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  中新网1月16日电教育部今日在其官方网站公布《全面推进依法治实施纲要》。《纲要》规定了中小学、幼儿园要建立家长委员会制度、学校不得以非法理由拒绝招收残疾学生、学校要保障学术权力相对独立行使等内容。教育部有关负责人就《纲要》有关问题回答了记者提问。全文如下: Beijing on January 16, the ministry of education today in its official website[Promote the overall governance in accordance with the implementation of the program].[outline]Stipulated the primary and secondary school/To set up the kindergarten parents committee system/The school shall not be illegal reason refuse to admit disabled students/The school must safeguard the academic power relatively independent exercise, etc.The ministry of education related person in charge is[outline]The question answering the questions.Full text is as follows:


1.制定出台《全面推进依法治校实施纲要》的背景和意义是什么? 1. Promulgated[Promote the overall governance in accordance with the implementation of the program]The background and meaning of is what?


promulgated[To the implementation of the program]The ministry of education is implementing the party's great spirit and eighteen[National medium and long-term education reform and development plan outline(2010-2020)]One of the most important measures.In the schools of various levels in accordance with the implementation of the school education field implement the rule of law is the inevitable requirement of basic strategy,Is set up according to law school/Independent management/Democratic supervision/Social participation in the modern school system,Structuring the government/The school/Social relationship between by way of will.[To the implementation of the program]Is divided into nine aspects,Comprehensive coverage of all kinds of schools at all levels to promote governance objectives and main task,According to the rule of law to the school spirit and principles,Change management ideas and methods/Manner the system requirements,Is a landmark document,To promote our country school administration system and internal governance mechanism reform has great realistic meaning and profound historic significance.


issued[To the implementation of the program],Fundamental purpose is to country and various and of all kinds school profound understanding of the importance and urgency of lawful management,Clear in order to push forward the train of thought of governance/Measures and key;Actively promote the practice of administration according to law,Speed up the formation of government management according to law school/School education in accordance with the/Independent management,Teachers teach in accordance with the,Social support and management in accordance with the new pattern of the school,Make the rule of law as the government management school and the school internal management of the basic mode.


2.如何理解全面推进依法治校? 2. How to understand comprehensively promote the perspectives of structure?


The ministry of education as early as in 1999 in accordance with the requirements of the school is put forward,In 2003 the issued by[The ministry of education on strengthening the lawful management work certain opinions].[To the implementation of the program]According to the existing practice and the new situation,Puts forward new requirements:One is the comprehensive deployment.[To the implementation of the program]Seize the school education and management of the core elements,For all levels and various kinds of school puts forward the universal demand,promote.The second is the comprehensive interpretation of connotation and requirements.[To the implementation of the program]According to the practice,This article discussed the connotation of lawful management/Significance and guiding ideology,The system puts forward the general requirements and specific measures.Three is to promote implementation.[To the implementation of the program]In accordance with the sound from the independent management system/Perfect school internal governance structure/In accordance with the standard school education behavior/And improve the right remedy and dispute settlement mechanism/To build the school the rule of law culture atmosphere/Perfect by corresponding evaluation mechanism and the transformation of government functions and seven aspects,School management to put forward the specific job requirements and target task,The school will improve the ability to govern the school legally and horizontal pendulum on the education department and school agenda.The fourth is fully mobilize all forces.[To the implementation of the program]Clear the government and school internal each subject,And social in promoting the status of lawful management/Duties and rights and obligations,Constructs the broad participation/Promote pattern.


3.《实施纲要》对学校内部制度体系建设提出了哪些要求? 3.[To the implementation of the program]The internal system of school construction put forward which requirements?


[To the implementation of the program]Emphasize to the construction of the articles of association of the school as the core,Promote the school education in accordance with the independent management system construction.[To the implementation of the program]clear,The articles of association of school should focus on the standard school internal management mechanism and power operation rules,Become the basic foundation of lawful management;Education department for approval to establish and perfect the mechanism of the articles of association,In 2015 to form a comprehensive school articles of association of a situation.At the same time,Requires schools from the procedure and entity two aspects,Constantly improve the system construction quality,All the teachers and students relations for articles of association and the rights and interests of the important rules and regulations,All want to follow the democratic public program,Improve the teachers and students to participate in the channel,Ask for stakeholder opinion.The content of the school rules and regulations to conform to the legal reserve/The principle of the rule of law and fair,May illegally to teachers and students set obligations,Such as disorderly set fine and so on.[To the implementation of the program]It also requires to establish the normative documents review and cleaning mechanism,The specialized agency according to law and the articles of association of the school rules and regulations to review regular cleaning,Ensure that the school system legal properly and harmonious and unified.


4.《实施纲要》对学校治理结构的完善提出了哪些要求? 4.[To the implementation of the program]For the improvement of the school management structure is put forward which requirements?


