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8岁娃为哥哥捐骨髓 “捐我的骨髓救哥哥!”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

骨髓移植手术的前一天,李彪(右)站在无菌病房的玻璃墙外,深情望着病床上的哥哥李航。骆熠摄 Bone marrow transplants the day before,Ronald(right)Stand in a sterile ward outside the glass walls,Deep feeling looking at the bed brother jieying.LuoYi perturbation
  1月11日8时30分,湖南省郴州市第一人民医院。 On January 11, 8 30 points,The chenzhou city of hunan province first people's hospital.


Eight-year-old Ronald into the operating room,Nine and a half in jieying sterile ward silently waiting for.Ronald is the younger,Jieying is brother,Their parents are hunan jiahe ShiQiaoZhen long back village farmers.


This day for the brothers, is perhaps the most important thing in life time.Brother wants to donate his bone marrow to save brother's life.


Three years ago, check out the jieying with chronic aplastic anemia.Parents take him to the doctor away several big cities,Condition not improved,Rely on blood transfusion and lose platelet maintain life.On December 24,,Jieying condition suddenly increase.Chenzhou city of the first people's hospital doctor told jieying parents,Jieying now belong to heavy aplastic anemia,The only way to save him is to carry out a bone marrow transplant treatment.December 30,Ronald full eight years old,Lit candles,He wish tears:"Donate my bone marrow save brother!"


9:15.Ronald doing to anesthesia.The doctor to see him in the small voice cry,Ask him hurt you?He nodded.Asked regret??He shook his head!


The operating room nurses of the doctor's love,Gathered to comfort the small young tiger:"You use their bone marrow life brother,Is really a little hero!""The little hero go,We all accompany in your side?!"


9 when the 30 points.Bone marrow extraction operation began.The operation for blood LiangXinQuan head of the medical department is also important,He has more than 80 patients for successful implementation after bone marrow transplant,But for such a small bone marrow donor,Is the first time.


The doctor LiangXinQuan told reporters,In the brother before,The blood medicine also met a pair of all the matches are two brothers,Can be used as donor brother because of fears for their bone marrow transplantation has a harmful effect on the body,Don't agree to donate his bone marrow,They are more than forty years old adults.And xiao li to only nine years old this year more,Small Ronald just eight years old,And the younger brother's brother give up treatment compared,Active request to donate bone marrow little Ronald image appears particularly tall.


The mother of two children LuoXiaoFang waiting at the door in the operating room.She smiled to tell us,Because my brother has not been in good health,Brother grew up know how to take care of my brother.Once parents are not at home,Two brothers were playing on the bed,Brother suddenly nose hemorrhage,Will all the quilt dyed red.Ronald immediately to the refrigerator find hemostatic ice apply is in brother on the bridge of the nose,And hurriedly call mom and dad to go home.


11 30 points.Small Ronald 500 ml of bone marrow was out smoothly to brother's ward.LiangXinQuan told reporters,The child is very smooth operation,At present the normal vital signs,In a day or two,Ronald and then can be up and about.Brother jieying is worrying,Because a bone marrow transplant treatment has just begun,The next will face infection/rejection/Implant and a series of problems and risks.Due to the received bone marrow transplants jieying before,Accept the super large amounts of chemotherapy,So in hematopoietic recovery jieying before in an almost no immunity state,At any time may appear serious bacteria or virus infection.So xiao li to be placed in a sterile laminar flow ward,As far as possible to reduce the chance of severe infection.


12 when 25 points.Ronald bone marrow smoothly entered jieying body.Jieying side lose bone marrow side asked:"mother,Now I lose is brother's bone marrow?"LuoXiaoFang answer with a smile:"yes.You must hold on,Don't waste a younger brother of the bone marrow, ah."Jieying nodded with a smile.


Ronald in anesthesia after awakening,Is pushed into the ward.He asked the doctor:"Brother how?"The doctor said:"Because you,Brother has been already saved."The two brothers one is in the third grade,A read grade four,Are watching cartoon,Hero worship.Jieying brother at home on the sofa and the wall were written"Jieying is great hero"A few words.After surgery,Ronald proud to talk to my mom,The first thing to go home,On the wall is the word into:"Ronald is a great hero"."Because I saved my brother!"Mother said:"yes,Ronald is a great hero."


17 for points when,Sterile ward.Input in the bone marrow,Jieying face and spirit are much better,In his repeated request,The nurse aunt gave him a after disinfection of mobile phone,He immediately call mother,Requirements and brother to speak:"brother,Now my body is you give my bone marrow,Thank you!"

  李彪露出腼腆的笑容,模仿大人的口气:“不用客气。”在场的人都笑了。(本报记者 唐湘岳 通讯员 胡国华 骆 熠)

Ronald show shy smile,Imitate the tone of adults:"You're welcome."Everyone laughed.(Our reporter correspondent HuGuoHua TangXiangYue pair of bright)

  作者:唐湘岳 胡国华 骆 熠 (来源:明日报)

The author:TangXiangYue HuGuoHua pair of bright (source:Ming daily)
