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学校装窗帘学生捐款被指乱收费 校长称财政困难--亲稳舆论引导监测室
南都讯 记者周松柏 “新教学楼花了1000多万元,教室窗户装窗帘这么点钱也要摊到我们学生身上来。”日前,茂名化州市林尘中学34个班级的学生被组织捐款,各自付所在的新教室2个窗户装窗帘费用,此事引起该校一些学生反对并上网发帖。
SMW reporter ZhouSongBai "The new teaching building more than 1000 ten thousand yuan,The classroom window put the curtain so little money will stand to our student body to."a,Maoming HuaZhouShi LinChen middle school 34 classes of students is organized donation,Their pay in the new classroom 2 window curtain pack cost,It causes the school some students against and post on the Internet.
爆发:学生频发帖抱怨乱收费 outbreak:Students complain about frequent for fees
For the last few days,Netizens in sina/Tencent and micro blog post said frequently,"I LinChen middle school is a school students,We here serious chaos to collect fees!Four common curtain cloth to accept we each 15 yuan!A class can receive 1000 yuan,We the students dissatisfied";"HuaZhouShi LinChen middle school fees,The curtain cloth into money!Must have been a corruption of the money……"
On January 9th began to,Relevant LinChen middle school"The curtain to the student fee"Posting has a large presence,Some students claim to be the net friend then post in forward and commentary,Says nine years of compulsory education next,School classroom loading curtain cost should not be assessed to the student body,The school to do so"Is to collect fees in disorder".
缘由:学校发动班长组织捐款 reason:School engine monitor tissue donation
"There is no curtain,class,Sit by the window of the(students)Will be the sun to sun."Yesterday afternoon,SMW reporter arrived at the LinChen middle school,High school a class HuangTongXue said,The new school building was completed soon,The 34 classes moved to the new building in,All the classrooms are not installed the curtain,"When the sun is,Sit by the window of the students were unable to get the normal classes",Then some of the students in the class are suggested to the school,Required to be curtain.
"The school said to unify the outfit,Otherwise, they don't look good."3 a class monitor said,On January 4,,New the classroom with the curtain,On January 8,,The university set up a youth league branch meeting,In the new teaching building in class and a class monitor or competitive person attend.
meeting,The school the teacher say to you,School just built a new teaching building,As the folk and the school all power,Now 34 classrooms are put on the curtain,Money is not to,The school have difficulty,Hope you go back to,Organization of the students in the class their donations,Share the cost for the school.
"We will go back to mobilize students donation,Said to pay,Sure someone against."A high class monitor said,Its place a classmate murmured against,But most students don't object to donation.
结果:学校决定退还38000多元 The results:The school decided to return 38000 multivariate
Yesterday afternoon,LinChen school principal beam Sir Explanation says,The new teaching building spent 12 million dollars,Of which 10 million yuan is the local out follow villager donation,School out of the 2 million yuan.School poor,Is this 2 million also run out of the school all the money.
The school was not going to give new teaching building classroom put the curtain,Then there are many students in the sun according to reflect ShiYangGuang into the classroom,On the edge of the window class students can't,Each class to chip in loading the curtain."I think it will be unified outfit more beautiful,So let the school front,Look for a company uniform for the new building 34 classroom put the curtain".
Beam Sir Said,The whole process schools did not require students to persecute or donation,All is the student organization.
Yesterday afternoon 4 when,SMW reporter from the school when,Said Mr Beam,The school decided to cancel the donation,Next Monday let each class monitor put up received donations to all students,"Didn't think such a thing,Will get so bored".
Since is the student organization,Calculate to each student head actually only 15 yuan;All the curtain the classroom a total of only 38000 multivariate,Don't have much money,Our school also recognized the.
LinChen high school principal
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