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留学故事:小清新学霸变身沃顿女孩 沃顿女孩曾倩仪 Luke Walton CengQianYi girl

  文艺清新的穿着、爽朗的笑容,如此平凡的一个学生,你很难将她与沃顿商学院联系在一起。沃顿商学院是全球首屈一指的商学院,录取的新生几乎都是商 业天才,许多沃顿商学院新生甚至在初中的时候就创办了自己的公司。同时,沃顿商学院以严格的录取条件闻名于世,近年来极少在中国录取新生。但眼前这个女 孩,明年即将成为宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的新成员之一,也成为近年来广州地区被录取的第一人。她,就是来自华附AP美式高中的曾倩仪。

In literature and art and pure and fresh/Bright smile,So ordinary a middle school student,It's very difficult to see her and Wharton relates in together.Wharton is the leading business school,Admission of new are almost business industry genius,Many Wharton new even in junior high school of time just started his own company.At the same time,Wharton with strict admission condition is well known in the world,In recent years in China rarely admitted freshmen.But the present female child,Next year will become the Wharton school, university of Pennsylvania new one of the members,In recent years, guangzhou has become the first person to be admitted area.she,It is from China with AP American high school CengQianYi.


December 2012 EA/ED application(American university of application in advance),CengQianYi for it,Experienced a roller coaster like psychological relief,In anxiously waiting,A letter from the university of Pennsylvania's Wharton school admission mail in the announcement of examination result day comes,Is undoubtedly to the girl's best New Year gift!

  曾倩仪究竟是凭着什么条件打动了沃顿招生官?是骄人的学习成绩?还是丰富的课外实践经验?抑或是其他?对于这个问题,曾倩仪表示她也没有答案。“我从来 不相信自己是一个聪明的人。一个人如果想要什么,自己就要懂得去付出。”我们不妨来回顾一下这三年来曾倩仪的经历以及收获。

What is CengQianYi with what conditions moved Walton admissions officer?Is outstanding academic performance?Or rich extracurricular practice experience?Or other?For this problem,CengQianYi said she also does not have the answer."I never do not believe that he is a smart man.If a man want,He would know how to pay."We might as well to review these three years CengQianYi experience and harvest.


与华附AP美式高中的结缘 And China with AP American high school become attached to

  曾倩仪初中就读于华附番禺分校,学习成绩优异,曾获得全国青少年英语口语大赛初一年级组特等奖等荣誉。在中考[微博]时考了750多分的高分,但她自己感觉仍然 没有发挥出应有的水平,曾为此而沮丧了一段时间。曾倩仪的妈妈认为她可能不大适合这种“一考定终身”的教育体制,鼓励她报考华附AP美式高中。就这样,曾 倩仪开始了一段不一样的高中经历。

CengQianYi junior high school study in China, with panyu,The academic record outstanding,Won the national youth oral English contest first grade group special award honorary.In the tests [micro bo] got 750 points when the high scores,But she feels there is still no given play to due level,Have upset over a period of time.CengQianYi mother think she may be not suitable for this"As a lifelong"Education system of,Encourage her to enter oneself for an examination China with AP American high school.so,Has the attractive instrument began a different high school experience.


独立自主的学习能力 Independent learning ability

  华附AP美式高中强调的是学生的独立自主学习。在AP课程方面 实行跨年级全选修制。高一年级,学生需要学习的是国内三年高中的基础课程以及AP的预备课程。在中方课程上,教学进度比普通高中快,学生需要适应教学进 度,同时,课堂上随性的课堂讨论、较少的作业,都要求学生能够独立自主地去安排学习时间。这里的老师更多的是指导学生,学生也多是以小组的形式完成课题。 习惯了“老师讲、学生听”教学模式的曾倩仪,一开始觉得有点无所适从,甚至怀疑老师们不是她印象中老师的固有模式。但也就是在这疑惑与适应中,她的自主学 习能力得到提高。在她创办的校刊《VOICE》中写道:同学们在课堂上与老师大声地讨论着问题,老师希望学生不停地提出问题,不断地开发思维,而非一味地 将知识填塞给学生。

