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报告称城市高教资源分配不均 多省无高校进百强--亲稳网络舆情监控室


recently,Headquartered in shenzhen WangDa fifteenth release China university list,A series of a list then.In his 794 nonmilitary bachelor's degree in ordinary universities,north/Tsinghua university to continue in the former two,Sun yat-sen university four progress,# 14;Beijing/xian/wuhan/Nanjing and Shanghai is China's most university resources in 5 cities,Guangzhou ranked seventh;Shenzhen ranked 154th,To become the economic scale and university resources does not match the one line city.


In addition to reference colleges strength and reputation/reputation,The list of higher education from the point of view of consumers,For the from all walks of life provides a fill volunteer/Look at the higher education of the present situation of the reference material.This list in research and development JiangJiNing said,Any rankings are limited,But I hope to try to accurate information,Meet consumer education/Practitioners of education resources distribution and efficiency of resource use the information such as looking forward to.


各城市高教资源分配不均 The uneven distribution of resources city higher education


"In 2013, the Chinese university WangDa list"display,Tsinghua university/Beijing university has continuous 15 years in the former two,Zhejiang university TanHua straight.Fourth, in order to 10 name:University of science and technology of China/Nanjing university/Fudan university/Shanghai jiaotong university/People's university of China/Harbin industrial university/Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics and nankai university(Including coordinate).


From the top 6 level evaluation situation,Tsinghua university in reputation/Academic achievements/Teacher resources and material resources four indicators are won the first,University of science and technology of China in the student and academic resources in the first place.From colleges and universities to plate,China agricultural university jumped six row a 21,Progress obviously;Sun yat-sen university and xiamen university were promoted four and three,Coordinate 14th.


however,The uneven distribution of education resources/And the urban population and economic situation is not coordinate with problems such as the highlights.In 31 provinces/Autonomous region/In municipalities directly under the,Beijing/Jiangsu in the top 100 of the largest number of universities,Inner Mongolia/qinghai/ningxia/xinjiang/guangxi/guizhou/jiangxi/Tibet is located in remote or economic underdeveloped provinces into all the top.


According to the"China's higher education WangDa 2013 list of city competitiveness",The top twenty city has 421 universities and colleges of undergraduate course,Among them into"WangDa top 200 universities"There are 161 of,Accounted for 38% of the total,And the city's GDP accounted for about 28.53% of the national.From this Angle measure,The city of quality universities in whole"Super match"state.


深圳大学进步显著 Shenzhen university significant progress


WangDa released the list also includes"China's higher education province competitiveness rankings"/"China's higher education city competitiveness rankings"/"University scientific contribution list"/"The Chinese university's library"etc.Investigators say,They not only pay attention to college teaching and the scientific research strength/Development speed/Environment and with regional and economic relations hard Numbers,Also want from"With interest"Point of view to measure the value of a university.


Shenzhen university is"2013 most improved university list"14th,From 2007 to 2013,Progress of 30.49.The report says,The list of the selection process,Science and technology fund index effect more apparent.The top of the list before respectively in Shanghai music college/Zhejiang university of commerce and north China electric power university.


in"In 2013 the heaviest humanities college list"in,The old people's university of China/Beijing university/Zhejiang university/Fudan university and wuhan university parse the first five,Sun yat-sen university ranked tenth.Other top the list of the top one hundred institutes of higher learning in guangdong is the guangdong university of foreign studies/Guangzhou university and shenzhen university,Were ranked in the 35th/The 63th and 66th.


"The most popular foreign students welcome university"List shows,Beijing language and culture university/Fudan university and tsinghua university by the favour of the foreign students,Institutes of higher learning in guangdong is not at the top.in"The ministry of education belongs to the laboratory comprehensive strength list"in,Beijing university/Tsinghua university and fudan university top ranked,Sun yat-sen university in 13 patients,Other institutes of higher learning in guangdong has not selected.


深企对“城市缺少大学的痛苦”深有体会 Deep vulnerable to"City university of the pain"Have a deep impression


Investigation indicates,Shenzhen is the domestic economic scale and university resources does not match the one line city.On the comprehensive investigation on urban economy/University of population and resource allocation situation concluded"WangDa 2013 Chinese cities higher education competitiveness list"in,Shenzhen ranked 154th only,Ranking as even liaocheng/making/Bai cheng city/luan/Xiaogan and two or three line city.And in 2011 in shenzhen one third of the GDP compared xian,Shenzhen undergraduate college number only 1/15 of the xian.


"neighbor"Guangzhou have 24 universities and colleges of undergraduate course,9 WangDa for top 200 colleges and universities,The proportion of 4.5%,And guangzhou national GDP accounted for more than 2.61%.The report says,Guangzhou talent supply system is more reasonable.GDP accounted for 4.1% of the Shanghai 31 colleges,The top 200 universities 17,The proportion of 8.5%.


And shenzhen university scarce contrast,Beijing university talents"Strong must not turn".Investigation shows that,GDP3.39 accounted for of Beijing has 59 undergraduate education,Quantity in the national monopoly market,The list of the top 200 in the national college have the 37,The proportion of 18.5%,Talent in crowded conditions.


Although a large population of over ten million/GDP has been in the national front row,But shenzhen talent cultivation and supply always rely on the mainland,Local only shenzhen university and university of science and technology south two undergraduate education.In recent years,Shenzhen enterprise to"City university of the pain"Have a deep impression,Along with the rapid economic development in the mainland,Shenzhen high-end talent loss trend more and more.


According to the ministry of education in 2012 higher education directory,There were 844 national undergraduate college.Investigation indicates,With the national average per 235.8 billion yuan GDP support 1 top 200 universities,Every 55.8 billion yuan GDP support 1 undergraduate colleges and universities as a reference,Combined with the shenzhen economic scale and the quantity,Shenzhen at least also need to increase and the undergraduate education.


The report also remind,The development of mass higher education is not necessarily can produce positive consequences,In China's higher education enrollment in the context,Social excess education and employment difficult and worrying.so,The university has made more and pay attention to international cooperation/Do more and more high quality high school,Or can be shenzhen way out.(Reporter LiuHao)
