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导语: Guide language:2013年1月22日,由搜狐网、搜狐教育频道联合主办的“向教育提问”搜狐教育年度盛典在北京隆重举行,这是一场属于教育的跨年思考。一直以来,教育改革、教育创新、教育公益的话题都是全社会关注的热门话题。搜狐教育频道作为国内最大的教育类新媒体之一,依托搜狐门户矩阵的力量,长期深耕教育行业,聚合了众多教育领域知名学者和公益人士,共同关注国内教育行业的现状、聚焦教育行业的前景,在搜狐教育年度盛典上,与会专家对这些话题给予了特别关注。以下为盛典上对嘉宾专访实录。 On January 22, 2013,The sohu net/Sohu education channel co-hosted"Education question to"Sohu education annual ceremony held in Beijing,This is a to belong to education across the years thinking.Has been,Education reform/Education innovation/The topic of public education is a hot topic in the whole society pay attention to.Sohu education channel as the nation's largest education class is one of the new media,Relying on the sohu portal matrix strength,Long-term subsoil education industry,Polymerization numerous well-known scholar in the field of education and public people,Common focus on the present situation of domestic education industry/Focusing on the prospect of education industry,In sohu education annual festival on,The experts to these topics given special attention.The following is the grand ceremony for guests interview memoir.

]]]into"Education question to"2012 sohu education annual festival project


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:过去这一年里,留学中节或者留学机构里面有什么样大的变化,或者您自己的切身体会是什么?

The past year,The study section or study abroad institutions there is what kind of change,Or your own personal experience is what?


孙南(新通教育副总裁): SunNa(The new general education vice President):首先从新通来说,因为我们涵盖的业务板块是大而全。一个是传统留学的板块。第二个是教育配信板块,托福、雅思这些。第三,移民板块。第四,留学冬令营和夏令营的板块。如果让我来说2012年这个市场上的变化,第一:留学板块在高速增长。教育部的统计数据显示,2012年留学生人数达到34万人左右。我想2013年的预期上40万没有什么问题。但是不会出现大幅度的增长,在经济条件没有明显变化的时候也不会有降幅。

First of all, the new pass,Because we cover business plate is big.One is the traditional study of the plate.The second is education with letter plate,toefl/Ielts these.The third,Immigration plate.The fourth,Study in winter and summer camp of the plate.If you ask me 2012 years the market change,The first:Study abroad plate in the high speed growth.The ministry of education figures show,The number of students in 2012 to about 340000 people.I want to 2013 years in 400000 is expected to do not have what problem.But won't appear substantial growth,In the economic conditions are not obvious change of time will not have a drop.


The other is training plate.In the training industry,More and more consultative organizations start to participate in training business development.Everyone began to provide more and more in the integrated design/A front-end consulting/Among the study/After end of winter service/Summer camp of these projects.2012 in training the plate appeared the situation of hundreds of flowers.We made the corresponding statistics,Deloitte report also shows,Even if a few big agencies also did not occupy the market share of the absolute.Even TOP3 training institutions company up to occupy the market share of PPT.Through the data we can see,Any organization must have a chance.As long as we training teaching quality/Teaching material system/The course system can cater to the idea of common people,Teach well/Pipe tightly/A very good result,Any organization will have a chance.


The third,In 2012, a lot of immigration policy, great changes took place in the.Such as,Canada/The United States/Hong Kong's these immigrants have some policy mutation.Even in we can do the project to reduce half of the cases,The new general still keep business growth.This shows that foreign cut now shrink too tight,But the domestic demand and not because of foreign policy change become smaller,But there was a blowout state.This is immigration market demand a particularly important changes.


The fourth is about travel.I think last year the market is a little confusing,Good and evil people mixed up.Appeared travel agency/Common culture communication company,A lot of no qualified institutions of participating in the study to our winter camp/Camp project.In 2012, during the summer vacation my daughter also took part in the new through the line of the study in the summer camp.I'm at the airport to see all kinds of children wearing different color LOGO T-shirt in do boarding pass.At the same time 2012 to expose a lot about children to go abroad and bad news.I think 2013 years to me the most should adjust and change is our visit program students.Because the family involved in so many children's safety,And he to study itself to explore cognitive,This to me is very important.Hope to the ministry of education can prompt attention to this one,Have related actions make the market more standard.


搜狐教育主持人:2 Sohu education host:2012年有媒体报道讲留学行业红与黑。红派是现在新出来的随着互联网的普及会有一些DIY和做高端项目的机构出现。黑是讲早年间留学中介机构发展的过程中,出现一些借助自己的资源,这个行业里面的一些潜规则。您觉得红与黑日后的较量是什么样的?

In 012, media reports about study abroad industry red and black.Red pie is now new out with the spread of the Internet will have some DIY and high-end project establishment occurrence.Black is about study in the early years of the development of the intermediary agencies in the process,Some appear with the aid of its own resources,Inside the industry some latent rules.Do you think red and black in the future competition is what kind of?


