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湖北异地高考政策或将遇冷 相关方案待细化--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  楚天金报讯 政策公布的“大限”,湖北省的政策出台了。作为高考大省,我省的政策同北上广等地相比,“门槛”不算高。为此,本省家长们忧心湖北考生受到冲击,同时外省家长面对湖北省的高考高分,也有些望而却步,政策不排除遇冷。

Chutian 27 - published by the policy"time",Hubei policy issued.As a big province college entrance examination,The policy in our province to the north, with wide compared,"threshold"Not high.therefore,Hubei province parents worry about the impact,At the same time provincial parents face of hubei province college entrance examination high scores,Also some flinch,Policy would not rule out in the cold.


本省考生担心竞争加剧 The province worried about competition


Foreign students into,The province of the increased competition in the college entrance examination,Is hubei many parents worry about"The most practical"problem.Net friend"ChaiTouFeng"For high school students in wuhan and parents,Her son is in 2013 to participate in college entrance examination.She told reporters,Before a lot of parents are focusing on the college entrance examination foreign policy,Think of next year will have provincial candidates to join hubei competition in the college entrance examination,Her heart was in it,"College entrance examination is a points down one thousand man,Add a person is to his son added a rival ah."


The no1 middle high school students JiangMin parents said,She saw the media reports said,shandong/Zhejiang first year students from other provinces different college entrance examination reached more than 10000 people,Estimation of hubei province roughly the number,Think of next year silver bullet accepted,The denominator to increase 10000 people,Her heart began to beat a drum the.


外地考生担心湖北分数线高 Foreign students worry about hubei high score


In the province than the parents worry,Reporters found that,For the implementation of the New Deal,Provincial parents support/'s good,But also have different voice.From chongqing to han work bruin idea is representative,He said to his children where test some intertwine.Because of his child had been on the 12th,"Their hometown grades low some,Or go back to participate in college entrance examination must be good,But to get back to words,The best is a back,On the other side of this student can guarantee.Hubei portion is too high,The child exam but they."


异地高考前路扑朔迷离 Different before the college entrance examination way complicated and confusing


In yesterday's interview,The articles of association of Chinese college recruit students evaluation group leader/The national famous college entrance examination experts with zhang yi said,In every different college entrance examination after let go,Foreign students parents consider two different college entrance examination direction megapolis and backward area,Because the two rates or relatively high,Or to admit fractional line is relatively low.Hubei province and the reality of the situation is,The province college entrance examination competition is very fierce,The different the proportion is not big,And the result is not necessarily can drown out hubei students,From this point to see,Hubei college entrance examination in different cold is possible.


But on the other hand,Hubei province is a big province university resources,Whether the number of universities all over the country and quality is the top,In recent years, the hubei province college entrance examination rates remain at around 66%,Although is not particularly high in the country,but"Gold content"high,Surrounding henan/anhui/jiangxi/Large number of hunan college entrance examination,Local universities lack of resources,Hubei college entrance examination after open the door,Will attract part to mainlanders,The students in hubei province impact is only a question of time,But strength is not too large.


contradiction,Hubei policy will be affected by heat holding or cold shoulder,Is still unknown.


Reporter since,As of yesterday 0,The country had been on the college entrance examination 25 provinces of different policy options,Only Tibet/hainan/Inner Mongolia/shanxi/qinghai/Ningxia 6 provinces have yet to be announced.


我省异地高考方案待细化 Our province college entrance examination scheme for different refining

  楚天金报讯 记者郭会桥报道:“居住证明由哪些单位来开?稳定职业的标准是什么?”我省异地高考方案公布后,昨日,武汉市多所高中校长呼吁:具体操作层面还有待细化,尤其是“稳定职业”和“稳定住所”,如何界定和由谁来开证明,尚需相关部门出台统一标准。“学校现有30多名外省务工人员子女,有的父母是摆地摊的,有的父母是擦皮鞋的,不知道这些家长是否属于稳定职业,能否在我省参加高考?”昨日,汉口一所高中校长告诉记者,按规定,满足“本地学籍、在我省完成三年高中学习、父母职业稳定、现住所稳定”的外省务工人员子女,都可以在我省报名参加高考,这些条件不算太苛刻,“不过一个外来务工人员要满足这些条件,要跑至少五六个部门,才能盖完章。”

Chutian 27 reporter guo will bridge reports:"The proof of what units to open?Stable occupation standard is???????"Our province college entrance examination after the release of a different plan,yesterday,More than in wuhan city high school principal called for:Specific operation level remains to be refined,especially"Stable occupation"and"Stable residence",How to define and who will open proof,Still need to related department issued uniform standard."The school has more than 30 name provincial migrant workers children,Some parents are put stall in the,Some parents are clean shoes,Don't know whether these parents belong to the stable occupation,Whether in our province to participate in college entrance examination?"yesterday,Hankou a high school principal told reporters,In accordance with the provisions,meet"Local school/In our province complete three years of high school learning/Parents career stability/Now stable residence"The provincial migrant workers children,Can sign up to participate in college entrance examination in our province,These conditions not too demanding,"But a migrant workers to meet these conditions,To run at least five or six departments,Can cover the chapter."
