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  中新网1月10日电据日本《中文导报》报道,“日本教育振兴协会”的最新统计,截止2012年11月30日为止,中国人在日本国内的日本语教育机关就学学生数为17998人,占全体外国人在学学生人数的61.8%,比去年减少4492人,为2009年以来最低水准。 Beijing on January 10, according to Japan[Chinese newsletter]reports,"Japanese language education revitalization of the association"Latest statistics,By November 30, 2012 so far,The Chinese people in Japan, Japanese language education authorities school student number for 17998 people,All foreigners accounted for 61.8% of the number of students learning,More than 4492 people from last year,For the lowest level since 2009.


"Japanese language education revitalization of the association"Founded in May 1989.In December of 1998,Japan or(Equivalent to China's ministry of education)The investigators of the talks in forensic province and to cooperate with foreign ministry,made"Japanese education facilities operating standards".In February 1990,"Japanese language education revitalization of the association"And the scriptures department minister/Legal secretary and foreign minister, common approval for juridical person.In march of 1990,The association of the implementation of Japanese education institutions review activity has been approved WenBu minister,the"Japanese language education revitalization of the association"Strict review,Good education conditions,Suitable for engaged in Japanese education institutions,That is the Japanese language school.


By 2007,The Japanese language school there are 428 or so,These language school legal representative have a school/co/Financial group and individual, etc.

  “日本语教育振兴协会”每年对于外国人在在日本国内的日本语教育机关就学的学生数进行统计,学生数最多的2010年,在学学生数高达43669人,其中中国学生数一直在49.9%到74.1%之间,2003年达到历史最高水平,高达31669人(74.1%)。在2010年也高达29271人 (67%),2011年受东日本达大地震影响,减少至22408人,减少6863人,而今年再次大幅减少,估计与围绕钓鱼岛问题的中日关系降温相关。

"Japanese language education revitalization of the association"For a foreigner in a year in Japan, Japanese language education authority number of students learn statistics,Most students number 2010,Learning students number up to 43669 people,The number of Chinese students have been between 49.9% and 74.1%,In 2003, hit a record high,Up to 31669 people(74.1%).In 2010 up to 29271 people (67%),By 2011 the east Japan to earthquake influence,Reduce to 22408 people,Reduce 6863 people,Again this year and is greatly reduced,Estimation and around the diaoyu island question sino-japanese relations related cooling.

  日本政府计划以2020年为目标,将在日本学习的留学生人数由12万人增加到30万人。 而日本学生支援机构日前公布的数据显示,在2012年上半年,在日本大学及语言学校就读的中国留学生达到104887人,突破10万人大关。

The Japanese government plans to 2020 as the target,The number of foreign students studying in Japan from 120000 up to 300000 people. And Japanese students support agency released data show,In the first half of 2012,In Japan and the university of language school of Chinese students up to 104887 people,Breakthrough 100000 mark.


But recently due to the bad,Chinese students leave days appear sharply reduce the trend,Estimate if this trend continued,Will seriously affect Japan 300000 students the realization of the plan.(ZhangShi)