孙南(新通教育副总裁): SunNa(The new general education vice President):我经常会对我的同事们说,在留学客户群体的区分里面,留学中介做的这部分客户能够很清楚的了解到我愿意花钱购买一种服务、一种更多的安全,这才是我们的客户群体。中介的客户需求从来不是说我只做高端客户。或者我只推荐我的学生去做DIY,从旁协助工作室。凡是这些工作室或者高端,一般都是小规模,他是为了强占这个更加细分的市场不得已的方法。我们老总经常会举例子,专科是高端医院,但是一般的老百姓是看感冒的。我们是不是需要真正做开颅手术,这个比例是非常低的。看感冒的才是普通大众。各个不同国家留学中介服务发展趋势也可以看到,治感冒的类型占了更大多数的群体。对于中介公司来说,能够把自己客户群的定位搞清楚了,无外乎你加入红派还是黑派的问题。这个不重要,重要的是您清楚自己做的是真正的留学服务。

I always tell my colleagues said,In the study of customer groups to distinguish it,Study abroad intermediary do this part of the customer can clearly understand the I am willing to spend money to buy a service/A more safety,This is our customer group.Intermediary of customer demand is never said I only do high-end customers.Or I only recommend my students to do DIY,From the side assist studio.All these workshops or high-end,Are generally small,He is in order to grasp the more subdivision market necessary method.We old total often for example,College is a high-end hospital,But the general common people is to see a cold.Do we need to really do craniotomy,This ratio is very low.See a cold is the general public.Different countries to study abroad intermediary service development trend can see,A cold type accounted for more most of the group.For the intermediary for the company,Can the customer orientation figure it out,Outside notting have you joined red pie or black sent problem.This is not important,Important thing is you know you do is real education service.


The second,2000 years time,Countries began to confused situation began to management,So start to study abroad qualification audit.So black pie is happened earlier.At the same time in Beijing 90% is no studio/No agent/No qualification,By the affiliated to do.It is today we consider range.But more and more children,He for China's intermediary judgment will also have two extreme.He would think that all of the intermediary is the same.A few small mechanism of false material will affect the study abroad intermediary industry reputation problem.The second,Some people will think I can come out in China's selection,We think very gratified/Has the sense of responsibility/Have a moral sense/Have enough conscience and very professional/And professional organizations.So the new pass is also very honored to be many large structure defines us VIP agent mechanism.So I really believe that in the near future the industry will have special big shuffle.To study abroad is education,So credit this standard can never be breakthrough.This is very important.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您作为一个教育企业家,如何平衡教育责任和企业发展这两个方面?

You as a education entrepreneurs,How to balance education responsibility and enterprise development of these two aspects?


孙南(新通教育副总裁): SunNa(The new general education vice President):新通就这个问题大家都在讨论。我现在说的是新通高管团队的想法。第一,新通想做的事情,我们想盖一座教堂。它看起来是很神圣、美好的事情。但是我们需要有足够的钱去盖教堂。所以一开始我们就要去种菜地。这是一个必然要经过的阶段。它基本上解决了中国未来的发展和现阶段企业盈利的必然矛盾。但是新通在选择种载的时候选择种有机菜。第二,我们提出要做天使与商贩,新通要做这个行业里面最有理想的企业,我们的员工也是理想主义的群体。我们都有天使的想法,都是不排除现阶段要开始我们的商贩行为。矛盾的是我们有时候会为了利益去牺牲企业的发展,这是根本不可能的,这是不可调和的矛盾,而不是阶段发展。

A new pass the everyone in the discussion.What I am saying is that new connects tall tube team's idea.The first,The new general want to do,We want to build a church.It looks is a very sacred/Good things.But we need to have enough money to cover the church.So first we'll go to ZhongCaiDe.This is a must after stage.It has solved the China's future development and the inevitable contradictions at present enterprise profits.But the new pass in the selection of load to kind of organic food.The second,We propose to do angels and vendors,A new pass to do the industry the most ideal inside the enterprise,Our staff is idealistic group.We all have the idea of an angel,Is not ruled out at this stage to start our vendors behavior.Contradiction is that we sometimes in order to benefit to sacrifice the development of the enterprise,This is impossible,This is the irreconcilable conflict,Instead of stage development.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这两个比喻都特别形象,第一次听说。您也参加了我们年度的教育盛典,我们这个教育盛典也提到了很多有思辨性的东西,您对中国教育未来的期许是怎么样的?

These two parables are particularly image,First heard of.You also took part in the education of our annual festival,Our education festival also mentioned a lot of thoughts of things,You to China's education future expectations are?


孙南(新通教育副总裁): SunNa(The new general education vice President):我的女儿现在读初中。我不会让她在国内读大学。你要说我对教育没有期许吗?有期许。但是我不乐观。包括今天搜狐非常好的选题。我们下面有人讨论这个选题太深奥了,老百姓不关心。但是我作为教育的从业者我非常关注。我觉得我们在向教育提问,我们在关注留守儿童,我们在考虑大学学术精神的丧失。但是我真的希望有一天它不仅仅是停留在思考的层面、问责的层面。而是要快速的拿出解决办法。不管大学去行政化有多难。但是要行动起来,一直坚持下去。因为我们未来要向最普通的老百姓交一个满意的答卷。这个答卷答不好老百姓就会用脚投票。比如说我。因为女儿上大学,现在倒计时五年的时间,我希望她在美国有一个质的改变,如果中国教育有改变,我可以把选票投给中国教育。所以我希望接下来所有人都能够参与,都能够有一种质疑的精神推动大学和中学整体教育的去铜臭化。让它能够真正有大学自由的非常好的学术的自由竞争和独立思考的精神。

My daughter now read the junior middle school.I would not let her read in home university.You say I did not expect to education?Expect to have.But I'm not optimistic.Including today sohu very good topics.We discuss this topic someone under the too deep,People don't care about.But I as education workers I very concerned.I think we in the education question,We are paying attention to left-behind children,We are considering university academic spirit loss.But I really hope that one day it is not only stay in the level of thinking/The level of accountability.But to quickly take out solution.No matter how hard it is to go to university security administration.But to action,Has been insisting on.Because our future to the most common people into a satisfactory results.This papers a bad people will vote with their feet.For instance I.For his daughter's college education,Now the countdown five years of time,I hope she in the United States have a qualitative change,If the Chinese education have changed,I can vote for Chinese education.So I hope everyone can participate in the next,To be able to have a kind of spirit of questioning to promote university and middle school education to change the whole place.Let it can truly have university free very good academic free competition and the spirit of independent thinking.