China with AP American high school emphasize that the students' independent learning.In the AP courses across a grade all elective system.Higher grade,Students need to learn the three years of high school foundation courses and AP's preparatory course.In Chinese subjects,Teaching progress than ordinary high school fast,Students need to adapt to the teaching in degrees,At the same time,Class along with the gender of the class discussion/Less homework,Require students to learn independently to arrange time.The teachers here is more of a guide students,Many students in the form of group completed task. Accustomed to"Teacher speak/Students listen to"CengQianYi teaching mode,A began to feel a little bit at loose ends,Or even suspect that teachers is not her impression teacher's intrinsic mode.But also is in this doubt and adaptation process,Her independent learning ability was improved.Founded in her school magazine[VOICE]Wrote in the:The students in the class and the teacher loudly to discuss the problem,The teacher hopes students constantly ask questions,Constantly development thinking,Rather than blindly fill knowledge to students.


校刊的诞生 The birth of the school magazine

  对于曾倩仪,更为大家熟知的是另一个身份校刊社主编。在华附AP,学校鼓励学生 根据自己的兴趣爱好创办社团(目前华附AP有近40个社团),美国的大学在招生录取当中也看重学生的课外实践活动能力。读高一时,了解到学校还没有创办官 方杂志,曾倩仪萌发了创办校刊的想法,将校刊定位为收录华附国际部每一位同学的学习动态与留学[微博]新闻,课上课下,校内校外。并将校刊命名为《VOICE》, 从稿件的收录,到文字的编辑,再到杂志的排版,最终的印刷跟进等,都由曾倩仪与她的校刊社成员一起完成,真实地反映华附国际部在校学生的校园生活以及学习感受。

For CengQianYi,More familiar with is another identity school magazine editor club.With AP in China,Schools encourage students according to their own interests founded community(At present China with AP nearly forty communities),American university enrollment in the midst of the student's extracurricular practice ability.Read a high,To know the school has not started official party magazine,CengQianYi germination was the idea of the school magazine,The school magazine positioning for included China with international department each student learning dynamic and study [micro bo] news,Class under the class,Outside campus.And the school magazine named[VOICE], From the manuscript collection,The text editor,To the layout of the magazine,The final printing follow up, etc,By CengQianYi and her school magazine club members finish together,A true reflection of China with international department in the school student campus life and learning experience.


关于“学霸” about"Learn the"

  高一托福112分,高二SAT 2260分,6门AP满分,其中包括AP英语语言及写作5分。许多人都误认为,沃顿商学院的录取也主要是看中曾倩仪的“学霸”特征,但我们宁愿相信,除了优秀成绩以外,更为招生官看中的,是曾倩仪的“坚忍”坚持与忍耐。

A toefl 112 points,High SAT 2260 points,6 door AP full marks,Including AP English language and writing 5 points.Many people mistakenly believe that,Wharton's admission also is mainly to the CengQianYi"Learn the"characteristics,But we would rather believe,In addition to outstanding achievement outside,Admissions officer to see more of,CengQianYi is the"perseverance"Persistence and patience.

  高一,在升学指导老师的帮助下,曾倩仪制定了高中三年的学习计划。按照计划,在高二刚开始的时候,她报考了SAT考试,并制订了详细的备考计划,计划甚 至落实到每天背多少个单词,做多少个阅读及语法,什么时候问老师问题等。每天早上6:30准时起床,坐在空荡荡的教室里背《巴朗3500》。在备考的三个 月内,她背了两遍《巴朗3500》,做完了SAT所有真题,写了不下20篇作文。每个星期至少有三个中午是待在老师办公室里改作文、问语法、讨论阅读;如 此长期的坚持,缘于她“从来不觉得自己是一个聪明的人。一个人如果想要什么,自己就要懂得去付出“的信念。

higher,In the entrance guidance under the help of the teacher,CengQianYi made high school three years of study plan.According to the plan,In GaoErGang started,She enter oneself for an examination the SAT test,And make a detailed plan for reference,What plan to carry out the back every day how many words,How much do a reading, and grammar,When asked the teacher problem etc..The morning get up on time every day,Sit empty the classroom back[Baron 3500].In the reference appendix 3 months,Her back for two times[Baron 3500],Finished SAT all really writes,Write at least twenty composition.Every week at least three noon is to stay in the teacher's office to the composition/Ask grammar/Discuss reading;Such as the long-term adhere to,Because she"Never think you are a smart man.If a man want,He would know how to pay"belief.

