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重庆武隆气温低冻住水管 300多小学生无水可用--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

重庆武隆气温低冻住水管 300多小学生无水可用 孩子们围在水槽前,水龙头却拧不出水。 网友“风信子” 摄 The children grouped before at the sink,Tap water is not twist. Net friend"hyacinth" perturbation 重庆武隆气温低冻住水管 300多小学生无水可用 资料图 Material chart

  华龙网讯(记者谈书王超) 1月6日,武隆县接龙乡又下了一场雪,海拔1400米的山村下雪是再稀松平常不过的事。吃完午饭,接龙小学的学生们拿着饭盒奔向食堂外面的洗碗槽,一双双冻红的小手努力地拧着冰冷的水龙头,可是一滴水都没有流出来原来,室外接近零度的气温已经将水管冻住,孩子们只能眼巴巴地看着老师。站在一旁的年轻老师左培玉看着这一切心疼不已却无能为力,她只好用手在雪地上给学生画了一个大大的棒棒糖。“帮帮这些孩子吧!”此时此刻,网友们用这些简单的文字表达各自的心酸。

China - our(Reporter wang chao about books) On January 6,,WuLongXian dominos township and a snow,The snow mountain 1400 meters above sea level is more poor ordinary things.After lunch,Dominos elementary school students take lunch box ran to the dining room outside under the sink,Pairs of frozen red hands hard twist the cold water faucet,But a drop out are not original,Outdoor close to zero temperatures have frozen water,The children can only eagerly looked at the teacher.Stood on the side of young teachers ZuoPeiYu watching all this love dearly unceasingly, but can do little about,She had to hand in the snow to students drew a big lollipop."To help these children to it!"At this moment,Net friends with these simple words to express their feel sad.


心酸 Feel sad


孩子们的小手拧不出水 The children's small screw not water


Reporter on this piece of the micro bo net friend"hyacinth"The first pictures of a saw,The school outside in the sink and a thick layer of ice,Water has also been ice package live to see it the original color,Several end with stainless steel lunch box of children on the edge,Trying to wring faucets,But no matter how hard their hands,No running water out.


"WuLongXian chongqing a mountain village primary school pipe was frozen,The children didn't wash dishes,All eagerly looked at the teacher……"A simple description,But let the picture of the people feel sad:When you enjoy the indoor heating at the same time,See the mountains children's winter?


无奈 but


每年水管都会结冰 Every year pipe will be frozen


"The photo is really our school children."yesterday,Dominos primary school principals YangXiuLin told reporters,Snow day,The school water ice,Is not unusual,"Almost every year snow will happen".At present,Dominos ZhongXinJiao has six grade,Seven class,A total of 309 students,More than 80 resident student.


YangXiuLin said,Most children are far away from home,Need to walk more than one hour,Some even need more than three hours."Although the school canteen meals for the children,But the dining room staff only three people,Peacetime light for the children to cook are busy,At the same time because of the money,So there is no dining room to provide children with tableware.Children need to bring their own lunch box/Their cleaning,So all the year round."this,YangXiuLin also feel very sorry.


温情 warmth


雪地里画了棒棒糖 The snow painted lollipop


yesterday,Reporter contact image on the net friend"hyacinth",She is dominos elementary school art teacher ZuoPeiYu,The name of the girl was born in 1989,To dominos primary teaching is less than half an year.


Left the teacher told reporters,At noon on January 6,She passed the children usually do the dishes, a water tap the next,See a child in the tap after twist,And no outflow water,Originally it's too cold,Pipe been frozen."I am a very perceptual person."Left the teacher said,Saw a group of students to stand in front the tap,She is a sad,By hand in the snow drew a lollipop,And tell the children:"Although the condition is very hard,But we can still find fun."Left the teacher said,Children may not understand her at that time the meaning of this sentence,But she returned to warm smile.


Left the teacher told reporters,finally,The children go to the dining room to hot water washing the lunch box."I didn't think of that two pictures can cause so many users attention."Left the teacher said,Because of fears that the to own life bring trouble,She decided to remove the micro bo the two pictures.


现状 status


缺水时必须到300米外挑水 The water must be to 300 meters away from the water


In addition to net friend,Holding on to this group of children and WuLongXian dominos township party committee members HeQiuShi.Since since the snow,Almost every day, he will go to the school to see these children.


"Have even 6 days under the snow."Speaking of these children,HeQiuShi could not conceal his love dearly:"Dominos township elevation 1400 meters or so,Every winter snow."


HeQiuShi told reporters,In recent years to improve school conditions,The dining room can solve the problem of lunch,But there has been the problem of water shortage."Summer water,Water freezes in winter again."He said,The children winter basically all don't use hot water,Water shortages,The school send people furthest away more than 300 meters to is.


Dominos primary school principals YangXiuLin also said,School water pipe in the water flow has been very small,Sometimes even off the water."To prevent frozen,The dining room faucet in the snow day has been open."Yang said the principal,Unless in the canteen trees plenty of cases,Just occasionally to provide children with hot water.


Not only that,The mountains in winter,Even during the day,Temperature also approaching zero,No air conditioning in the classroom,No heating,The children from home every day,Carrying brazier and charcoal,In the classroom the fire heating.


进展 progress


供水公司称争取安装地埋水管 Water supply company said for buried pipe installation


Some have seen pictures of net friend also have an idea:Can roast/Heating, and other means to tube frozen block of ice into water is discharged;Or make in the piping water in the flow state,Effluent water should be recycled,wastes.


yesterday,WuLongXian township water supply company 王飚 told reporters,High altitude area really do exist water supply difficulties,A bare outer pipe to winter freezes easily,He said,For the appropriate time for the school buried pipe installation.


Net friend voice


Net friend"@ tofu selling high": give water bag antifreeze material,Ordinary foam is good.


Net friend"@ love dream": the rich should help the poor child!They are too small……


Net friend"@ LeiGe _ sayings": bowl go home wash good!Or their school each with some water!


Net friend"WuLong @ of groove watermelon ZhangHong secretary":At present the highest elevation of the township village primary school, the water is no problem,But it can be freezing cold down the.