Perfect school in accordance with the internal management mechanism,Security school power to standardize exercise and effective supervision is the key to promote the overall administration according to law.[To the implementation of the program]requirements,The school should first improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism,To realize scientific decision-making/Democratization and legalization.To strengthen and improve the leadership of the party school of the basis,Higher school/Middle and primary school/Vocational school/Private schools and chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools,According to their characteristics,Improve the decision-making mechanism in accordance with law,In the major issues on the decision to establish corresponding decision risk assessment mechanism,The decision open and decision implementation effect evaluation system.At the same time,To improve decision implementation and supervision mechanism,In the school formed within the decision-making power/Executive power and supervision is interacting and coordination of the governance structure.secondly,The school ought to teaching and scientific research as the core,Explore the perfect management system,Overcome in existence security administration tendency,Achieve academic power and administrative power of relative separation,Security in accordance with the law of academic power relatively independent academic exercise.The third,To improve school democratic management and supervision mechanism.[To the implementation of the program]emphasize,Schools to expand orderly participation,Strengthen the consultation,Perfect democracy at the grassroots level system,And through the staff congress/Student organizations such as,Security teachers' and students' right to know/participate/Right to express and supervision.The fourth,To improve the social participation mechanism,Extend the society to participate in school education and management of the channel and the way.


5.为什么要把家长委员会制度作为中小学依法治校的重要内容? 5. Why do you bring parents committee system as a primary and secondary schools is an important content of lawful management?


In primary and secondary schools set up overall parents committee system,Is not only promote parent-school cooperative and an important way of communication,Also guarantees the parents of the students can effectively participate in school management,Increase school management/Decision-making more scientific/democracy,Improve school management mechanism is the important mechanism of.[To the implementation of the program]The functions of the committee for primary and secondary school parents/Produce methods, and the relationship between the school and the parents committee made a comprehensive regulations,Special provisions in some involving students interests in matters,Parents committee to have the right to speak even decision-making authority.Require schools to perfect the system/Provide conditions,Security parents committee in the school management plays a more important role.


6.《实施纲要》对学校依法自主办学提出了哪些要求? 6.[To the implementation of the program]To the school run independently in accordance with the proposed which requirements?


Teaching is the core of school function and existing foundation.Running in accordance with the,Implementation of the subject status of teachers and students,Forming a free equal justice rule of law education environment,Is the school to promote the essences of governance and the concrete embodiment.[To the implementation of the program]From the school organization and implementation of activities of running schools/The construction of campus environment of equality/To protect the rights of students and teachers/Improve the assurance of academic freedom and supervision mechanism/Promote information publicity and public work etc,In accordance with the law to the school education puts forward the comprehensive requirements.Clear the school in the recruitment of students/teaching/Evaluation of the implementation of the management activities in accordance with the basic rules of behavior.Request firmly put an end to the teacher in violation of legal obligation and state regulations,Using their own specific functions and powers for the interests of the improper behavior.To emphasize on campus to promote equality consciousness,Pays great attention to the student and teacher respect for and protection of rights.Requirements strengthen school information publicity and public work,Establish convenient effective information communication channels,Public social/The teachers and students pay attention to information,Make the teachers and students of the school opinion can get the timely feedback.


7.《实施纲要》为什么提出建设平等校园环境? 7.[To the implementation of the program]Why put forward building equality campus environment?


Construct campus is equal education fair implementation/The idea of equal rights directly requirements and embodiment.practice,Some schools in the school/Management and recruitment process,Formulate policies or rules and regulations to or by accident,Violate the principle of equality right,Even that discriminates against.so,[To the implementation of the program]From the establishment of equality concept,Asked to equal treatment to all the students as the core,Clear school in system and mechanism implemented and reflect equality between teachers and students/Managers and equality between teachers and students/Gender equality and national equality,Eliminate any illegal/No reasonable classification and discriminating,And special emphasis on the protection of disabled persons to education equality as a lawful management/The important content of the construction of campus equality.


8.为什么要把保障学术自由作为依法治校的内容? 8. Why do you want to put the security academic freedom as the content of the lawful management?


Teachers and students are the main body of the school,Ensure teachers and students study free/Freedom of learning and academic freedom is the important content of school running autonomy.At the same time,Academic freedom also need in the legal limit exercise.The current definition of academic dishonesty behavior wait for a phenomenon,And the lack of corresponding supervision mechanism are directly related.so,[To the implementation of the program]From two aspects to guarantee and supervise on the academic management system mechanism proposed requirements,For the establishment of a fair and school/Fair academic evaluation standards and procedures,Perfect for violation of academic norms/Academic moral behavior identification procedures and measures,Form a good academic atmosphere.


9.《实施纲要》对健全学校内部的救济和纠纷解决机制提出了哪些要求? 9.[To the implementation of the program]To improve the school internal relief and dispute settlement mechanism proposed which requirements?


