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零食背后有隐患 34%儿童曾因吃零食致身体不适--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Children there is love in the habit of eating between meals,And like to eat at the same time, several different snacks,Little imagine,Colourful snacks back,Hide the hidden trouble of the additives.a,Iearth - love the earth environmental protection agencies released the first domestic specialized for 6 ~ 12 years old children/The food additive intake status report,The report shows that,If children on the same day a variety of edible contains the same food additives of food,It should be possible to the food additive excess intake of situation.Have any food nutrition experts in accepting information times call for an interview,Parents should guide the science reasonable children eat snacks.


9城调查 9 city survey


大量摄入食品添加剂对儿童健康构成隐患 A higher intake of food additives on children's health constitute a hidden danger


Iearth let children safe from food additive project supervisor XuFei is introduced,Iearth China and urban children's food additive intake condition survey in Beijing/Shanghai/xian/chengdu/shenyang/Harbin/dalian/shijiazhuang/Suzhou the nine cities in the middle and primary school,There are nearly 20000 children to engage in,Finally released this[China and urban children's food additive intake condition survey report].


The survey report shows,34% of children said they had produced by eating snacks and physical discomfort,More 5% of children said the situation happen very often.Be investigated children food additive food frequency is higher,1/10 of the children surveyed every food additive snacks 3 times or more.In addition,Our country children in health food lack of correct guidance,Part of the children's long-term intake of food containing food additives.XuFei said,The report released on our children's intake of food additive containing food frequency/Habit and behavioral attitude of the results of the survey is worrying,And children's long-term intake of food additive are potential hazard is cause attention.


[The national standard of the People's Republic of China GB2760-2011](Food additive use standard)To cannot be applied to the infant food additives made specific provision,But according to XuFei is introduced,In the children often eat snacks the ingredients for survey analysis,They found that the part has been public has potential hazard and not allowed to used in baby food in the food additive,Still has been widely used in young children often contact of all kinds of food.


儿童身体的自我保护能力较低,长期过多摄入食品添加剂,必然会对健康造成隐患。 Children's body the self-protection ability is low,Long-term excessive intake of food additives,Will cause hidden danger to health.

  多数家长对孩子吃零食态度宽松 Most of the parents to the child to eat snacks attitude loose


XuFei said,Based on the food additives ADI value(That is the biggest intake allowed per day)And national standard[GB2760-2011]Specified in the usage,Iearth calculation out some additives that corresponding to the maximum daily a healthy food,The intake is applicable to weight 30 kilograms of children.For children often eat food additive,Parents can according to the child's weight calculated daily allow maximum intake.


But iearth previous survey,Due to the lack of food ingredients and food additive cognitive,Parents in children eat snacks additive on the question of loose attitude:92% of the parents don't mind,Nearly 1/10 of the parents not against,More than 1/5 of the parents most of the time don't mind.And when the parents against child food additive snack,Willing to listen to their parents advice only 27% of children.


 广州市场 Guangzhou market

  商超在售零食多含食品添加剂 Business super in the sale of snacks contains food additives


In guangzhou tianhe city department/jusco/In the GuangBai shop and so on shopping malls in the supermarket,Full of beautiful things in eyes of snacks make a person dazzling.A reporter looked at it carefully some snacks bag of mark of the ingredients,Find a lot of snacks contain many kinds of food additives.Such as,A brand instant noodles light additive is 26;Meaning of egg yolk send mark of 26 kinds of ingredients,The food additives have 16 species,Accounts for nearly 62% of the total species ingredients.In addition,In a new packaging exquisite lovely optimal skin assorted Hamburg QQ sugar mark of the ingredients in the table,The reporter sees sunset yellow/Bright blue/A total of 13 kinds of additives such as lemon yellow,The color of jelly in the packaging not mark three years and three years old children eat ".In this investigation,Reporter discovery,Instant noodles/chips/Mixed beans/Cookies and food additive species number for the most.


Reporter in guangzhou has a supermarket interviewed several shopping with parents to children.A 6 years old boy told reporters,His most like jelly and ham and egg,Summer is the most like to eat ice cream,Usually the most happy thing is and children share snacks,Such as potato chips/shrimp/Flat surface/ham.When the reporter asked the little boy know these snacks what add composition,He shook his head say not clear.


食品专家 Food experts

  正常食用不会造成添加剂过量 Normal edible won't cause too much additives


For iearth report,Guangdong food learn food experts FanRui associate professor think,This data is one-sided places.He pointed out that,ADI value(Allow the biggest daily intake)Is a year in year out daily intake,Not a day for excess things,The child could not every day a lot of snacks.but,He also agree with calls for food manufacturers to reduce as far as possible the use of additives.


South China university of technology, light industry and food, vice President of the college professor ZhaoMou Ming said,Food production enterprise if it is in accordance with the relevant food additive principle operation,Usually won't cause consumer additive high amounts.Such as,Potato chips and instant noodles contain sodium glutamate,But one potato chips to eat many,Instant noodles will have corresponding to eat less,so,Usually the human body intake of sodium glutamate is not exceed.For children eat snacks problem,ZhaoMou Ming suggest the children to eat things to pay attention to the balance of nutrients,Don't partial eclipse.


Sun yat-sen university school of public health nutrition JiangZhuoQin dean professor told reporters,As long as it is in conformity with the provisions legitimate manufacturer production of food,Normal food is not a problem,Because the so-called"excess"No quantitative,It is difficult to enter human body calculation of additive is overweight,But everyday eat a lot additive must be bad.For consumer advice in the packaging will be marked on the content of the additives,JiangZhuoQin said,The difficulty is bigger,Because of the amount of additive snacks is only trace.


专家建议 Expert advice

  儿童吃零食宜选天然食物 Children eat snacks appropriate chooses natural food

  中山大学公共卫生学院营养系教授、中国营养学会副理事长苏宜香建议,儿童要尽量选择新鲜的、天然的食物,少吃含油、盐、糖、味精等调味品多的食物。日前,她列出了一个正确食用零食的图表供大家参考。(记者 李星慧 黄芳芳)

Sun yat-sen university school of public health nutrition professor/Vice chairman of the Chinese nutrition society SuYiXiang Suggestions,Children should try to choose fresh/Natural food,Eat less oil/salt/sugar/Monosodium glutamate seasonings much food.a,She provides a correct eating snacks chart for your reference.(Reporter LiXingHui HuangFangFang)
