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漂亮女生切除面部神经 坚强少女失去半个脸不落泪--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

漂亮女生切除面部神经 坚强少女失去半个脸不落泪小敏(右)回到学校,副校长林敏给孩子进行心理疏导。吴俊 XiaoMin(right)Back to school,Vice President LinMin give children psychological counseling.wujun


She is a girl aged 11,diligence/friendly/The sun/Beautiful she,Nanjing is JianYeOu south lake school grade five children in the king of popularity.But fate is and she opened a lot of joke,Parotid gland mucus skin cancer,Two operations after her childish little face left a deep scar,Especially, the left facial nerve system destructive resection,She lost her half a the most beautiful face.On Monday,She once again return to campus after surgery,To meet this semester's final exam,Reporters also approached a leave"Brave scar"girl.


漂亮的女生切除面部神经 Beautiful girl resection of facial nerve


Yesterday morning,Reporter in nanjing JianYeOu south lake third primary school when see XiaoMin,Her pale face,Forehead hangs down hair,Some deliberately block left face.The vice President of the school LinMin told reporters,Two years ago,The child's parents found out that she left face "faint below can feel a small mass,Probably only HuangDouLi size,And sometimes no,Thought is the child after gum inflammation,A couple is not paying attention.


In July 2012,The child's mother suddenly found XiaoMin thin a lot,Before can't wear clothes now can wear,She took the child to jiangsu province oral hospital inspection,Inspection results show that daughter succumb to a parotid gland mucus skin cancer.In the first operation process,In order to make the little girl's face was not damaged,The doctor just will tumor resection,And no resection of left face of facial nerve.The heart of a stone finally fall to the ground,But in the five months after the review,Doctors found the left and XiaoMin face grow tumors.


In order to prevent cancer cells to spread,end,Children do a second operation,The doctor will not only tumor resection,At the same time also left face of facial nerve resection,This left face is forever lost face.here,LinMin vice President couldn't control mood:"From surgery to now,No matter how much pain,A child didn't cry."


爱美的她不敢照镜子 Love beautiful she dare not look into the mirror


XiaoMin is a love beautiful girl,Like bright new clothes,Like to wear beautiful hairpin,Like talking about ask a mother,She is a beautiful small princess...


XiaoMin mother told reporters,After two operations,XiaoMin although didn't cry,But mother see the mind of the little girl.Before XiaoMin often want to organize the school and class activities,Like a mirror to practice expression.After surgery,XiaoMin will scatter the hair,Cover ear scar,Before they go to school in the morning and I didn't like the look in the mirror,She told her mother said,She dare not see himself in the mirror,Think not the same as before.


The third primary school in south lake on the playground,The children some in the chase scenes,Some graffiti squatted on the ground,Some signs in the loudly to discuss...From a distance it is difficult to distinguish which is XiaoMin,Because she like with other children,In unified school uniform,Send out a same vigor.Approach will see her face from signs of illness,Through shoulder-length hair,Faint can see the scars left ear,Left face in right face swollen many.The playground,She was the teacher and the class of things,The little girl speak very input,Every now and then also laugh,Just right face is a vigorous smiling face,And left face but because of nerve resection,No expression.


XiaoMin told reporters:"The end of last month returned home from the hospital,The doctor said to rest at home time longer,But the final examination,If do not have classes there is no result."She told reporters,My mother didn't agree with her back to school,Then make a phone call to find the doctor,Also find the teacher in charge.then,My mother agreed to her classes meet test.


面部疤痕被誉为“勇敢的疤” Facial scar is known as"Brave scar"


Handsome teacher is XiaoMin head teacher,This is her work with the first batch of students,So for these children have more special feelings.She looked at XiaoMin homework,Said with a sigh with regret;"I really can't believe it,A naive beautiful little girl,How can suffer so much pain".


Handsome teacher introduction,XiaoMin is vice President of the class,Performance good,Is area outstanding young pioneers.That the second operation time is just XiaoMin birthday,She led the whole class together to candy,And made a beautiful card,To the XiaoMin surgery.To let XiaoMin can as before with the normal study life,Handsome teacher in the class meeting for mobilization,Hope everybody to learn her optimistic and strong,And in the study life to care about.She told everybody,In and disease in the process of struggle,XiaoMin is a little soldier,Her cheek is a brave scar.


XiaoMin deskmate small Yang is a lovely boy,Reporter went to them,He nao nao head,Shy smile.But XiaoMin mentioned,Small Yang immediately becomes a lot:"XiaoMin very brave,Can't cry in pain again,We usually all love and likes to play with her."

  帅老师拿起孩子作业本,小敏的字是那么工整,老师说:“孩子特别爱看书读报,一有空就往阅览室跑。报社刊登小敏消息的那天,请提前告诉我,我让学校把报纸收起来,不要让她看到。”末了,这位漂亮的女老师的眼泪滴在孩子作业本上,帅老师哽咽着说:“每天到校,我最后怕的一件事,就是她没有来,真希望让11岁的她,不要离开我。”(实习生 钟婷 记者 吴俊)

Handsome teacher took the children busy book,XiaoMin word is so neatly,The teacher said:"Children special love reading newspapers,Whenever you have a run to the reading room.The newspaper published XiaoMin news that day,Please let me know in advance,I let the school put the newspaper away,Don't let her see."end,The beautiful female teacher tears drop in children workbooks,Handsome teacher said with a SOB:"Get to school every day,I finally afraid of one thing,Is she didn't come,Really want to let her 11 years old,Don't leave me."(ZhongTing intern reporter wu jun)