The current,Education in the field of various contradictions also began increasingly prominent,The school and students/Disputes between teachers also shows multiple trend.The school of the traditional management methods are facing challenges.In the face of the new situation,According to the law school and improve the right remedy and dispute settlement mechanism,Strengthen the rule of law thinking and use legal means to solve the contradiction between the school reform and development/Dispute ability.This is not only an important lawful management requirements,Maintaining harmonious and stable campus environment is also the necessary conditions.[To the implementation of the program]In accordance with the requirements of school set up and clear dispute resolution channel,Especially to establish the teacher appeal or mediation system,Standardize appeal system,Carry out the principle of due process,To use the hearing, etc,Ensure that processes of public justice.In view of the present school security is faced with larger pressure and complicated situation,[To the implementation of the program]emphasize,To improve the campus safety management and emergency emergency treatment mechanism,Properly handle for safety accident caused disputes,Positive with government departments/Social forces/Professional organization,Cooperation to establish school safety risk management system,Explore to establish students' injury accident mediation system,Through the rule of law means,Construction peace/Harmonious campus.


10.为什么要加强学校法治文化氛围建设? Why want to strengthen the rule of law school culture construction?


Promote the overall administration according to law,To strengthen the publicity of legal system education,Enhance the principal/Teachers' and students' research method and method, abide by and apply the consciousness is the foundation.[To the implementation of the program]Further emphasized the important role of the legal system education school,According to the school administrators/Teachers and students three groups were put forward requirements.For school administrators should take the lead to strengthen the rule of law consciousness,Develop the habit of work according to law,By using the rule of law to solve the question ability,Requirements in the school leader before work,Education department in the proper manner on the legal knowledge and lawful management concept;Requirements in the teachers' appointment/On-the-job training and perform their duties are to include the whole process of the legal system education content,Improve teachers teach in accordance with the consciousness and ability.At the same time,To strengthen and improve the students' legal education,develops"Law into classroom"activities,The rule of law culture as an important content of the construction of campus culture.


11.就提高学校依法治校水平的能力与水平,教育部门将采取哪些具体措施? 11. Improve school by corresponding level of ability and level,Education department will take what specific measures?


Improve school the ability to govern the school legally and level need system security,[To the implementation of the program]From the organizational work mechanism and evaluation mechanism two aspects set specific measures.Requires schools to manage the school according to law in the whole program of work,As the annual work report special content.Emphasize the school to have special agencies or full-time personnel responsible for legal affairs,Conditional can legal adviser,To help schools deal with legal affairs.The school issued relevant management measures/Sign a contract/Reform plan, etc,To the evaluation of legitimacy/argument.[To the implementation of the program]requirements,Education department in the school education and management in the evaluation,More prominent by corresponding comprehensive assessment of the effect,Reduce the specific school education and management activities of the interference.The lawful management of school leadership as an important indicator of the evaluation,Innovation appraisal mechanism,Listen to the teachers and students and social public opinion.


12.《实施纲要》对转变政府职能提出了哪些要求? 12.[To the implementation of the program]To change the functions of the government put forward which requirements?

  转变政府职能是全面推进依法治校的关键因素。《实施纲要》 提出两个方面要求:一是切实转变对学校的行政管理方式,强调依法监管、提供服务,减少过多、过细的直接管理,要主动协调有关部门为学校解决法律问题,为学校改革发展创造良好外部环境。二是依法建立健全对学校的监督和指导机制。教育部门要积极探索建立教育行政执法的体制机制,提高执法能力,依法纠正学校的违法、违规行为,要建立对公办学校及其负责人的问责机制,健全对违法办学活动的投诉机制,改革和完善行政监管机制,实现对学校的依法管理。

Transformation of government functions is to promote the key factor of lawful management.[To the implementation of the program] Puts forward two demand:One is the change to the school administration way,Emphasize supervision in accordance with the/Provide service,Reduce too much/Meticulous direct management,Should take the initiative to coordinate the relevant departments for school solving legal problems,For the school reform and development to create a good external environment.The second is to establish and perfect the supervision and guidance of school system.Education departments should actively explore education to establish the system of administrative law enforcement mechanism,Improve law enforcement ability,Correct in accordance with the law school/violations,Should establish public schools and the accountability mechanism,Perfect for illegal activities of running schools complaints mechanism,To reform and perfect the administrative supervision mechanism,Realize the school management according to law.


13.为全面推进依法治校,教育部近期有何举措和要求? 13. To promote the overall administration according to law,Recently the ministry of education what measures and requirements?


recent,Education department according to[To the implementation of the program]In accordance with the specific set of governance evaluation index system,Clear primary and middle school/Higher school governance in accordance with the rules of behavior,In accordance with the guidance of in-depth development around the school campus school create activities.According to the principle of classification,Promote demonstration school create activities of institutionalization/standardization,Some typical promotion focus experience,Promote various and of all kinds school governance in accordance with the general level of increase.


All education administrative department/Schools of various levels from the new height know comprehensively promote the important significance of administration according to law.According to the[To the implementation of the program]requirements,To promote the overall administration according to law school as advance reform of the management system,The system of modern construction of a core work,Practical implementation.