  2012年上半年,在面临 SAT1、SAT2和AP等众多繁重考试的同时,曾倩仪选择了参加广东省太古汇英语口语大赛。4-6月这段时间,当其他同学在灯火通明的自习室备考AP以 及SAT时,曾倩仪在电台与学校之间的地铁里穿梭;当其他同学享受周末休闲时,她选择了与同组的老师及父母商量彩排和道具购买,在会议室里听导演安排每一 场比赛的诸多彩排。同时还要从所剩无几的时间中抽空复习SAT以及AP课程。在这段繁忙不堪的日子里,曾倩仪没有因此而放松,而是选择了欣然接受,并为此 付出101%,而此给她带来的是120%的收获与回报:SAT1 2260的优秀成绩,省英语口语大赛亚军、6门AP满分。

In the first half of 2012,In the face of some/SAT2 and AP and many other heavy test at the same time,CengQianYi chose to participate in guangdong provincial swire collect oral English contest.4 - June this time,When the other students in the lights in the room for individual study note AP in and SAT,CengQianYi in radio and between schools in the shuttle;When other students enjoy the weekend leisure time,She chose and their teachers and parents to buy a rehearsal and props,Listen to the director in the meeting room arrangement every game many dress rehearsal.At the same time, but also from the few remaining time take time to review the SAT and AP course.In this period of a busy day,CengQianYi not so and relax,But chose to accept,And pay the 101%,And this brought her is 120% of the harvest and return:Some 2260 outstanding achievement,Province oral English contest runner-up/6 door AP full marks.

  对于高中三 年的“坚忍”经历,她写下了本文题记中的感受:我站在不同的舞台,丰富多彩地展示自己不同的每一面,我忘了我已经收获了许多美好的回忆,许多值得学习的经验,许多在压力面前顽强前行的斗志。在自顾不暇与繁忙不堪的日子里,我们有时候会过于强调某件事给自己带来的负面效应,却忽略了它带给我们的收获。我想那时我也是这样一个傻孩子。

For high school three year"perseverance"experience,She wrote this paper the signature feeling:I'm standing in the different stage,Rich and colorful to show their different each side,I forgot I have gain a lot of wonderful memories,Many learning experience,Many in the pressure on strong before the fight.In ZiGuBuXia and a busy day,We sometimes put too much emphasis on one thing to have a negative effect,But ignore it brings our harvest.I think at that time I also is such a silly child.


生活中的小清新 The small and pure and fresh life


CengQianYi in life,According to her own view,Is a more"true"and"persistent"people:Regardless of wind and rain in the past two years to stick to the provincial museum to be the narrator,Because a performance the dream and my friends of the micro film shooting,From her magazine,From her micro movie,We can feel a girl three years growth resume and feelings.


now,Producing the finest school magazine[VOICE]Has published three series,Micro film also has already been filmed,You are expected to meet soon heel,Look at their results,Also do not forget CengQianYi ridicule their layout have much difference,Micro movie acting does not reach the designated position, etc,But we can see,That is pay harvest after successful happy smile.


CengQianYi,A seemingly ordinary/Actually uncommon girl,A forthright and sincere persistent girl,With his perseverance and versatile,Get the favour of Wharton school of business.Let us bless her,Wish her in the future Walton trip have more wonderful harvest!(Article/FanChengYu)

  我站在不同的舞台,丰富多彩地展示自己不同的每一面,我忘了我已经收获了许多美好的回忆,许多值得学习的经验,许多在压力面前顽强前行的斗志。在自顾不 暇与繁忙不堪的日子里,我们有时候会过于强调某件事给自己带来的负面效应,却忽略了它带给我们的收获。我想那时我也是这样一个傻孩子。

I'm standing in the different stage,Rich and colorful to show their different each side,I forgot I have gain a lot of wonderful memories,Many learning experience,Many in the pressure on strong before the fight.In self-care not free time and a busy day,We sometimes put too much emphasis on one thing to have a negative effect,But ignore it brings our harvest.I think at that time I also is such a silly child.

  摘自 《高二繁忙季》 华附国际部校刊《Voice》第3辑 作者:曾倩仪

from [Busy season high] China with international department of the school magazine[VOICE]Third album the author:CengQianYi
