eyebrows said:"Can also,A summer earned more than three thousand."


But the money haven't over heat,Soon spent,Because she is at school to do a"Free lunch".


ChenYinYu said,The students are very poor,Not to eat in the morning,The day also hungry belly.There are three students have no mother,ChenYinYu often leave them to eat lunch,Then the other students will come up,"Good let a person sad".


According to the provisions of the state,A second grade students every day can get 3 dollars lunch allowance,ChenYinYu going to,With the money to the students to do lunch.But there is no allowance of preschool,ChenYinYu also decided to put them into"Free lunch"range.


In the summer of 2012,The ChenYinYu just going to tell her husband,Was vehemently opposed to.Testified, huai,"Food should be store up sell,Money is used to build the house,Son to marry a wife."


ChenYinYu think,"Anyway, have no money building a house,As support me,Let the children fill the stomach."


WangZhaoMing her wife,Reluctantly agreed to.


On September 1, 2012,On the first day of the new term,ChenYinYu of"Free lunch"began.


WangZhaoMing calculate a bill,Every meal to QiBaJin rice,At least 2 jins of flesh,All the expenses conservative estimate to 100 yuan every day.A month to 22 days calculation,To remove those who finance the lunch subsidies,ChenYinYu every month at least to build in 1540 yuan.


Under pressure,WangZhaoMing and advised my wife don't do,ChenYinYu don't agree with.This time,WangZhaoMing flow out malicious words:"But you students,The family don't.You want to make,I went."then,He put forward a divorce twice.ChenYinYu said:"From the,I will go on."


On October 16, 2012,WangZhaoMing ChenYinYu without notice,With the youngest son went to work in guangdong.The more than twenty days,He didn't give ChenYinYu make a telephone call,Even the mobile phone number changed.


ChenYin help to complete the lonely,Only teaching/Cooking may.


The November on a Wednesday,She Fried the course end go to the classroom,back,Braised shredded turnip in pan fry the meat all the paste.Looking at a waste of food,Thinking of the wrongs done,ChenYinYu cry.


On December 22,,Be upset WangZhaoMing back,Continue to help ChenYinYu do"Free lunch".


Testified, huai,Himself in guangdong earn 5000 dollars money almost will pad in.


 盛名之下,免费午餐将何以为继 reputation,Why will the free lunch


ChenYinYu glean and collect scraps support and TieQian do"Free lunch"The news quickly spread around the village.January 8,,Xiaoxiang morning paper reporter in distance Mimi lake NongKenChang sons school about six kilometers place to ask the way,ChenYinYu said,Nearby residents can specify exact path.


In August 2012,In that ChenYinYu after the deeds,Zhangjiajie grand canyon scenic spot ChenYinYu employed for lifelong honorary staff,Issue 1000 yuan a month salary.September,In the CCTV and light, jointly organized daily"Looking for the most beautiful village teacher"The large-scale public welfare activities,ChenYinYu was named"Pay special attention to rural teachers".recently,She was named as a"Zhangjiajie in 2012, ten people in the news".


But in the local,In addition to SangZhiXian labor bureau in teacher's day last year sent 2000 yuan consolation money outside,Did not have the leadership had come again,No additional funding.


But some parents ChenYinYu are to do"Free lunch",Active contact ChenYinYu,The children sent to read.now,Has more than ten parents name for the number of next semester.


Parents also have to consider ChenYinYu a person difficult to support"Free lunch",Offered to pay a cost of living,Don't pay any other school so much.


Money put in front,But ChenYinYu can't accept,Because we all know this is"Free lunch",If the charge,Maybe someone will say she looking to profit.this"hat"She can't stand.


Huai testified more straightforward:"Has begun,Bad end,Even if the wrong will continue to do it."


The media reported,Speculation is up,Someone said ChenYinYu just want to self hype,Seeks fame.ChenYinYu said,These words she also heard,But she can't with son said,Can't even with her husband and said,Have to as didn't hear."Usually people don't understand me,To tell you the truth,My grievance who knows?"


ChenYinYu in the bedroom, there was a senior shoes packing box,This is her to pick up.She put her over the years have dozens of this honor certificate and qualification certificate in apple-pie order inside,When you are free to take out to see.


"Free lunch"The future will be how?In ChenYinYu and her husband have a calculation:They will continue to do it.later,WangZhaoMing with younger son will work out,Home field of to others,Accept point millet to"Free lunch";ChenYinYu continue when the teacher,Usually pick up some junk,Plus the grand canyon scenic spots in zhangjiajie monthly hair of 1000 yuan,Try to fill"Free lunch"Financing gap.

  30年了,依然是个“三无”教师 Thirty years,Remains a"neutral"The teacher


ChenYinYu fifty years old this year,September 1982 to the profession,Has been a teacher of 30 years.From March 1985 to tune in to the living NongKenChang lake children school so far,She only each month NongKenChang hair received 400 yuan living subsidies.


She has a college diploma/The national teachers' qualification certificate/Primary school senior teacher title.but,She is still a"neutral"The teacher:No formal teacher identity/No formal wage/No teachers' welfare.


"Said from the heart is not fair,But I couldn't say.My hard life,A month or $400.It is very sad,Also very heartache."here,She buried her face in her hands,weep.


Have a high school students on the net worth Posting for her,"When one day you have no strength,Can't walk into the classroom,Stand firm platform,Back still rubbish,After you think the way?How do the rest of your life?"


ChenYinYu also tried to change their identity.She found education bureau and the county government leaders in charge,But was told not to their tube.


SangZhiXian bureau of the relevant person in charge of interpretation,ChenYinYu to NongKenChang management.NongKenChang is the enterprise unit,Education belongs to the full financial appropriation unit,The ChenYinYu from NongKenChang call education system belongs to reverse transfer,This generally is not allowed,"Need to mobilize,We don't need."


SangZhiXian agriculture bureau chief to jinsong said,SangZhi county party committee county government has called a meeting in many departments,The research ChenYinYu,The personnel file one find out,But I couldn't find her into the education system basis.


Considering the ChenYinYu contribution,County agriculture bureau was going to her from agricultural reclamation enterprise establishment into agriculture business establishment,But ChenYinYu refused,Because it will have to go to the bureau of agriculture,She walks,The school must have fallen out.


To jinsong think,In fact,ChenYinYu is don't want to give up in the school do preschool,Because she rely on this to make a living.


"I can't through the preschool 13 students to earn money."ChenYinYu said,The other preschool each semester fee is 1380 yuan,She only take 450 yuan,And textbook/"Free lunch"Will be spending from the inside.


ChenYinYu said,She refused to bureau of agriculture business establishment and a reason,Once went to the bureau of agriculture,Quickly to deal with emeritus formalities(To retire at the age of 55),She don't want to take early retirement.


Identity can't turn,ChenYinYu said she also want to open the slowly.This is only 1.5 meters/Wrinkled middle-aged women walk tall,Raise his voice said:"I want to insist to sixty years old,Never changed."
